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Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost

Nick pense avoir trouvé son paradis en rejoignant son frère en Colombie. Un lagon turquoise, une plage d’ivoire et des vagues parfaites. Il y rencontre Maria, une magnifique Colombienne. Tout semble parfait… jusqu’à ce que Maria le présente à son oncle : un certain Pablo Escobar..

Eden Of The East : Paradise Lost

Eden Of The East : Paradise Lost

Les derniers éléments du puzzle se mettent en place, les derniers acteurs encore en place se rapprochent de la scène finale pendant que certains font un come-back inattendu. Alors que le Roi d'Eden est cerné de toutes parts, il se trouve des alliés objectifs qu'on ne soupçonnait pas. Qui est Mr Outside ? Où est Juiz ? Quel est le sens de la Seleçao ? La révolution des NEET est-elle en marche ? Alors que Saki courre toujours après Takizawa, les membres du club Eden se serrent les coudes dans cette course finale qui réserve encore bien des surprises..

Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost

En vacances au Brésil, de jeunes touristes sont victimes d'un accident de bus à proximité d'une forêt isolée renfermant un sinistre secret....

Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost

A psychiatrist moves with her family from California to her husband’s hometown in Mississippi only to uncover shameful secrets that irrevocably change the lives of everyone involved..

Paradis perdu

Paradis perdu

Un couple fait tendrement l'amour dans une chambre d'hôtel bon marché. Quelques instants plus tard, alors que l'homme et la femme se rhabillent en silence, l'idylle qui paraissait authentique semble avoir soudainement disparu. Une interprétation moderne du récit d'Adam et Ève..

Jesse Stone : L'Éventreur de Boston

Jesse Stone : L'Éventreur de Boston

Jesse Stone, le chef de la police de la petite ville de Paradise, accepte de servir de consultant sur une affaire de meurtre à Boston. Alors qu'il assiste le lieutenant Sydney Greenstreet, et que tous les indices semblent pointer du doigt l'Éventreur de Boston, déjà derrière les barreaux, Stone commence bientôt à soupçonner un coupable bien plus proche de l'enquête qu'il n'y paraît..

Lost in paradise

Lost in paradise

Evžen lives a bohemian life in Prague. An unexpected trip back to his homeland Switzerland confronts him with the smuggled crocodile Karlchen, his father’s sustained delusion and the grotesque charm of the bourgeoisie..

Lost Paradise

Lost Paradise

The Matsiguenka family belonged to an ancient tribe that has suffered great changes and losses in their customs at the expense of the “process of civilization”..

Lost Paradise

Lost Paradise

This nonfiction meditative drama follows a learned man to the heart of Kansas as he enters the Survival Condo Project, an Atlas “F” missile silo turned luxury condominium. Built to house a nuclear warhead from 1961 to 1965, the site now serves as a survival bunker for the ultra-wealthy. Imagining life as the last man on earth, the man contemplates doomsday and the enduring spirit of humanity..

Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory

Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory

A further investigation into the arrest of three teenagers convicted of killing three young boys in Arkansas who spent nearly 20 years in prison before being released after new DNA evidence indicated they may be innocent..

Paradise Lost 2: Revelations

Paradise Lost 2: Revelations

Revisiting the 1994 Arkansas murder of three 8-year-old boys and the three teenagers convicted of the crime. A follow up to Paradise Lost, Revelations features new interviews with the convicted men, as well as with the original judge and police investigators..

Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost

A "Game of Thrones" type story about Themyscira/Paradise Island, home of the Amazons and the birthplace of Wonder Woman that involves all of the darkness, drama and political intrigue behind this society of only women..

Lost Paradise

Lost Paradise

Kuki est un journaliste chevronné qui a été muté dans une branche de développement de livres et trouve l'évasion dans une relation illicite avec Rinko. Ensemble, ils retrouvent la passion qui n'est plus présente dans leur mariage..

Lost Paradise Lost

Lost Paradise Lost

Prisoners of their technology-bound lives, Julie and Victor feel disillusioned with humanity. They stumble upon a mysterious group who, after stripping them bare, welcomes them and gives them ready-made roles to play. Joining the strangers, they head into the forest toward an unknown destination, until they suddenly come under attack. As they face this threat together, Julie and Victor will need to separate truth from fiction. Or simply surrender to the pleasure of artifice....

Lost Paradise

Lost Paradise

Kuki Shoichiro is relieved of his position as general manager of Gendai Shobo and transferred to the research office. One day, three months after his sudden relocation, on the night of a lecture at the Culture Center at Kinugawa's request, Hisaki meets Rinko Matsubara through his introduction. The story begins a few months later, in September, in a hotel room in Kamakura..

The Encounter 2: Paradise Lost

The Encounter 2: Paradise Lost

Seven years after the world's most devastating tsunami in Thailand six strangers find themselves trapped in a beach side resort on the brink of an oncoming hurricane. Each of their hearts are broken and silently cry out on the most desperate night of their lives. As the storm rages on and the six strangers fall deeper into the heart of darkness another guest arrives at the hotel. He says he is Jesus Christ, and he knows what each of them suffers from. Knowing their dire need, he came to bring them all a message of hope and rescue them from the darkest corners of their own hearts..

Jonestown: Paradise Lost

Jonestown: Paradise Lost

Jonestown: Paradise Lost is a documentary on the final days of Jonestown, the Peoples Temple, and Jim Jones. From eyewitness and survivor accounts, it recreates the last week before the mass murder-suicide on November 18, 1978..