

Krampus voirfilms



Quand Max voit sa famille peu exemplaire se disputer à l'approche de Noël, le garçon décide d'ignorer la célébration, sans se rendre compte que ce manquement à la tradition va provoquer les foudres de Krampus, un démon ancestral bien décidé à punir les réfractaires. La situation tourne en enfer quand les figures de Noël prennent monstrueusement vie, lançant l'assaut sur la maison de Max et forçant les membres de sa famille à s'entraider s'ils espèrent sauver leur peau..



After a century-long bender, the demon Krampus, who used to work with Santa Claus, is hungry for bad children again and wants back in some Christmas action..

Krampus Origins

Krampus Origins

The first World War rages on when a group of American soldiers find a mysterious artifact that can summon the ancient evil of the Krampus. After the men are killed in action, the artifact is sent to the commanding officer's widow who is a teacher at a small-town orphanage. The orphans accidentally summon the Krampus and the teacher, and her pupils are forced to battle this ancient evil..

Gare au Krampus

Gare au Krampus

Léa, étudiante en psychologie, effectue un stage dans l’Allgäu. Elle y découvre des procédés thérapeutiques peu orthodoxes et des coutumes démoniaques. Rapidement, elle est prise dans un dangereux tourbillon de manipulation, d’abus et de violence..

Krampus Unleashed

Krampus Unleashed

Certaines choses sont mieux enterrées. À la recherche d'un trésor perdu, un groupe de chasseurs de fortune découvre par erreur une pierre démoniaque antique qui enferme une malédiction terrible et éveille un mal intemporel, le Krampus. Après des siècles de sommeil, Krampus, le diable de Noël, se réveille....

Krampus 2: The Devil Returns

Krampus 2: The Devil Returns

Five years after the murder of his wife and disappearance of his daughter, former police officer Jeremy Duffin is brought back to help in the hunt for a yuletide monster that punishes children that have been "naughty." As the monster becomes more erratic and unpredictable, Jeremy learns the truth about the disappearance of his daughter and the fate that has been bestowed upon him by an unlikely source. Can Jeremy finally end the nightmare Christmas monster that has terrorized this town for years?.

Krampus: The Return

Krampus: The Return

After Lisa's brother mysteriously dies, she and her college friends go to her family home for answers. They are shocked to discover that his killer was non-other than the Christmas demon, Krampus..

Krampus: The Christmas Devil

Krampus: The Christmas Devil

Jeremy, a local police officer leads a life of a confusing past, spending his current time searching for his kidnapper as a child. After other children begin missing, Jeremy pieces together the truth and realizes that his childhood kidnapper could be a creature of ancient yuletide lore, Krampus, who is the brother of St. Nick, and punisher of children who perform acts of unspeakable evil without repercussion. Can Jeremy kill Krampus and prevent more missing children?.

Granny Krampus

Granny Krampus

An estranged family are brought together for a final reunion at the old family home for Christmas. They quickly find themselves at the mercy of a nightmarish entity from the past..

Krampus: The Reckoning

Krampus: The Reckoning

Lorsque ses parents adoptifs meurent mystérieusement, Zoe est placée dans le service pour enfants de l'hôpital du coin. La psychologue et les enquêteurs qui l'interrogent découvrent qu'elle s'est créé un ami imaginaire, le Krampus, anti-thèse du Père-Noël qui punit les enfants méchants..

Mother Krampus 2: Slay Ride

Mother Krampus 2: Slay Ride

It's Christmas time in Cleveland, Ohio and four young ladies are on the verge of completing their mandatory thirty days of community service. With only one night to go, they are required to make a series of in-home visits to the older and less fortunate. Upon arriving at their final stop for the night, they become introduced to a pleasant older woman who graciously welcomes them into her home for the evening. However, as darkness falls and the cold settles in, they begin to realize that there is far more to their seemingly innocent host than meets the eye..

Merry Krampus

Merry Krampus

It's Christmas Eve and a harried married couple has had it with their two spoiled sons. To scare them into behaving, they tell the boys about Krampus, a mythic Christmas demon that punishes wicked children. Krampus pays the family a visit that night with unexpected results..



After misbehaving all night at a Christmas celebration, young Hans hears the story of Krampus, the legendary demon known to punish children when they've been naughty. Little does he know what awaits him when the lights go out..

Sister Krampus

Sister Krampus

Near the end of World War II, American soldiers perpetuate an unspeakable horror on a local nun. Turned away from the church, Krampus hears her cries, enacting brutal revenge - but it comes with a price. Decades later, two sisters visiting Europe on Christmas holiday are unexpectedly plunged into the nightmare web of Sister Krampus, bride to the holiday deity. They are aided by a local village woman, and together they venture into the nearby, desolate convent to unlock the secret to stopping the evil spirit once and for all..