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Locked Up

Locked Up

When an American teenager gets bullied at her school in Southeast Asia, she fights back--and gets sent to a reform school. But the "school" is more like a prison, and the young teenager must fend off predatory guards and menacing gangs to survive.

Derrière les barreaux

Derrière les barreaux

Condamnée pour avoir endossé la responsabilité d'une fraude par amour pour son patron, la jeune Macarena Ferreiro se retrouve incarcérée dans une prison pour femmes de haute sécurité, entourée de criminelles coriaces et impitoyables dans ce thriller espagnol sous tension et provocateur..

Vis a Vis : El Oasis

Vis a Vis : El Oasis

Vis a Vis: L'Oasis se concentre sur les personnages de Zulema et Maca de Vis a Vis. Macarena est une femme arrêtée à la prison de Cruz del Sur pour fraude et blanchiment d'argent pour l'entreprise où elle travaillait, trompée par son ancien patron et amant. Accusée de cinq délits fiscaux, elle doit rester en prison en attendant son procès. Zulema Zahir est une stagiaire très manipulatrice et dangereuse de Cruz del Sur, prête à tout pour se sauver. Après leur libération de prison, les protagonistes formeront un excellent duo de voleurs à l'étranger..

Sous les verrous

Sous les verrous

Dennis est en prison. À travers les barreaux de sa cellule, il aperçoit Mike, un détenu black américain. Sous les regards des gardiens et autres prisonniers, commence une relation passionnée entre les deux hommes. Mais, certains prisonniers jaloux de ne pas profiter des faveurs de Dennis, vont lui faire subir les pires sévices....

Locked Up

Locked Up

The couple decides to break up, but self-isolation makes its own adjustments: the ex-lovers will have to spend two more weeks together..

L'amour avant tout

L'amour avant tout

Une jeune mère célibataire tombe un jour sous le charme d'un homme, sans se douter qu'il s'agit en fait d'un trafiquant de drogue que la police recherche....

Locked Up

Locked Up

In a German town, teacher Irene leads an inconspicuous, boring, lonely life. One day, a man rings at her door and slips in. It's an armed convict from the prison next door, escaped with a leg wound. He now makes her a prisoner in her own home. Almost without a word, as if she secretly enjoys the excitement or just mesmerized, she obeys Vassily, every single command, even sexual services, submissively or after a symbolic struggle. Somehow that seems to change, but can force initiate love?.

The Girl Locked Upstairs

The Girl Locked Upstairs

Tanya Kach (Jordyn Ashley Olsen) was fourteen and at risk, struggling with an unhappy home life and the victim of bullying at her new school. Feeling isolated and lonely, she is befriended by Tom Hose (Robert Baker), the school’s security guard, who manages to lure Tanya to his home, where he held her captive and sexually abused her for over a decade. Convinced he had Tanya brainwashed and that she would never attempt escape, Tom eventually allows her to take on a part time job. Out from under Tom’s watchful eye, Tanya finally finds the courage to take a dangerous step toward freedom..

Locked Up Time

Locked Up Time

Filmmaker Sibylle Schoenemann, imprisoned by the GDR in 1984, was released to the FRG after having West Germany literally buy her freedom. In 1990 she went back and questioned those responsible..

Locked Up

Locked Up

Casual acquaintances Kema and Max in the middle of a festive feast retire to the apartment to stay in it forever. They are looking for a way out, but there is none, windows and doors lead to new labyrinths of rooms, and around - only a confined space. Kema and Max see the creepy ghosts of children, only realizing over time that these entities are the same victims of circumstances as they are. Unraveling the mysteries of the past, they try to help the captives in order to save themselves..

Locked Up in America - Solitary Nation and Prison State

Locked Up in America - Solitary Nation and Prison State

For decades, the United States has been fixated on incarceration, building prisons and locking up more and more people. But at what cost, and has it really made a difference? FRONTLINE goes to the epicenter of the raging debate about incarceration in America, focusing on the controversial practice of solitary confinement and on new efforts to reduce the prison population, as officials are rethinking what to do with criminals..

Lock Up

Lock Up

A father with problems to communicate with his son and to educate him decide to send the problematic child to a correctional center. The father can't imagine the type of education that this correctional center is going to give to his son..

Lock Me Up, Tie Him Down

Lock Me Up, Tie Him Down

A housewife's, Tiffany, world is turned upside down by a stranger who breaks into her apartment and tells her that he abducted her husband of eight years while he was on a business trip in Hong Kong. Adding to the bizarreness of the situation, the kidnapper, who says his name is tells Tiffany that he doesn’t want any ransom money. Instead, to secure her husband’s freedom, she will have to take on the role of his wife for a week..