

Max Steel film en francais

Max Steel

Max Steel

Max, lycéen, a découvert qu'il possédait une force surhumaine : l'énergie Turbo. Une énergie décuplée lorsqu'il fusionne avec son allié, l'alien Steel. L'apprenti-héros devra apprivoiser ces pouvoirs et vaincre les méchants qui les convoitent..

Max Steel

Max Steel

Les aventures du jeune Max McGrath et de son compagnon extraterrestre, Steel, qui doivent exploiter et combiner leurs nouveaux pouvoirs extraordinaires pour évoluer vers le super-héros Max Steel..

Max Steel Maximum Morphos

Max Steel Maximum Morphos

Morphos est de retour et plus fort que jamais ! Pour prouver qu'il est le plus grand méchant de tous, il commence à imiter les pouvoirs de tous les ennemis de Max Steel, forçant Max à forger une alliance avec ses anciens ennemis pour le vaincre..

Max Steel: Endangered Species

Max Steel: Endangered Species

More powerful than any human, Max Steel is more radical than ever in his first movie "Endangered Species". Along with his friends Kat and Berto, Max Steel will have to face his greatest enemies, Bio-Constrictor and Psycho, who want to genetically modify animals and terrorize the world..

Max Steel: Dark Rival

Max Steel: Dark Rival

Max Steel returns in a new action-packed adventure to face his latest rival: former extreme sports star Troy Winter, the only guy Max could never beat. In a race to recover a mysterious and powerful meteorite of crystal, Troy Winter accidentally becomes a new and dangerous villain named Extroyer. Extroyer has the power to "extract and become", can steal their victims their power and strength. With the help of his team in N-Tek and his powerful vehicles, Max will protect the world and face his darkest rival..

Max Steel: The Dawn of Morphos

Max Steel: The Dawn of Morphos

Miles Dredd fait revivre un de ses anciens projets, un monstre nommé Morphos, qui s'échappe de N-Tek. Max Steel doit résoudre ce problème avant de détruire Copper Canyon. Dans le processus, Max apprend à combiner plusieurs modes Turbo..

Max Steel: Forces of Nature

Max Steel: Forces of Nature

Max Steel faces Elementor, an extremely powerful villain, who has the ability to transform into 5 elementary forms: water, air, earth, fire and metal and whose sole objective is to destroy the Earth. Created by the former enemy of Max Steel, Bio-Constrictor, Elementor is the result of genetic technology that has been present for a long time in a dormant state..

Max Steel Vs The Mutant Menace

Max Steel Vs The Mutant Menace

After being reconstructed, Cytro becomes Max's mission partner, but now both are placed under the direct orders of Forge Ferrous, a new N-Tek field commander instead of Jefferson. This new boss is a freak control with an aggressive and all-for-the-team attitude which contrasts with Max's free spirit, causing several conflicts among them. In response to an emergency call, Max and Cytro are sent to an Antarctican subterranean lab which is also a prison for an unstable N-Tek agent who suffers some kind of mutation due to heavy exposure to chemical contamination..

Max Steel: Countdown

Max Steel: Countdown

Max Steel and Dr. Roberto "'Berto" Martinez, working for the global anti-terrorist organization N-Tek, have finally managed to locate their former enemy Psycho's base. Once inside, Max finds a device called the "Imploder": A machine that condenses all surrounding matter into a miniature black hole. Before Max can retrieve the machine, he's ambushed by hundreds of androids. A battle ensues, but 'Berto manages to remotely shut the androids down, saving Max's life..

Max Steel Team Turbo: Fusion Tek

Max Steel Team Turbo: Fusion Tek

Max and Steel face their greatest challenge ever. When Max's greatest enemies unite to take down N-Tek and conquer Copper Canyon, Max and Steel realize that they can't save the day on their own. It's time to form a new team of heroes with Tempestra, La Fiera, and C.Y.T.R.O. - TEAM TURBO.

Max Steel: Team Turbo

Max Steel: Team Turbo

Max and Steel face their greatest challenge ever. When Max's greatest enemies unite to take down N-Tek and conquer Copper Canyon, Max and Steel realize that they can't save the day on their own..