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In her latest comedy special, Jena Friedman probes America’s obsession with (dead) women, finding humor in marriage, motherhood, and murder..



Mimi Rogers portrays a burned out cop who is transfered to the forensics staff as an evidence photographer. While investigating a string of killings, the trail of evidence leads to the married man with whom she's having an affair..



Over a year after a chase to catch a serial slayer dubbed the 'LADYKILLER' ended in the death of his old partner. Lt. Jack 'Jigsaw' Lasky sees a chance too redeem himself in the eyes of his fellow cops, when another serial killer, 'The Piggy Bank Murderer' starts preying on female students at a local campus. Slashing his victims throats with a switchblade before stuffing loose change into their mouths leaving behind the words "She Needed The Money" wherever he goes. Jack's search leads to a number one suspect in the form of Richard Darling an out-of-work actor drawn to the case for reasons unknown as he is drawn to the Jack's art student daughter, Jennifer who studying at the exact same college as the murders occur. As Jack finds himself becoming partnered to Richard who continues on being never far away when the next homicide occurs. Jack searches to uncover this killer of girls before he concludes his slaughter spree with Jennifer..



Le docteur Goldthwait Higginson Dorr III réunit un gang "d'experts" pour accomplir le casse du siècle. Ses associés ? Un spécialiste en explosifs, un perceur de tunnel, un gros bras et un complice infiltré qui risque d'être découvert... Le QG de l'opération ? La cave d'une vieille dame, Mrs. Munson, qui fréquente assidûment l'église et ne se doute de rien. Les cinq hommes se font passer pour des musiciens qui ont besoin d'un endroit où répéter. Le premier problème ? Dorr et ses associés sont des amateurs. Le vrai problème ? Ils ont sérieusement sous-estimé leur hôtesse. Lorsque Mrs. Munson découvre leurs projets et menace de les dénoncer aux autorités, les cinq malfrats décident de l'associer à l'affaire. Après tout, se débarrasser d'elle ne devrait pas être un problème....

Tueurs de dames

Tueurs de dames

Le commissariat de police de la petite ville de Richmond a l'habitude de la visite de Margaret Wilberforce, veuve d'un officier de marine, complètement mythomane. Un jour, le digne professeur Marcus loue une chambre à la vieille dame où, tous les soirs, il répète avec ses amis musiciens un menuet de Boccherini. En réalité, ils préparent le hold-up du siècle..

Investigating the Ladykillers

Investigating the Ladykillers

Program focuses on the lasting appeal and cinematic brilliance of The Ladykillers. Included in it are clips from interviews with broadcaster and author Stuart Maconie, film editor Catherine Shoard, actor and writer Reece Shearsmith, and author Ronald Harwood, amongst others..



A female police detective enlists her boyfriend to help her track down a murderer picking off the dancers at an upscale male strip club in Los Angeles..

The Ladykiller

The Ladykiller

Lished a quarrel with his friend Aristos and a nonexistent uncle from America will become an opportunity to approach and seduce the poor and unemployed Babis beautiful and rich Ellie loves, without any hope to watch him otherwise..

Lady-Killer in Trouble

Lady-Killer in Trouble

Captain Kovács investigates the case of a taxi driver who was knocked down and later he disappeared without leaving a trace. Responding the call of the police six women present themselves: they all confess to be the fiancée of the driver..

Death Steps in the Dark

Death Steps in the Dark

An Italian reporter is travelling on the Instabul-Athens train. A woman is murdered with the reporter's letter-opener so that makes him the main suspect. With the help of his Swedish girlfriend he starts investigating in order to prove his innocence..

How to Be a SexStar

How to Be a SexStar

SexStar follows Nathan Hill, a Casanova whose chief occupation is the 'rounding' of women. He juggles five different girls over a series of hilarious dates, all while trying to maintain his reputation by nailing the hottest girl in the city. Equal parts entertaining, informative and controversial, SexStar finally reveals the truth about the games men play to pick up women..