

Love of My Life film en francais

Love of My Life

Love of My Life

Love of My Life is a moving new drama that transcends romance and tackles issues like racial discrimination to tell an epic legend of forbidden love. Thus is born a classic story of power, betrayals, and revenge..

Love of My Life

Love of My Life

A budding romance between a man and his beloved is made impossible to blossom in the light of the obstacles and challenges that stand in the way.

Love of my life

Love of my life

A wealthy, good-for-nothing man wastes his fortune, loses his house and moves in with his private secretary's family. He falls in love with the secretary's daughter. After a few disastrous attempts at salaried employment, he pawns the family ring and buys a taxi cab. The secretary's son's fiancee, a popular singer and actress, is being blackmailed by a hoodlum ex-lover. Our intrepid reformed taxi driver comes to the rescue. A madcap comedy directed by Niazi Mustapha. Songs performed by Sabah..

Love My Life

Love My Life

Très proche de son père depuis la mort de sa mère, Ichiko doit lui annoncer son homosexualité et lui présenter son amie Eriko. Mais son coming out ne va pas du tout se dérouler comme prévu et va l'entraîner de surprises en surprises....

Sunshine of My Life

Sunshine of My Life

Tang Ming Xuan is the workaholic general manager of the highly successful Ming Yuan Fashion Group. Married to his job, he is the consummate professional, and has all but resolved to remain single so he can focus his time and effort on making sure his business endeavors go off without a hitch. But life changes forever on the day he meets Tang Fei at a design fair. She is a lively young woman with a passion for traditional embroidery, and plans to hone her skills by studying in Europe. Although they adore spending time together, they refuse to consider the notion of changing their own long-set plans. So the day finally comes when Tang Fei must set off for Paris, and Tang Ming Xuan stays in China, working on his business plans. But love will not be shunted aside so easily. And when the opportunity to launch a European fashion venture comes up, the duo is set to be reunited – as business partners...and perhaps more..

The Secret Life of My Secretary

The Secret Life of My Secretary

En tant que directeur de l'équipe des médias mobiles 1 chez T & T, Do Min Ik doit être perfectionniste et excellent dans son travail. Il s'appuie toujours sur sa secrétaire, Jeong Gal Hee. Cette dernière effectue les taches les plus ingrates dans le but de renouveler son contrat qui arrive à terme. Cependant, comme toutes les secrétaires avant elle, son contrat d'un an n'est pas renouvelé et Jeong Gal Hee se retrouve sans emploi. C'est alors qu'un mystérieux homme attaque Do Min Ik devant elle. Do Min Ik, blessé à la tête, se retrouve alors incapable de reconnaître les visages qui l'entoure, tous sauf celui de son ancienne secrétaire Jeong Gal Hee....

To Love, To Heal

To Love, To Heal

Xiao Shuiguang (Li Xi Rui) has become disgusted due to loss of boyfriend Yu Jinglan. A teaching accident, she met Zhang Zhenglan (Jiang Chao) - her student’ brother, a boss of game company. Zhang Zhenglan found that Shuiguang is the girl who had given his game ideas, began to show love to her. In this process, Shuiguang closed her heart due to the past, Zhang Zhenglan promised Xiao Shuiguang, "You keep your secret, I guard you." Xiao Shuiguang was touched, try to put down the inner bondage. At that time, Jiang Yuru (He Ruixian), who returned, became a stumbling block between them two. Meanwhile, Luo Zhi (Pang Hanchen) also revealed his heart to Xiao Shuiguang and Xiao Shuiguang chose to evade him. In the end, Jiang Yu Ru chose to quit, Luo Zhi due to Yu Jinglan’s dead choice to let her go. In Zhang Zhenglan and Xiao Shuiguang 's love is going to come out. The truth of the car accident surfaced, Zhang Zhenglan game company into a business crisis. After the efforts of all, Xiao Shuiguang finally open her heart to accepted Zhang Zhenglan's love bravely..

Tatta Hitotsu no Koi

Tatta Hitotsu no Koi

D'un côté Tsukioka Nao, fille d'un grand patron de magasins de bijoux et de l'autre Kanzaki Hiroto fils d'un père qui dirige une entreprise de réparation de bateaux. Nao n'a aucun problèmes d'argent contrairement à Hiroto qui croule sous les ennuis financiers. Leurs différences sociales les séparent, mais quand le destin les fait rencontrer cela n'est pas au goût de tout le monde surtout pour le père et le frère de Nao. Puis par la suite, d'autres problèmes émergent de cet amour dit impossible. Hiroto sort avec Nao juste pour la question d'argent ? Ou l'amour est plus fort que tout ?.

Preuve Irréfutable

Preuve Irréfutable

La fille d'un mathématicien de génie doit surmonter le décès de son père qui souffrait également d'instabilité mentale. Elle tente d'y parvenir avec l'aide d'un ancien élève de son père qui vient chercher des preuves de son génie alors que sa soeur, qu'elle n'a pas vue depuis longtemps, débarque pour mettre de l'ordre dans les affaires du paternel..

Ahí viene Martín Corona

Ahí viene Martín Corona

Martin Corona, player and womanizer, defends the underprivileged, the poor and the needy. He will have to defend a Spanish girl and her servant from the clutches of the villainous of the town. Not only will he have to fight the bad guy, but against the pride of the girl who initially believes that he is the bad character and distrusts him. She was very proud to put him at her feet, but there was a problem, Martin Corona was due more to his people than anyone and she was not willing to risk losing it, so before marrying him, made him swear he would not intervene In other problems..

I Love My Boring Life

I Love My Boring Life

The diary of a grandmother from the Prague neighbourhood of Zbraslav as a diary of eternity. Using informal language, for five years grandmother Alena Němcová from Zbraslav has been writing down weather forecasts, dreams, her morning exercises, cooking, everyday house bustle, global events as well as notes concerning relationships, religion and the general spirit of the times – matters of a private, family, social, real and also surreal nature. The film captures the life in her house as a place that could represent a slice of the world and merge various events and connections, both of a daily and timeless nature. It points out that banality can indeed be part of our perception but not of the world itself. The device is just a change of banality to singularity. This film is part of the "Breathless – Dominance of The Moment" documentary film project..

Masterpiece of Love

Masterpiece of Love

Kim In-gi est un réalisateur de films porno qui veut écrire et réaliser un chef-d'oeuvre qui lui apportera renommée et argent. Pour mener son projet à bien, il s'adjoint l'aide de Kang Yeo-kyeong, une femme qui est en fait la "nègre" d'une écrivaine à succès..