

Mr. Saturday Night voirfilms

Mr. Saturday Night

Mr. Saturday Night

Buddy Young Jr, un homme d'une quarantaine d'années, a commencé sa carrière de comique en improvisant des sketches avec son frère Stan, qui s'est ensuite effacé pour devenir son agent et son souffre-douleur, tandis que Buddy passait, lui, professionnel. Mais, à cause de son mauvais caractère, Buddy a gâché sa carrière, malgré les conseils de son frère et l'amour de son épouse, la sympathique et ravissante Elaine. De théâtres ringards en shows télévisés de petites importance, cet homme dépassé se heurte au monde terrible et sans pitié du show-business. Devenu vieux, il en vient à animer des soirées minables dans des maisons de retraite....

Mr. Saturday Night

Mr. Saturday Night

Billy Crystal stars—again—as Buddy Young, Jr. in this entertaining musical about an outrageous and outspoken comedian who has one last shot at reclaiming the spotlight—and his family—one hilarious step at a time. Now, some 40 years after his TV career flamed out, Buddy seeks one more shot at the spotlight, and while he’s at it, one last shot at fixing the family he fractured along the way..

The Best of Saturday Night Live: The Mr. Bill Collection

The Best of Saturday Night Live: The Mr. Bill Collection

From his humble beginnings as a kids’ show host in Sluggoville, Mr. Bill took “The Mr. Bill Show” to the big time—New York—Saturday Night Live! Soon the whole nation was staying up late to see him and his dog Spot get squashed by Sluggo and Mr. Hands. Follow the saga of the little clay man who made “Ohh, nooo!!!” the international catch phrase for catastrophe..