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Don't Look Up : Déni cosmique

Don't Look Up : Déni cosmique

Kate Dibiasky, une étudiante diplômée en astronomie, et son professeur, le Dr Randall Mindy, font une découverte stupéfiante d'une comète en orbite dans le système solaire. Le problème : elle est sur une trajectoire de collision directe avec la Terre. L'autre problème ? Personne ne semble s'en soucier. Avec l'aide du Dr Oglethorpe, Kate et Randall se lancent dans une tournée des médias qui les mène du bureau de la présidente indifférente Orlean et de son fils flagorneur et chef de cabinet, Jason, aux ondes du Daily Rip, une émission matinale optimiste animée par Brie et Jack. Avec seulement six mois avant que la comète n'ait un impact, gérer le cycle d'information de 24 heures et gagner l'attention du public obsédé par les médias sociaux avant qu'il ne soit trop tard s'avère scandaleusement comique - que faudra-t-il faire pour que le monde lève les yeux au ciel ?.



Interconnected stories are told entirely through images captured on security cameras in storage rooms, police cars, parking lots, shopping malls and other locations. Store manager Tony has affairs with the women who work under him, high schooler Sherri schemes to seduce teacher Berry, a pedophile stalks his next victim at a mall food court and two thieves go on a killing spree that links to other tales witnessed by the unseen electronic eyes..

HBO First Look

HBO First Look

HBO First Look is an American television show on HBO that chronicles up and coming movies. It first started in 1992 with a documentary on A League of Their Own starring Tom Hanks, and still airs today. The series shows behind-the-scenes looks at the filming and interviews with the actors. The show is part documentary and part advertisement. It airs on HBO with no set schedule..



Wendy works in a small 1-hour photograph developing shop. She is open late one evening and says goodbye to her friend Trish who works next door. When she is an hour away from closing she gets a call from a Mr Stanley to say he will pick his pictures up in an hour. She sets about developing them to find blurry images of bound feet and hands etc. Her fear rises even more when the pictures start to be of her, her house, her at work etc. When the phone rings again Wendy answers it to find that Mr Stanley is coming for his pictures and will not be stopped..



In a dark world, light is the biggest attraction. The creatures living there are entranced by a light they themselves have created. When one of them manages to escape its pull, he realizes how hard and even dangerous it is to get the attention of those around him..



After witnessing a traumatising road safety film, Peter, an extremely anxious young man late for an important date, struggles to leave his home due to being plagued by visions of past traumas he seems to have forgotten..



In this silent black and white short film, the structure of the gaze is deconstructed by revealing voyeurism and cinematic desire through the sequence of shots. Inspired by the comment "lesbianism is the best spectator sport" this film seeks to interrogate such notions by questioning spectatorship itself..



Two screenwriters are in the process of creating a screenplay, conjuring some of their past, present and future ghosts, projecting their concerns and differences on the journey of the fictional characters, possibly their alter egos..



Les amours, les joies et les peines de trois amis gays à San Francisco. Entre regrets, valses hésitations et autres impulsions du moment, Patrick, Agustin et Dom partagent leurs déceptions, leurs rêves, leurs désirs, la vie en somme..



Dans une société où la beauté est reine, un lycéen marginal mène une double vie en intervertissant constamment deux physiques aux antipodes l'un de l'autre..

Look at Life

Look at Life

Look at Life was a regular British series of short documentary films of which 507 were produced between 1959 and 1969 by the Special Features Division of the Rank Organisation for screening in their Odeon and Gaumont cinemas. The films always preceded the main feature film that was being shown in the cinema that week. It replaced the circuit's newsreel, Universal News, which had become increasingly irrelevant in the face of more immediate news media, particularly on television with the launch of ITN on the Independent Television service, which began broadcasting in parts of the United Kingdom in 1955..

The New Look

The New Look

Cette série forte en émotions raconte comment l’icône de la mode Christian Dior et ses contemporains, Coco Chanel, Pierre Balmain et Cristóbal Balenciaga, ont traversé les horreurs de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et lancé la mode moderne..

The Godfather Family: A Look Inside

The Godfather Family: A Look Inside

Un documentaire sur la fabrication des trois films "Le Parrain", avec entretiens et souvenirs des réalisateurs et des acteurs. Apparaissent aussi les essais à l'image de certains des acteurs pour le Parrain et quelques moments intimes sur le plateau du Parrain III..