

Mozart Requiem voirfilms

Mozart Requiem

Mozart Requiem

You will find this Requiem the finest on video. It certainly outshines Bohm's dated approach, and Bernstein's lethargically slow performance. (No disrespect to them, I enjoy them but this is better :) It also gives us a superb opportunity to view Solti at work, and I wonder why don't have more of his performances on video. One may also enjoy seeing (and hearing) Rene Pape at only 27 years old, likewise Cecilia Bartoli in her young prime..

Mozart Requiem

Mozart Requiem

L'enregistrement audio (disponible en CD) de ce Requiem par Karl Böhm est considéré comme une référence. Cette version vidéo, moins connue, a été enregistrée avec d'autres interprétes: - l'Orchestre Symphonique de Vienne et non le Philarmonique, - des Solistes différents et non moins prestigieux..

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Requiem - Claudio Abbado

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Requiem - Claudio Abbado

Mozart did not write the Requiem as despairing funeral music for his impending death. Rather, the piece proclaims eternal light and redemption. Together with a first-class quartet of soloists, the choirs of the Bavarian and Swedish radios and the distinguished musicians of the Lucerne Festival Orchestra, Claudio Abbado uncovers this more hopeful and forgiving essence of the Requiem..

Requiem de Mozart

Requiem de Mozart

Une représentation exceptionnelle à la semaine Mozart de Salzburg en janvier 2017. Les chevaux et les écuyers de l'Académie équestre du Domaine de Versailles, dirigés par Bartabas et les Musiciens du Louvre sous la baguette de Marc Minkowski interprètent le "Requiem" de Mozart ainsi qu'un Anthem de Handel..

Mozart Requiem - Claudio Abbado & Lucerne Festival Orchestra

Mozart Requiem - Claudio Abbado & Lucerne Festival Orchestra

Mozart did not write the Requiem as despairing funeral music for his impending death. Rather, the piece proclaims eternal light and redemption. Together with a first-class quartet of soloists, the choirs of the Bavarian and Swedish radios and the distinguished musicians of the Lucerne Festival Orchestra, Claudio Abbado uncovers this more hopeful and forgiving essence of the Requiem.

Mozart: Requiem: Karajan Memorial Concert

Mozart: Requiem: Karajan Memorial Concert

Claudio Abbado leads the Berlin Philharmonic and the Swedish Radio Choir in a performance of Mozart's Requiem at the Salzburg Cathedral to commemorate the 10th anniversary of renowned Austrian conductor Herbert Von Karajan's death. Featuring soloists Rachel Harnisch, Karita Mattila, Sara Mingardo, Bryn Terfel and Michael Schade, this solemn evening is a fitting tribute to one of the 20th century's most influential musical personalities. Live from Salzburg Cathedral on July 16th, 1999..

Karajan: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Requiem

Karajan: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Requiem

Herbert von Karajan, grand chef d'orchestre qui a régné en maître sur la musique classique du XXe siècle grâce à sa musicalité et à son charisme exceptionnels. Le Requiem, que Mozart lui-même n'a pas pu achever, fait l'objet d'un épisode trop célèbre. La dernière œuvre de Mozart, achevée par ses élèves, est reproduite avec passion et richesse sonore, comme si Mozart lui-même avait pris le relais de Karajan. Enregistrement : 26 mai 1986 - 2 juin 1986 (Musikvereinsal, Vienne) Avertissement : Les performances incluses dans cet album ont été enregistrées à Vienne pour cette œuvre vidéo. En raison de l'intention artistique de M. von Karajan, des applaudissements sont insérés avant et après la performance. Avertissement : Dans cet album, plusieurs descriptions de chansons sont affichées ensemble sur l'écran, mais cela est dû à l'intention artistique de Karajan que les multiples chansons soient jouées sans interruption. NTSC / COULEUR, 56 min., CLV STEREO, AUDIO numérique.

Mozart: Requiem in D minor, KV626

Mozart: Requiem in D minor, KV626

Live performance of Mozart's immortal Requiem in D minor from the Herkulessaal in Munich, 1984. Soprano Edith Mathis, alto Trudeliese Schmidt, tenor Peter Schreier, and bass Gwynne Howell, with the The Bavarian Radio Symphony and Orchestra, are conducted by Sir Colin Davis..

Mozart Requiem and Mass In C Minor

Mozart Requiem and Mass In C Minor

Two of Mozart's best-loved choral works - the 1791 Requiem, and the Mass in C minor, both of which were unfinished when he died. Performed at the Palau de la Mùsica Catalana in Barcelona in December 1991 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Mozart's death..

Salzburg Festival 2017: Mozart, Requiem in D minor, K. 626

Salzburg Festival 2017: Mozart, Requiem in D minor, K. 626

Mozart’s Requiem – his final and unfinished masterpiece – is an extraordinary work. Discover the piece at the Salzburg Festival in the hands of conductor Teodor Currentzis, the ensemble musicAeterna, Anna Prohaska (soprano), Katharina Magiera (contralto), Mauro Peter (tenor), and Tareq Nazmi (bass). Few musical works are as steeped in legend as Mozart’s Requiem in D minor, K. 626. Commissioned anonymously by the eccentric count Franz von Walsegg, the funereal oeuvre would become Mozart’s last: when he died on December 5, 1791, only the Requiem aeternam and Kyrie movements were fully composed and orchestrated. Completed by other composers (Mozart’s student Franz Xaver Süssmayer in particular) using Mozart’s sketches and notes, the resulting work weaves the emotions we associate with death into a timeless musical exploration of every human being’s destiny, and constitutes a powerful final testament to its creator’s genius..

Mozart's Requiem

Mozart's Requiem

Witness an epic, heart-rending journey of the soul, as Opera North, Phoenix Dance Theatre, Jazzart Dance Theatre and Cape Town Opera combine for a powerful performance. Filmed at Leeds Grand Theatre, this unforgettable contemporary dance staging of Mozart’s great choral lament is choreographed by Dane Hurst and conducted by Garry Walker. Featuring soloists Ellie Laugharne, Ann Taylor, Mongezi Mosoaka and Simon Shibambu alongside the Chorus and Orchestra of Opera North..