

Leverage film en francais



Des escrocs de haute-volée allient leurs forces pour dépouiller les criminels les plus riches et les grands patrons corrompus. Leverage est une version moderne de Robin des Bois, engagé dans une lutte perpétuelle pour éradiquer le mal qui sévit sur cette planète. Ford, qui est animé par une inextinguible soif de vengeance (qu’il noie dans de grands godets de whisky), décide un jour de ramener un peu de morale dans ce monde où les financiers et les puissants s’estiment au-dessus des lois et agissent en ne suivant que leur bon plaisir, avec un solide goût pour l’argent. Un goût, pour toujours plus d’argent. Ford va donc s’en prendre aux PDG peu scrupuleux, aux magnats de Wall Street et aux argentiers arrogants..



Jade Betts and her sidekick Richie must infiltrate the Russian mob's Christmas party and fight their way through the ranks, using festive weapons and witty one-liners, to preserve what's most important to her..

Leverage: Redemption

Leverage: Redemption

Le frappeur, le pirate informatique, l'escroc et le voleur sont à nouveau réunis, cette fois avec l'aide d'un nouveau génie de la technologie et d'un réparateur d'entreprise, pour affronter un nouveau type de méchant. De l'homme qui a créé une crise d'opioïdes dans le confort de sa salle de réunion à la société de sécurité obscure qui aide à cacher des secrets dangereux pour un prix - quand quelqu'un a besoin d'aide, ils fournissent... Un effet de levier..



This drama begins with Xiao Jian of director of economic investigation (Yu Yi is acted the role of) investigation bizarre traffic accident case, through pair of "sea xiang group" illegal control the investigation of the stock market is thorough, cause pair of mysterious commerce big crocodile Xu Feng (Guo Jingfei is acted the role of) the pioneering history in the past is probed into. And of the pressure of the loss of key witness, social public opinion, dead mastermind, Xu Feng identity is opened, one pile after another will spearhead points to the financial big case 20 years ago, be dragged in later a bigger transnational money laundering group. Xiao Jian accidentally got xu Feng hidden diary, found another heavy identity xu Feng hard to hide. Strong enemy is current, pressure is hind, the Xiao Jian that pursues ceaselessly breaks through heavy predicament with sense of responsibility and mission, will huge financial crime organization finally catch all at once..



There are countless incidents happening in one day. The corruption of the upper class discourages the common people who are living their lives diligently. From immorality to financial fraud, and they even commit a highly developed type of expedient. The victims of corruption are us, the common people. However, we have no choice but to be relieved that the victim is not me at least for this time. To turn the table, the best experts in each field have gathered! The former insurance investigator, Tae Joon, has a son who is terminally ill. To save his son, he accepts the deal which is extremely dangerous. And his life completely changes after that day. He organizes a team to get back at those corrupted rich people. With Su Kyung, Na Byeol, Roy, and Eui Sung, Tae Joon approaches to the conspiracy. Self-interest is rampant in our society, but through their journey to exposing the corruption, they begin to understand each other at the end..