

Les Contes d'Hoffmann voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Les contes d'Hoffmann

Les contes d'Hoffmann

Hoffmann attend dans un cabaret Stella, la femme qu'il aime. Il raconte trois aventures passées où trois femmes lui ont échappé pour un rival : Olympia, la poupée, Giulietta, la courtisane, et Antonia, la phtisique. La même mésaventure se produire avec Stella..

Les Contes d'Hoffmann

Les Contes d'Hoffmann

Le poète Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann noie son chagrin dans l'alcool à la Taverne de Maître Luther. Sous la pression de ses amis étudiants, le poète explique pourquoi il est malheureux en amour et relate ses histoires avec Olympia, Antonia et Giulietta, trois femmes dans lesquelles il reconnaît Stella, une cantatrice dont il s'est épris..

Les Contes d'Hoffmann [The Metropolitan Opera]

Les Contes d'Hoffmann [The Metropolitan Opera]

Le ténor Vittorio Grigolo incarne le rôle-titre de l’opéra fantastique d’Offenbach, offrant un tour de force dans le rôle du poète torturé et malchanceux en amour. Il est rejoint par un trio de grandes dames : Erin Morley chante la poupée mécanique Olympia, Hibla Gerzmava est la fragile Antonia et Christine Rice chante Giulietta, la courtisane vénitienne. La production colorée de Bartlett Sher, vue ici dans sa deuxième présentation Live in HD, met également en vedette Thomas Hampson dans le rôle des sinistres Quatre Méchants et Kate Lindsey dans le rôle de Niklausse, l'ami et muse d'Hoffmann. Yves Abel dirige..

Les contes d'Hoffmann - Opéra Bastille novembre 2016

Les contes d'Hoffmann - Opéra Bastille novembre 2016

Existe-t-il plus bel hommage à celui qui inventa le réalisme fantastique en littérature que d’en faire le personnage principal d’un opéra où toute vraisemblance est abolie et où l’imaginaire impose ses propres règles ? Dans l’oeuvre d’Offenbach, Hoffmann, présenté comme un poète et compositeur maudit, évoque ses souvenirs amoureux et nous conduit dans un univers où les frontières entre rêve et réalité sont poreuses. Le metteur en scène Robert Carsen se joue magistralement du théâtre dans le théâtre et, à travers un spectaculaire procédé de mise en abyme, nous dévoile les coulisses de l’opéra..

Les Contes d'Hoffmann

Les Contes d'Hoffmann

Otto Schenk’s brilliant production captures both the dark romanticism of the story as well as its fairy-tale magic. It is a superb setting for Neil Shicoff’s vivid portrayal of the tortured poet Hoffmann, as he recounts the loves of his life and the way he has been foiled by his nemesis—a marvelous James Morris in a tour-de-force performance of the opera’s four villains. Gwendolyn Bradley is the doll Olympia, Tatiana Troyanos sings the courtesan Giulietta, and Roberta Alexander portrays the innocent Antonia..

Les Contes d'Hoffmann

Les Contes d'Hoffmann

Bartlett Sher’s imaginative production, with sets by Michael Yeargan and costumes by Catherine Zuber, explores all the riches of Offenbach’s fantastical tale. Joseph Calleja is the poet Hoffmann who is enthralled by a variety of women—neither of which turns out to be the perfect creature he envisions. Kathleen Kim scales the vocal heights of the mechanical doll Olympia. Anna Netrebko literally sings herself to death as Antonia and also plays the diva Stella. Ekaterina Gubanova is the sultry courtesan Giulietta. Alan Held’s Four Villains foil all of Hoffmann’s plans. James Levine conducts with ardor and dramatic energy, bringing out every colorful detail of this rich score..

Les Contes d'Hoffmann

Les Contes d'Hoffmann

The “superb, sinister” Tales of Hoffmann at the Dutch National Opera with “excellent soloists, the impressive John Osborn” (Theaterkrant) and “Christine Rice, a vocally and physically voluptuous Giulietta” (, “mezzosoprano Irene Roberts, who plays and sings brilliantly” (Groene Amsterdammer) and “Erwin Schrott, singing the four villains for the first time, made it look like a blast.” ( “Les Contes d'Hoffmann is a parade of golden voices”. (Volkskrant) Maestro Rizzi conducted with elegance and momentum the chorus and the “excellent playing Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra”. (Volkskrant) “Spectacular” (Trouw) “This production effortlessly fascinates from start to finish.” (Theaterkrant).

