

Mad Men

Mad Men

Mad Men

Dans le New York des années 60, Don Draper est l'un des grands noms de la pub. Maître manipulateur, il compte dans son entourage des ennemis qui attendent sa chute..

The Making of ‘Mad Men’

The Making of ‘Mad Men’

A look behind the scenes into the creation and filming of critically acclaimed, Emmy winning series Mad Men, featuring interviews with cast and crew, as well as on-set footage detailing how the show is filmed..

2 Mad Men

2 Mad Men

Ananda and Kaiser, the chief executives of an advertising firm, devise a unique plan to establish discipline in office and reduce the overtime of their carefree employees. However, their plan turns into a creepy and mysterious incident..

The Real Mad Men and Women of Madison Avenue

The Real Mad Men and Women of Madison Avenue

Chronicles the growth of the advertising industry from the 1950s through today, looking at the real men and women who created some of the most ground-breaking advertising campaigns and slogans and whose work changed the landscape of the ad industry. Roy Eaton, Jerry Della Femina, Paula Green, George Lois, and other creative giants recount the history of the advertising industry through unforgettable stories and campaigns..

Mad Fate

Mad Fate

A fortune teller fails to help a prostitute who is facing a deadly calamity. When he meets a young boss of a tea restaurant, he predicts that his bloodthirsty tendencies will lead him to a prison sentence for murder..

The Mad Ones

The Mad Ones

A touching comedy about an unlikely friendship that grows between three twenty-something professionals searching for meaning in life and work in the digital age..

In Light, In!

In Light, In!

A darkly beautiful visual essay that explores human emotion in response to societal standards. With a lone cello providing the soundtrack, this collage of archival footage from 1950’s-era films is a superb example of manipulation via sound and image (Dorothy Woodend, DOXA Documentary Film Festival).

The Trial of Madmen

The Trial of Madmen

Germany, the 1930s. A young scientist, Professor Johannes Werner discovers rays of life-giving power. The scientist refuses to give up his invention for military use and, breaking the equipment, runs to the USA, where he hides for a long time under the name of Martini. One day, after being invited to a military industrial concern to see a new European invention, Werner meets his former pupil Huber. Huber, a traitor and fascist, has restored the professor's apparatus according to stolen plans and is demonstrating it as his own invention. Werner rejects the proposal for joint cooperation and, at a meeting in the hall of scientific associations, reveals his real name and resolutely reveals the criminal intentions of the revanchists..

Mad About Music

Mad About Music

A young woman at a girl's school in Switzerland makes up stories about and writes herself letters from an imaginary explorer-adventurer father; and is eventually put in a position where she has to produce him. Interesting things happen as she talks a visiting Englishman into helping her out..

Apocalypse 2024

Apocalypse 2024

A l'issue d'une guerre nucléaire, l'humanité s'est scindée en deux grands clans : ceux qui se cachent sous la terre et ceux qui errent à la surface. Vic est de ceux-là, il erre dans une contrée désertique avec son fidèle et loyal chien Blood.Blood est un chien remarquable, à l'intelligence aiguisée et ayant la capacité de communiquer par télépathie avec son maître moins-intelligent. Il permet à vivre de survivre en satisfaisant ses besoins primaires : chercher de la nourriture et fournir des femmes à Vic. Vic est pleinement satisfait sur ces deux points jusqu'au moment où il est recruté par une mystérieuse société d'humains vivant dans les souterrains.Ce groupe, qui vit à la lumière artificielle d'immenses cavernes, recherche à la surface de jeune mâles fertiles capables d'engrosser leurs femmes, et d'enrayer leur stérilité. Pendant que Blood attend son maître à la surface, Vic se rend compte qu'il est un prisonnier exploité et qu'il doit au plus vite s'échapper....