

Ivanhoé sokroflix gratuit



Ivanhoé est un vaillant prince qui lutte contre l’injustice et la tyrannie. Ce jeune seigneur a juré allégeance au roi Richard Cœur de Lion après avoir été déshérité et renié par son père. Il lutte contre le Prince Jean, un tyran qui profite de l’absence de Richard, retenu aux Croisades, pour s’emparer du trône. Mais Ivanhoé, aidé par ses fidèles compagnons Bart et Gurth, rallie le noble hors-la-loi Robin des Bois et ensemble, décident de ne pas laisser faire l’odieux Prince Jean : ce dernier peut trembler.



Le roi d'Angleterre, Richard Cœur de Lion, s'est mystérieusement évaporé sur le chemin du retour, après avoir longtemps guerroyé en Terre sainte. Ivanhoé, un noble Saxon à la fidélité inébranlable, part à sa recherche et retrouve sa trace en Autriche. Le roi Richard y est retenu captif par le duc Léopold qui, voyant bien le profit qu'il pourrait tirer de son prestigieux prisonnier, exige en échange de sa libération une somme faramineuse. Ivanhoé se hâte de regagner l'Angleterre. Son père le renie. Le prince Jean sans Terre, frère du roi, entend bien ne pas s'acquitter de la rançon et conquérir ainsi le trône. C'est auprès de la communauté juive d'Angleterre qu'Ivanhoé trouve quelque écho à sa demande….



The epic tale of the idealistic young knight Ivanhoe and his battle against the evil Templar Bois-Guilbert. Caught between the rivalries and religious struggles are Ivanhoe's betrothed Rowena and the brave, beautiful Jewess healer Rebecca, who wins Ivanhoe's heart with her courage. This grand six-part adaptation of Sir Walter Scott's rousing adventure of the Middle Ages is set against the historical backdrop of a Britain straining under the corrupt rule of Prince John while Richard the Lionhearted fights in the Crusades..



Ivanhoe, a worthy and noble knight, the champion of justice returns to England after the holy wars, and finds England under the reign of Prince John and his henchmen and finds himself being involved in the power-struggle for the throne of England..



Ivanhoe was a BBC television series from 1970. The script was by Alexander Baron, based on Sir Walter Scott's novel of the same name. The director was David Maloney. It was shown on the Sunday tea-time slot on BBC1, which for several years showed fairly faithful adaptations of classic novels aimed at a family audience. It was later shown on US television. It consisted of five 50-minute episodes. It is not widely remembered nowadays, but is remembered favourably by some who do remember it, as one of the better BBC Sunday adaptations, and possibly more accessible to a late 20th-century audience than Scott's original novel..



De retour de croisades, le chevalier Ivanhoé retrouve l'Angleterre dans triste état. Les saxons, partisans du sinistre Prince Jean, s'opposent aux Normands. De bataille en tournois, d’attaquants de châteaux en guetapens, Ivanhoé et ses amis les Normands tentent tout pour déjouer les plans du Prince Jean et préserver le royaume de Richard Cœur de Lion..



Wilfred of Ivanhoe (played by King Baggot), son of Sir Cedric (played by Wallace Bosco), returns to England from the Crusades in the Holy Land. As Ivanhoe, disguised, discovers that his beloved Lady Rowena (played by Evelyn Hope) has remained faithful, two weary travelers, Isaac of York (played by Herbert Brenon) and his pretty daughter Rebecca (played by Leah Baird), are admitted to Sir Cedric's castle, but after the knights learn that Isaac has money they abduct the visitors to the Norman stronghold of Torquilstone Castle..

Le Retour d'Ivanhoé

Le Retour d'Ivanhoé

En l’an 1000, de retour d’un séjour de dix ans en Terre Sainte, Ivanhoé trouve le pays aux ordres de l’usurpateur du trône d’Angleterre, Stephen Cunningham. Recueilli par une troupe de comédiens, il organise avec eux la résistance. Deux jeunes actrices, Brenda et Katy, tombent immédiatement sous son charme et deviennent d’ardentes rivales. Apprenant que l’épée de la dynastie royale n’est pas en possession de Stephen mais qu’elle est cachée dans un petit village écossais, Ivanhoé part à sa recherche. Seule cette épée, s’il parvient à la remettre à l’héritière légitime du trône, qui a disparu, permettra à celle-ci de régner enfin….



Based on the stories of the famous Scottish writer Walter Scott, has carried out the adaptation in the animation format of the adventures of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. The intrigues of the English court is the starting point of this wonderful story which combines the values ​​of courage, love and friendship..



A young knight returns to England to discover that King Richard the Lionheart has been replaced by the tyrannical Prince John, while Lady Rowena, his true love, is engaged to another man..

Darknight, la légende d'Ivanhoé

Darknight, la légende d'Ivanhoé

Après des années de captivité, le valeureux Ivanhoé parvient enfin à s’évader et à rejoindre sa terre natale, l’Angleterre. Mais les choses ont bien changé : le prince John, frère du roi, aidé dans sa quête du mal par l’infâme sorcier Mordour, a pris le pouvoir et mis le royaume à feu et à sang….

Young Ivanhoe

Young Ivanhoe

Ivanhoe is learning his way while having dealing with his father, Sir Cedric. The Normans are threatening England so he must quickly develop under the tutelage of the Black Knight, secretly King Richard, and followers of Robin Hood..

Storybook Classics: Ivanhoe

Storybook Classics: Ivanhoe

Wilfred of Ivanhoe is a loyal knight to King Richard the Lion Heart. Wilfred wins King Richard's favour and is offered a gift of his choice, to which he replies that he's like to return home to regain his father's affection and further pursue his love, Rowena. With his wish granted, the brave knight adopts a disguise and heads to his home kingdom, defending the defenceless on his journey and entering the great tournament under a false name in the hopes of appeasing his father..

The Ballad of the Valiant Knight Ivanhoe

The Ballad of the Valiant Knight Ivanhoe

Ivanhoe is the story of one of the remaining Saxon noble families at a time when the nobility in England was overwhelmingly Norman. It follows the Saxon protagonist, Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe, who is out of favor with his father for his allegiance to the Norman king Richard the Lionheart. The story is set in 1194, after the failure of the Third Crusade, when many of the Crusaders were still returning to their homes in Europe. King Richard, who had been captured by Leopold of Austria on his return journey to England, was believed to still be in captivity..