

My Mistress sokroflix gratuit

My Mistress

My Mistress

Une histoire d'amour passionnelle et dangereuse entre un adolescent à la pureté d'esprit et une Française beaucoup plus expérimentée aux penchants sado-maso….

… But Film Is My Mistress

… But Film Is My Mistress

Guided by Liv Ullmann and with commentaries from a number of prominent filmmakers for whom Bergman is and remains an important influence - such as Woody Allen, Olivier Assayas, Bernardo Bertolucci, Arnaud Desplechin, John Sayles, Martin Scorsese and Lars von Trier, the film provides a vivid portrait of the artist who in each new project found a challenge for himself and for the people he worked with - both actors and colleagues behind the camera..

Me & My Brother’s Mistress

Me & My Brother’s Mistress

Yoko, a high school student, lives with her brother, Kenji. Since they lost their parents early, they have been supported each other. One night, Yoko witnesses Kenji, who is planning to get married, having an affair with Misa. Kenji’s cheating makes Yoko frustrated; however, Yoko felt uncomfortable and unsatisfied with Kenji's fiancé, Kaho, because Kaho suddenly cut into life of Kenji and Yoko. In a weekend, Yoko tails Misa and decides to speak to her. Compulsion and curiosity make Yoko confront Misa, but Yoko is seduced by Misa’s gentle and strong yet unstable character. Then, Yoko tells Misa, “Why don’t we stop my brother’s wedding?” A strange complicity relationship between two women begins..

Donne-moi tes yeux

Donne-moi tes yeux

Sculpteur de renom, François Bressolles s'éprend de Catherine Collet qu'il convainc, de poser pour lui. Ils ont rapidement des projets de vie commune, mais François devient du jour au lendemain acerbe et distant vis-à-vis de la jeune femme..

My Wealthy Mistress

My Wealthy Mistress

Riga, the 1930s. Oļģerts Kurmis, an educated unemployed, does all kinds of odd jobs. Together with his friend, vagrant Frīdis, they sometimes work for Mr. Kalnkāja who dreams of becoming a member of parliament. Kurmis feels responsible for his neighbour Emma, the young woman has just served a prison sentence for petty theft. He helps her to get a maid's position in the Kalnkāja household. While helping Kurmis and Frīdis with Kalnkāja's election posters, Emma is arrested again, this time for a "political offence"..

Dial Love for Murder

Dial Love for Murder

Angela est riche, PDG d'une importante affaire et c'est une très belle femme. Aussi, pour elle, les hommes, et plus particulièrement celui qu'elle a choisi pour compagnon, sont des "passe-temps". Le compagnon en question, Jan, ne l'entend pas précisément de cette oreille, et s'envole régulièrement hors de cette cage dorée dans les bras d'une jeune et jolie maîtresse, Gina. Les deux amants décident de supprimer la légitime, cette gêneuse. Mais leur plan ne se déroule pas exactement comme prévu....