

Love and Learn sokroflix gratuit

Docteur Folamour

Docteur Folamour

Le général Jack Ripper, convaincu que les Russes ont décidé d'empoisonner l'eau potable des États-Unis, lance sur l'URSS une offensive de bombardiers B-52 en ayant pris soin d'isoler la base aérienne de Burpelson du reste du monde. Pendant ce temps, Muffley, le Président des États-Unis, convoque l'état-major militaire dans la salle d'opérations du Pentagone et tente de rétablir la situation..

Love and Learn

Love and Learn

A wealthy socialite bored with her life meets and falls in love with a struggling songwriter on the verge of leaving New York and quitting the music business..

Love and Learn

Love and Learn

In love with political candidate Anthony Cowles, heroine Nancy Blair gets wind of the opposition's scheme to ruin Cowles' reputation. At the risk of her own good name, Nancy decides to turn the tables on the crooked politicos by framing Cowles' opponent in a compromising situation. Things don't go quite as planned..

Live, Love and Learn

Live, Love and Learn

A starving, uncompromising artist and an heiress fall in love on first sight and immediately get married. She loves his outrageous behaviour, his strange room-mate and the best apartment poverty can buy..

Comment j’ai appris à surmonter ma peur et à aimer Ariel Sharon

Comment j’ai appris à surmonter ma peur et à aimer Ariel Sharon

À l'approche de la campagne des élections de 1996, Avi Mograbi décide de réaliser un documentaire autour d'une figure politique à la fois mal-aimée et admirée, ancien ministre d'État et général légendaire de l'armée, Arik Sharon. Ayant refusé, pour des raisons morales et politiques de servir lors de la guerre du Liban en 1982, initiée par la ministre de la Défense, Arik Sharon, Mograbi possède un point de vue très "personnel" sur celui-ci. En cours de tournage, Magrabi modifie son regard sur Sharon. À sa grande surprise, il le trouve très sympathique..

Love Parade: When Love Learned to Dance

Love Parade: When Love Learned to Dance

At the end of the Cold War, something new arised that should influence an entire generation and express their attitude to life. It started with an idea in the underground subculture of Berlin shortly before the fall of the Wall. With the motto "Peace, Joy, Pancakes", Club DJ Dr. Motte and companions launched the first Love Parade. A procession registered as political demonstration with only 150 colorfully dressed people dancing to house and techno. What started out small developed over the years into the largest party on the planet with visitors from all over the world. In 1999, 1.5 million people took part. With the help of interviews with important organizers and contemporary witnesses, the documentary reflects the history of the Love Parade, but also illuminates the dark side of how commerce and money business increasingly destroyed the real spirit, long before the emigration to other cities and the Love Parade disaster of Duisburg in 2010, which caused an era to end in deep grief..

Learning to Love

Learning to Love

Ignorance and inexperience in sexual relations afflict many couples. The film aims to deal with a kind of conductor that lists and exposes situations and problems, gradually illustrated that engage several pairs..

Here I Learned To Love

Here I Learned To Love

Standing near the Western Wall in Jerusalem Avner says: 'This is the moment when I claim victory over the Nazis'. Two brothers, three mothers - a saga shrouded in fog for almost six decades - the unique narrative of a voyage tracing the roots of a shadowy past. Brothers Avner and Itzik live in Israel. As toddlers, their lives were saved first by their aunt, later by another young woman. Their past included three women who would become their mothers. But all this remained hidden - even from close family and friends. Now 70 year-old, Itzik and Avner journey into that past, seeking their true identity to piece together the incredible story of their survival..

How I Learned to Love the Numbers

How I Learned to Love the Numbers

How I Learned to Love the Numbers is a New York film and at the same time the study of a young man suffering from an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The Berlin filmmaker Oliver Sechting (37) and his co-director Max Taubert (23) travel to New York with the idea of documenting the art scene there. However, the project is quickly overshadowed by Oliver's OCD, and the two directors fall prey to a conflict that becomes the central theme of their film. Encounters with such artists as film directors Tom Tykwer (Cloud Atlas), Ira Sachs (Keep The Lights On), and Jonathan Caouette (Tarnation) or the transmedia artist Phoebe Legere seem more and more to resemble therapy sessions. At last, Andy Warhol-Superstar Ultra Violet succeeds in opening a new door for Oliver..

The Sweetness of Garlic

The Sweetness of Garlic

Isa’s having a bad shift. The restaurant is packed, there’s new graffiti in the bathroom, and her best friend Earn has just told her he’s picking up shifts at the rival rooftop bar next door. Customers start getting weird, the chefs couldn’t care less, and the strange messages in the bathroom seem to be telling Isa she needs to get out of there. When her manager asks her to get some biodynamic wine from the cupboard upstairs, Isa realises the only way out is up..