

Lucky Dog voirfilms

Lucky Dog

Lucky Dog

A rich man's enemies cause him to lose his money, his best friend (his dog), as he goes to jail. Once free he spends all his time hunting for his lost dog..

Lucky Dog

Lucky Dog

"Lucky Dog" follows the story of one lonely puppy searching for a family of his own. As chance may have it, he is adopted by a picky, wealthy woman who desperately wants to win a prestigious dog show. However, when the dog is puppy-napped for a hefty sum, she realizes that her beloved pet means much more to her than winning a silly show..

Mon amie Lucky

Mon amie Lucky

À la mort de sa mère, Lisa Rayborn revient dans sa ville natale après vingt ans d'absence. Elle s'installe avec son père et son frère, qui dirige l'exploitation familiale, et s'implique dans la vie de la ferme, allant jusqu'à adopter Lucky, une jeune chienne qu'elle compte dresser pour guider le troupeau. Les deux hommes sont assez réticents, mais la volonté de Lisa et le courage de Lucky feront tomber les barrières..

Vie de chien, vie de château

Vie de chien, vie de château

Monsieur Windsor, un homme riche et puissant, décide un beau jour de léguer toute sa fortune à son chien, allié de toujours, le brave Lucky, stipulant même par testament que le psychiatre de l'animal, Jack Morgan, devrait alors venir s'installer dans son manoir pour veiller sur lui. Ces excentricités ne sont pas du tout du goût de ses héritiers....

Le Chien chanceux

Le Chien chanceux

Le Chien chanceux : Film burlesque où Stan Laurel, expulsé par sa logeuse, va se trouver confronté à un voleur masqué interprété avec panache par Oliver Hardy. Le Chien Chanceux – The Lucky Dog « Lucky dog » est le film qui réunit pour la toute première fois à l’écran Stan Laurel et Oliver Hardy. Cette rencontre entre les deux hommes donnera naissance au duo comique le plus célèbre du 7ème art.

Lucky Dog

Lucky Dog

A middle-aged man sets out to find a new career when he learns he's picked the wrong time to retire in this gentle comedy-drama from China. Wang Kangmei (Fan Wei) is a good-humored working stuff who after four decades as an engineer for the Chinese railway has taken early retirement. Wang's timing was less than ideal, as his wife (Cheng Shubo) falls ill and ends up in the hospital shortly after Wang's leaves his job. But Wang is a cheerful and quietly patriotic man who believes that the government will do the right thing for him and that he'll be able to find work if he tries. Wang's father (Cheng Shubo) isn't so confident, but that doesn't stop Wang from spending the day pursuing various sorts of employment, from operating a bicycle-cab to auditioning for an opera company..

THE STAGE Lucky Dog 1 Paradise Lost+

THE STAGE Lucky Dog 1 Paradise Lost+

A stage adaptation of Tennenouji's 2009 BL game. They first attempted to perform the show in 2020 but it had to be cancelled due to the Coronavirus. The same thing happened again in 2021. It was eventually able to be performed (and filmed) in 2022. Other stage adaptations of this game include 2019's『THE STAGE ラッキードッグ1 Break Through』and 2018's『THE STAGE ラッキードッグ1 first luck』.