

Last Weekend voirfilms

Stella's Last Weekend

Stella's Last Weekend

La relation entre deux frères est remise en question quand ils découvrent qu’ils sont amoureux de la même fille. Que va devenir le lien inébranlable qui semblait les unir ?.

Last Weekend

Last Weekend

An electric one-night-stand between Sylvia and Ethan is quickly derailed by a psychotic and possessive ex-lover who incites violence and provokes them to pursue a regrettable act of vengeance..

Last Weekend

Last Weekend

When an affluent matriarch gathers her dysfunctional family for a holiday at their Northern California lake house, her carefully constructed weekend begins to come apart at the seams, leading her to question her own role in the family..

The Last Weekend

The Last Weekend

Deux couples partent ensemble faire une escapade à la campagne. Malheureusement, le séjour va rapidement virer au cauchemar car les relations qu'entretiennent les quatre protagonistes sont très complexes. En effet, tensions, jalousies et rivalités du passé ne tardent pas à venir empoisonner ce dernier week-end dont l'issue risque fort d'être tragique....

Lennon : la dernière interview

Lennon : la dernière interview

En décembre 1980, John Lennon et Yoko Ono n'avaient pas parlé aux médias depuis plus de cinq ans. Avec un nouvel album à promouvoir, Lennon était prêt à parler au D.J. Andy Peebles de la BBC à New York. John a surpris tout le monde en discutant franchement de divers sujets dont il n’avait jamais parlé auparavant, notamment la séparation des Beatles, sa relation avec Paul McCartney, etc..

Our Last Weekend

Our Last Weekend

Diana sera promue au bureau et veut le célébrer. Elle invite ses collègues de travail Lisi, Léo et Roque chez sa grand-mère. Le village a l'air désert et, même si les gars ne le savent pas encore, il cache un grand secret. Profiter du soleil, de la plage, boire et se séparer pendant trois jours est devenu un environnement parfait pour laisser échapper toutes sortes de sentiments, de ressentiments, d'attractions et de tensions.. Ils ne sont pas aussi seuls qu'ils le croient, et même plus, cela pourrait être le dernier week-end pour plus d'un d'entre eux....

The Last Weekend

The Last Weekend

The Last Weekend is about college graduates who've been friends since high school. It's their final get together before embarking on careers or wherever life takes them. An innocent, impromptu beach party gets a bit out of hand, but as the party winds down, a dark secret is learned affecting everyone..

The Last Weekend in May

The Last Weekend in May

Paul and Leah, are caught in the throes of an extramarital affair. Knowing that the situation is untenable, they decide to rent a house and turn their backs on “real life” one last time before calling it quits. As the weekend progresses, Paul reveals he has left his wife and wants to convince Leah to do the same..

Last Weekend of Summer

Last Weekend of Summer

"'The Last Weekend of Summer' is a fragmented film exploring the last pieces of warmth and summer as we transition into the fall and winter. The quick cuts provide clips of a weekend spent in nature and enjoying the end of a season." (the8fest).

Last Weekend

Last Weekend

Kirill, a Russian teenager who loves rap music with his best friend, falls in love with a beautiful young dancer, Katia. He also meets 2 new strange friends in a fight. He becomes deep in love with Katia. So he invited them in his apartment for the weekend. But while helping Kirill trying to impress Katia, Kirill's best friend dies in an accident. The four left friends start a nightmarish journey with death..

Weekend Stories: The Last Circle

Weekend Stories: The Last Circle

An aging ballet legend who defected to France years before returns home to Poland for the first time to appear in a charity performance, and he immediately clashes with his ex-wife, who stayed behind when he defected..

Last Weekend with Jenny and John

Last Weekend with Jenny and John

It’s the weekend when Jenny is going to play an away-game in basketball and her father John comes along. John wants quality time with his daughter, but Jenny would rather hang out with her team mates. This weekend nothing turns out like they thought and the distance between father and daughter has never felt bigger..

Weekend Warriors

Weekend Warriors

Guerilla fighters take hostage twenty Korean workers in the Philippines. The Korean army dispatches five special unit agents to carry out a rescue mission. But when a mischievous computer hacker tampers with military computer records, five soldiers are sent to wrong jungles of the Philippines..

Last Days of Summer

Last Days of Summer

À Holton Mills, dans le New Hampshire, Henry, un adolescent solitaire de 13 ans, passe son été devant la télévision à fantasmer sur une fille de sa classe. Mais le jour précédant la Fête du Travail, Henry vient en aide à un mystérieux homme….