

Little Birds film en francais

Little Birds

Little Birds

Nous arrivons avec l'héritière new-yorkaise Lucy Savage fraîchement débarquée du paquebot transatlantique et prête pour l'amour et le mariage dans des climats exotiques. Mais quand son mari Hugo ne la reçoit pas comme elle l'attendait, elle se lance dans le monde surprenant, diversifié et dégénéré de Tanger en 1955..

Little Bird

Little Bird

Jojo, dix ans, est souvent livré à lui-même. Entre une mère absente et un père qui perd pied, il trouve secrètement un peu de réconfort auprès d’un choucas tombé du nid. Ce petit oiseau, pourtant plus fragile que lui, va lui donner la force d’affronter la réalité....

Three Little Birds

Three Little Birds

Set in 1957, post-Windrush, and amidst the booming decade set alight by promise, the rhythm of rock and roll, swing, Hollywood starlets and fabulous fashion Three Little Birds will introduce Dudley and the rest of the world to gregarious sisters Leah and Chantrelle and their virtuous, bible-loving acquaintance, Hosanna, as they board a cruise ship from Jamaica bound for a new life in Blighty..

Little Birds

Little Birds

The director was already in Baghdad to cover the U.S. air raids when they began in March 2003. Shouting in front of a U.S. Army tank, he portrays the real situation that befell the Iraqi civilians. As he shows how different families fall victim to heavy air raids and the horrors of war, he questions the “meaning” of war..

Little Bird

Little Bird

A dix ans, Jojo en sait déjà long sur la dureté de la vie. Son père l'élève seul. Et en silence. Ce veilleur de nuit taciturne essaie, mais y parvient-il ?, de cacher sa dépression à son fils. La mère ? Elle est chanteuse de country. Elle a laissé des disques qu'aime écouter Jojo. Elle serait partie travailler aux Etats-Unis. Mais est-ce bien vrai ? Jojo l'appelle. Elle répond. Elle reste toujours évasive. Un jour, Jojo recueille un petit choucas tombé d'un nid. Jojo a trouvé plus petit et vulnérable que lui. Il entreprend de le sauver de la mort et même de lui apprendre à voler. Ce faisant, il reprend pied dans sa vie et trouve la force d'affronter la vérité....

50 Little Birds

50 Little Birds

50 Little Birds is a short documentary about Indiana-based folk artist Geoff Davis. As an artist, Geoff finds ways to translate his experiences in nature into his art. His long canoe journeys provide him inspiration, connecting with the wildlife that eventually become delicate wood carvings. But Geoff is seeking more than inspiration. He ventures into the woods to find healing..

Little Birds

Little Birds

Through dances and games, migrant boys and girls who live in a shelter in Reynosa, on the US-Mexico border, shared their dreams and stories of hope with us..

Du mouron pour les petits oiseaux

Du mouron pour les petits oiseaux

M. Armand, ancien truand rangé des « affaires », élève des oiseaux dans un petit immeuble bourgeois de la Contrescarpe dont il est propriétaire. Il voit resurgir son passé sous la forme de la police et d'un ancien « associé » auquel il avait soustrait naguère une part de butin volé : il prend alors la fuite en direction de la côte d'Azur avec Lucie, une entraîneuse de boîte de nuit. Mais les événements ne se déroulent pas comme il les avait prévus....

Little Bird’s Diary

Little Bird’s Diary

Over the years, eighty-year-old Irina Pilke, nicknamed the Little Bird, has depicted the events of her life as sketches in diaries. The pages reveal the experiences of World War II, love and separation, and a subtly ironic view on the events in the Soviet Union and among its society. The Little Bird looks at the world from the viewpoint of a small creature rather than from a perspective of power and politics which may be the reason her life story seems so incredibly heartwarming, familiar, and true to the tiniest detail..

Little Bird

Little Bird

Manu travels to Murcia to spend the summer with their grandparents because their parents are getting divorced. Surrounded by gardens, sea, nature, and lush, warm family, Manu find his first love and the first signs of adulthood..

Little Bird

Little Bird

Doo-yeong, the eldest son of the family is planning to go to the police force this time. However, after coming to Seoul from the province, going with his younger brother Doo-yeop to a cram school is not too smooth. His romance with Ji-yeong makes it also harder. Doo-yeong meets a lot of people and worries amidst his longing for success and love in Seoul..

The Little Bird and the Bees

The Little Bird and the Bees

After the little bird has fluttered across the Generation canvas in fall and winter episodes, a new adventure follows. It is springtime, and the little bird makes the acquaintance of the bees, but the voracious fox is already in pursuit..

Little Bird

Little Bird

When does your childhood go away? It goes away when instead of playing football with other kids you sit down and silently contemplate the river. When your thoughts don’t let you sleep, and a lightning bug beats in a pot like a heart. When poems come into your mind and you feel you really need to sing. It goes away when you suddenly realize: this summer is going away and it is the last summer of your childhood..