

Kickfighter streaming vf complet gratuit



Miles Keane adepte des arts martiaux tente de se défaire de l’emprise financière de Lynch, un organisateur de combats illégaux qui combinent la boxe, la lutte et tous les arts martiaux. Miles est redevable d’une dette que sa mère et lui-même ont contractée pour l’ouverture d’un night-club (le Playpen). Afin de solder sa dette, Miles gagne ce qu’il considère être le dernier combat qu’il fera pour Lynch, mais celui-ci menace et exige de lui qu’il combatte un redoutable champion d’arts martiaux Thaïlandais. Chang, un puissant gangster Vietnamien en est l’organisateur. Miles refuse, mais une terrible machination le voit impliqué dans le meurtre de l’un des danseurs de son club. La police découvre des preuves accablantes et s’apprête à l’arrêter….

Return of the Kickfighter

Return of the Kickfighter

The plot concerns a unit of US marines operating in the Vietnam war during 1970, with the movie opening on a raid in a village. After massacring the villagers, the marines steal the villages gold, much to the objection of their Vietnamese translator and guide. Skip forward past the credits sequence; it's now 15 years later, and members of the unit are getting murdered one by one. This leads to the former head of the group, now a high ranking military officer, announcing that the only person who is up to the job of finding out the identity of the killer is an Aussie, Major Brad Cooper..

Night of the Kickfighters

Night of the Kickfighters

A new high tech laser is being developed under the watchful eye of a Scientist when a mercenary group tries to steal it. It is up to the Night raider to return the laser safely before it falls into the wrong hands..

Final Run

Final Run

This is Midnight Angel without the female caped-crusaders. Once again, Yukari Oshima steals the show as she seeks revenge against the drug overlord who killed her fiancee..

The Fighter

The Fighter

Ryan Travers has just been released from a prison in Bangkok, Thailand, after serving a five-year sentence for murder. His parents, running an antique shop in the area while waiting for their son to be released, are killed in an explosion perpetrated by the local mob after refusing to pay protection money. Ryan's news go from bad to worse when he learns his sister Katie is seriously ill and will need an operation. With only a dead end job at a construction site after his release, Ryan learns about a local underground fight ring and decides to enter to raise the money for his sister's medical fees and search vengeance..