

Matrix voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

The Living Matrix

The Living Matrix

De la physique quantique au Champ Corporel Humain, en passant par le rôle de nos pensées, nos émotions et nos intentions sur notre biologie, The Living Matrix explore de manière synthétique et cohérente une nouvelle façon d'appréhender notre corps, notre esprit et la santé..

The Body as Matrix: Matthew Barney's Cremaster Cycle

The Body as Matrix: Matthew Barney's Cremaster Cycle

With the five-part Cremaster Cycle of films, multi-award-winning artist Matthew Barney invented a densely layered and interconnected sculptural world that surreally combines sports, biology, sexuality, history, and mythology as it organically evolves. In this program, Barney, Guggenheim curator Nancy Spector, and others deconstruct the Cycle’s filming and subsequent translation into sculptural installations. The locations, characters, and symbols that organize the Cycle films; the Cycle installations as spatial content carriers and extensions of the performances; and objectification of the body and undifferentiated sexuality are addressed, as are the intricacies of costuming, makeup, and sculpting with Barney’s signature materials: plastic, metal, and Vaseline..

Dot Matrix

Dot Matrix

Dot Matrix is a sound and image composition of two 16mm film tracks, made by hand in a darkroom, without digital intervention. The projectors become instruments that read the images as waveforms. Colorful and fun circles are menacing when played back as sound..

Paranormal Matrix

Paranormal Matrix

Katie Cook hosts as a team of investigators explores the unfamiliar and the unsettling. The strange and the unexplained. We uncover unexplained events through extraordinary first-person accounts and take viewers to a place beyond our realm. Truth may be stranger than fiction. Paranormal Matrix may be stranger than both..



Confrontée aux défis de la vie quotidienne, Ramona essaye de trouver refuge dans ses relations avec sa fille et sa petite-fille..

Chess Boxing Matrix

Chess Boxing Matrix

Action packed vampire kung fu movie produced by Joseph Kuo. Jack Long portrays a fighting Taoist priest, who helps with the aid of his disciples to reunite a baby vampire with his parents from the "King of Evil", who has captured the young hopper to enhance his own powers..

Exit The Matrix

Exit The Matrix

In the Absheron region of the Krasnodar Territory, among the majestic Caucasus Mountains and impenetrable forests, small villages were lost. They are connected to the rest of the world only by a thin thread of a narrow gauge railway winding through the gorges - and this is the only way from there and the only way there. A small old trolley - a motor-car, nicknamed by the locals "Matrix", delivers food, fuel and other benefits of civilization every day. People who, for one reason or another, prefer loneliness and unity with nature to noisy city life, make their journey on it..



Ce programme de neuf courts métrages faisant appel à diverses techniques d'animation (animation classique, manga, images de synthèse...), raconte plusieurs histoires au sein du monde de la Matrice autour de la guerre hommes/machines. 1 - Le Dernier Vol de l'Osiris 2 - La Seconde Renaissance, partie 1 3 - La Seconde Renaissance, partie 2 4 - L'Histoire de Kid 5 - Programme 6 - Record du monde 7 - Au-delà 8 - Une histoire de détective 9 - Matricule.