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Lucky You

Lucky You

Dans les salons de Las Vegas où s'affrontent les meilleurs joueurs de poker du monde, Huck Cheever est connu comme un risque-tout. Mais, dans sa vie privée, ce flambeur acharné est un homme d'une prudence extrême, qui refuse tout investissement émotionnel, toute relation durable.Lorsque Huck se présente au Tournoi International de Poker 2003, avec la ferme intention de remporter le titre en même temps que les faveurs de la chanteuse Billie Offer, un obstacle inattendu se dresse sur sa route : son père, L.C. Cheever, joueur légendaire, qui abandonna jadis la mère de Huck. Une lutte sans merci, attisée par des années de ressentiment, oppose d'emblée les deux hommes pour la conquête du titre. A l'approche du duel final, Huck comprend que, pour rafler la mise à la table de poker et au jeu de la vie, il va devoir changer de tactique....

Thank Your Lucky Stars

Thank Your Lucky Stars

Thank Your Lucky Stars was a British television pop music show made by ABC Television, and broadcast on ITV from 1961 to 1966. Many of the top bands performed on it, and for millions of British teenagers it was essential viewing. As well as featuring British artists, it often included American guest stars. It would appear from the surviving footage that the bands mimed their latest 45. Occasionally a band was allowed to do two numbers, and if you were pop royalty like The Beatles or The Rolling Stones you could do four numbers. Audience participation was a strong feature of Thank Your Lucky Stars, and the Spin-a-Disc section, where a guest DJ and three teenagers reviewed three singles, is a very well remembered feature of the show. Generally American singles were reviewed. It was on this section that Janice Nicholls appeared. She was a former office clerk from the English Midlands who became famous for the catchphrase "Oi'll give it foive" which she said with a strong Black Country accent. After she was dropped from the show she trained as a chiropodist and ran a practice in Hednesford in Staffordshire. Billy Butler was another reviewer and dozens of teenagers had their fifteen minutes of fame on the show..

Count Your Lucky Stars

Count Your Lucky Stars

Lu Xingcheng was used to having the world at his feet until he lost everything in an instant. Tong Xiaoyou used to be eternally jinxed until the day she became famous overnight. CHIC editor Lu Xingcheng has a haughty personality and a sharp tongue. In the fashion world, he is a legendary figure and famous for being lucky. Tong Xiaoyou is an unknown designer who is unlucky in everything that she does. An accident causes their lucks to be interchanged and their lives take a drastic turn. As Tong Xiaoyou gets to know Lu Xingcheng, she gradually learns about his hidden past and discovers a man who yearns for family despite his arrogant facade. Tong Xiaoyou wants to help her idol return to his former glory, but his egotistic tendencies can be hard to deal with..

Your Lucky Day

Your Lucky Day

Lorsqu'une dispute autour d'un billet de loterie gagnant se transforme en une prise d'otages mortelle, les témoins doivent décider jusqu'où ils iront – et le sang qu’ils sont prêts à verser - pour obtenir une part des 156 millions de dollars..

Lucky With You

Lucky With You

A love story between a female bodyguard who used to be a Taekwondo athlete and her tall, rich and handsome client. Someone has broken into Hou Jue's (Johnny Huang) house. In the face of inexplicable death threats, Hou Zhirong (Wang Ce) who worries for his son's safety decides to hire security. While delivering some documents, Wu Shiyi (Claudia Wang) accidentally saves Hou Zhirong and gets handpicked by him to become Hou Jue's personal bodyguard. Hou Jue is immediately resistant to the idea of a female bodyguard intruding into his life. He makes things difficult for Wu Shiyi on purpose, yet she is not the type to easily back down. Over time, their relationship takes a turn for the better. Hou Jue's father becoming more controlling leads Hou Jue to finally leave and stand on his own. Now penniless, Hou Jue sinks into depression at the drastic change in his lifestyle. Yet to find the right person in a vast crowd is a fortune of three lifetimes..

Mon amie Lucky

Mon amie Lucky

À la mort de sa mère, Lisa Rayborn revient dans sa ville natale après vingt ans d'absence. Elle s'installe avec son père et son frère, qui dirige l'exploitation familiale, et s'implique dans la vie de la ferme, allant jusqu'à adopter Lucky, une jeune chienne qu'elle compte dresser pour guider le troupeau. Les deux hommes sont assez réticents, mais la volonté de Lisa et le courage de Lucky feront tomber les barrières..

Vie de chien, vie de château

Vie de chien, vie de château

Monsieur Windsor, un homme riche et puissant, décide un beau jour de léguer toute sa fortune à son chien, allié de toujours, le brave Lucky, stipulant même par testament que le psychiatre de l'animal, Jack Morgan, devrait alors venir s'installer dans son manoir pour veiller sur lui. Ces excentricités ne sont pas du tout du goût de ses héritiers....

You Lucky People

You Lucky People

Reservist Tommy Smart - who has made his fortune since the war selling army surplus - arrives at an army camp, with his chauffeur/valet, for two weeks' training. Bank manager Corporal Jones is in Tommy's squad. Sylvia, Jones' daughter, wishes to marry Lieutenant Robson, a National Service officer. Smart is under the orders of his old enemy Sergeant Thickpenny and R.S.M. Brittain; various parade ground antics ensue..

Your Lucky Day

Your Lucky Day

When an elderly man discovers he's won $156 million in the lottery while shopping at a convenience store, a young man decides to make his own odds. The store manager and a married couple are also mixed up in the game. Who will make it out of the store alive?.

You Should Be So Lucky

You Should Be So Lucky

You Should Be So Lucky! was a BBC children's television programme hosted by Colin Bennett in the character of Vince Purity. It was a game show, during which contestants played on a giant snakes and ladders board. Points were earned by their team partners through talent tasks..

Lucky You're Mine

Lucky You're Mine

A modern Saudi marriage story. Ahmad and Salma are newlywed, and days after the wedding, Salma experiences a bipolar manic episode following a devastating event. Ahmad is determined to stand by his wife, but the couple finds themselves at a crossroads and unable to talk. Will their marriage withstand its first test?.

Toi t'es-tu lucky?

Toi t'es-tu lucky?

Pierre est nain et vit dans une famille de nains, Ses parents célèbrent leur 25e anniversaire de mariage, mais Pierre n'a pas l'esprit à la fête. Il n'a pas envie de devenir lutteur ou clown comme son père. Il rêve plutôt d'une vie normale..