

Johnny Test

Johnny Test

Johnny Test

Johnny Test, petit malin de 11 ans, et son chien parlant génétiquement modifié enchaînent les aventures pour sauver leur famille (et le monde) des désastres de tout poil..

Johnny Test

Johnny Test

A quel point un garçon débordant d'imagination, ses deux sœurs férues de sciences et son chien fidèle peuvent-ils s'attirer des ennuis ? On demande à voir !.

Worth: The Testimony of Johnny St. James

Worth: The Testimony of Johnny St. James

Johnny St. James was a young seminary student who lost his wife to a drunk driver. With his reason for living gone, John lost his faith and turned to alcohol. Ten years later, John is finally read to get his life back on track. With his best friend Hickey ('Eric Roberts') in tow John attends his first AA meeting. He soon finds that his road to recovery tested when he runs into the man who ran down his wife..

Johnny Test: The Lost Web Series

Johnny Test: The Lost Web Series

Young Johnny is gung-ho and full of courage. Johnny's brainiac twin sisters, Susan and Mary, use Johnny as their guinea pig for their outrageous scientific experiments. If they can dream it up, Johnny will do it; as long as his genetically engineered super dog, Dukey, can come along.This limited series was originally produced as a digital continuation of the original animated show, before being shelved entirely after only uploading one episode..

Fort Defiance

Fort Defiance

It's just after the Civil War and Ben Shelby arrives looking for Johnny Tallon whom he plans to kill. Shelby was the only survivor of a battle due to the cowardice of Tallon. Thinking Tallon dead, another man who lost a brother at the same battle arrives to kill Tallon's blind brother. Tallon arrives to find Shelby and his brother fleeing. Then they are attacked by Indians and Shelby and Tallon must now fight together postponing the inevitable showdown..