

It Pays to Advertise! voirfilms

It Pays to Advertise

It Pays to Advertise

To prove his thesis that any product--even one that doesn't exist--can be merchandized if it is advertised properly, a young man gets together with his father's savvy secretary to market a non-existent laundry soap. Complications ensue when his "product" turns out to be more successful than even he imagined--and now he has to deliver..

It Pays to Advertise

It Pays to Advertise

Needing seeds for a pensioner's garden, the kids go to market. Two of them get carried away in an advertising balloon. Crowds flock round and the kids get plenty of money for seeds..

It Pays to Advertise!

It Pays to Advertise!

Mr. Miller is the CEO of a big soap company whose son Henry like to spend his father's money but isn't interesting in working. Henry's laziness makes Mr. Miller upset and stressed out, so he assigns his young secretary (who the son also is in love with) to figure out a way to make Henry work and she will get 10,000 crowns ($1000). But things doesn't really to turn out the way Mr. Miller imagined..