Les Contes d'Hoffmann

Les Contes d'Hoffmann

Giancarlo Del Monaco's passionate and intelligent production of Jacques Offenbach's magnum opus creates a climactic kaleidoscope of deep and convincing emotions. A highly credible incarnation of the pitiable Kleinzach he sings about, Aquiles Machado is the poet who loses his romantic idealism, his reflection and finally his soul to a 'trio of charming enchantresses'..

Les Contes d'Hoffmann

Les Contes d'Hoffmann

Seeking to exorcise the failure of his current love affair, the poet Hoffmann tells the tales of his three past loves - the doll-like Olympia, the high-class courtesan Giulietta, and the ambitious but delicate Antonia - and recalls how each was thwarted by the evil influence of his rival. In this production by the distinguished film director, John Schlesinger, with spectacular designs by Maria Bjornson and William Dudley, Offenbach's nightmare world is brought to life. The all-star cast is headed by Placido Domingo as Hoffmann: his three loves are Ileana Cotrubas, Anges Baltsa and Luciana Serra and the manifestations of his rival are sung by Geraint Evans, Robert Lloyd, Siegmund Nimsgern and Nicola Ghiuselev. The score, which includes such favourites as the "Barcarolle" and the "Doll's Song", is conducted by Georges Pretre..

Les Contes d'Hoffmann

Les Contes d'Hoffmann

Live peformance from the Sferisterio Opera Festival, August 2004. Our edition has an Italian cast of exceptional quality, in which stand out the amazing voice of Desirée Rancatore, the extraordinary artistry of Ruggiero Raimondi and the fascinating direction of Pier Luigi Pizzi, one of today's most creative directors. Interesting overview here:

Offenbach: Les Contes d'Hoffmann

Offenbach: Les Contes d'Hoffmann

This adaptation of three tales by E.T.A. Hoffmann, with a sprinkling of Goethe’s Faust, portrays the German poet as both narrator and hero recounting his love affairs with Olympia, Antonia and Giuletta. Robert Carsen’s spectacular production highlights the melancholy genius of a man marked by life, with a coherence and dramatic sense remarkable for a work that leaves numerous questions unanswered. Under the baton of Philippe Jordan, Stéphanie d’Oustrac, Ermonela Jaho, Kate Aldrich, Yann Beuron and Ramón Vargas and Stefano Secco in the main role, interpret the legendary airs of this work whose brilliant mystery will continue to dazzle opera houses for countless years to come..

Offenbach: Les Contes D'Hoffmann

Offenbach: Les Contes D'Hoffmann

Bregenzs Tales of Hoffmann is different from everything you saw before. The New York Times praised the thoughtfulness and creativity of Stefan Herheims new production, devised by the director as a search for ones own self in a sparkling drag show. A shining-toned (NYT) Hoffmann is embodied by tenor Daniel Johansson in the title role. He is supported by a fantastic cast: Rachel Frenkel is positively ideal as Muse and Niklausse (Kurier), Kerstin Avemo as Olympia is endowed with brilliant, cheekily extemporized coloraturas (Neue Zürcher Zeitung), Michael Volle sings the parts of Lindorf, Coppelius, Dr. Miracle and Dappertutto, the works four villains, with warmth and intensity (NYT) and Mandy Fredrich is a finelyphrased Antonia (Kurier)..

Jacques Offenbach: Les Contes d'Hoffmann

Jacques Offenbach: Les Contes d'Hoffmann

Giancarlo Del Monaco directs this passionate production of Jacques Offenbach's final opera, "Les Contes d'Hoffmann," recorded live at the Opera de Bilbao in 2006, the story of a poet (Aquiles Machado) who loses his soul to three beguiling enchantresses (Milagros Poblador, María Bayo and Valentina Kutzarova). Konstantin Gorny, Katharine Goeldner and the chorus of the Opera de Bilbao round out the supporting cast of voices..

Salzburger Marionettentheater: Les Contes d'Hoffmann

Salzburger Marionettentheater: Les Contes d'Hoffmann

In Luther's beer-cellar, lusty singing extols the virtues of beer and wine. For this evening, the Muse decides to deflect the poet Hoffmann's attention from amorous escapades, so that he will devote himself entirely to his art. Hoffmann tells of the three unhappy loves of his life: Olympia, Antonia and Giulietta..