

Lost River sokroflix gratuit

Lost River

Lost River

Dans une ville qui se meurt, Billy, mère célibataire de deux enfants, est entraînée peu à peu dans les bas-fonds d’un monde sombre et macabre, pendant que Bones, son fils aîné, découvre une route secrète menant à une cité engloutie. Billy et son fils devront aller jusqu’au bout pour que leur famille s’en sorte..

Lost Rivers

Lost Rivers

Once upon a time, in almost every industrial city, countless rivers flowed. We built houses along their banks. Our roads hugged their curves. And their currents fed our mills and factories. But as cities grew, we polluted rivers so much that they became conduits for deadly waterborne diseases like cholera, which was 19th century's version of the Black Plague. Our solution two centuries ago was to bury rivers underground and merge them with sewer networks. Today, under the city, they still flow, out of sight and out of mind... until now. That's because urban dwellers are on a quest to reconnect with this denigrated natural world. LOST RIVERS takes us on an adventure down below and across the globe, retracing the history of these lost urban rivers by plunging into archival maps and going underground with clandestine urban explorers..

Lost River Sessions

Lost River Sessions

Lost River Sessions is a television, concert, and radio series launched by WKU PBS and WKU Public Radio out of Bowling Green, KY. The series explores the music scene from the roots up by featuring musical talents in the Folk, Bluegrass, and Americana genres performing intimate live sets in various iconic venues across South Central Kentucky..

The Secret of Lost River

The Secret of Lost River

Pierre Vignol, an artist wintering in Arizona, is bitten by a snake. He is taken by his friend, Tom Hornby, to Padre Francisco, who prescribes for the bite. Pierre, at the request of Tom, returns to his cabin and Tom takes care of him. Later Tom discovers a tube in Lost River. This proves to be a painting and Pierre takes it to Padre Francisco. The Padre reads him an interesting history of Fr. Bartolomeo. founder of the Mission, and of how the painting came to be discovered in Lost River, for it had been thrown there by a monk when the Mission was attacked by the Indians, owing to the abduction of the Chief's daughter by a villainous Spaniard. Tom takes the painting to New York where he sells it and gives the money to the wife of Tom, who has been too poor to bring her and the baby to Arizona..

A River Lost: The Story of the St. Lawrence Seaway

A River Lost: The Story of the St. Lawrence Seaway

It has been 50 years since the lives of 6,500 residents of the area between Iroquois and Cornwall, Ontario were changed forever as a result of the construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway. The sacrifice made by residents of the area was immense as those directly impacted by the project were forced to relocate to new homes or, in the case of "house moving", a new address. For many, historic connections to their roots were lost forever as 22,000 acres of land were flooded to become part of Lake St. Lawrence..

Slow Cycling: Riding The Lost Lanes Of England - River Usk

Slow Cycling: Riding The Lost Lanes Of England - River Usk

Best selling author and cycling enthusiast Jack Thurston takes pro mountain biker Blake Samson to the country roads of Wales. Away from Blakes usual fast and furious riding with his trademark tricks and flips, he experiences a slower ride. Following the river Usk this is a two day gentle caper through a rural landscape, learning about the local welsh history and embracing the lighter side of bike riding..

The Lil River Rats and the Adventure of the Lost Treasure

The Lil River Rats and the Adventure of the Lost Treasure

Nine-year-old Molly Brown lived and breathed "that river." After her mother died it was just her and her dad, Paul, and of course "cappy" her ailing grandfather, but with all cappy’s medical bills, Paul’s only choice is to sell everything, including the family home, and move away. But Molly can't leave her friends and the river, especially the river... it’s been her whole life! She has to make a plan!.

Nu River, a Lost Canyon

Nu River, a Lost Canyon

The Nu River Canyon is located in the northwest of Yunnan Province, China, bordering Myanmar and Tibet. The valley is inhabited by Lisu, Nu, Dulong, Yi, Bai, Tibetan and Jingpo ethnic minorities. This documentary film, filmed in 1986 and edited in 1989, describes in detail the holiday life and religious ceremonies of the inhabitants of the canyon. After the film was screened, it was highly praised by Jean Rouch, director of the French Film Archive. Awarded the Paris Anthropology Film Festival in 1990..

La Forêt interdite

La Forêt interdite

Walt Murdock, jeune professeur de sciences naturelles, décide de stopper le massacre illégal d'oiseaux pour que leurs plumes ornent les chapeaux des femmes. Il devient ainsi le gardien de la réserve. Malgré les assassinats de ses prédécesseurs, il entend mener à bien sa mission et sauver ainsi des milliers d'oiseaux....