

Istanbul streaming vf complet gratuit



Deux excentriques se rencontrent par hasard et partent ensemble en Turquie. Mais aucun n'est vraiment qui il prétend être, et l'un d'eux cache un sombre secret..



Portrait de la ville d'Istanbul qui s'intéresse moins à son histoire, à ses monuments, qu'à la vie de ses différents quartiers et à sa population (métiers de la rue, passants)..



With Istanbul, Martine Rousset puts on the brakes to the world's movement through a cinema of deceleration. At the boundaries between image by image movement and optical fusion, the rhythm of the film gives way to a suspended or floating time. Is it not certain that the idea of duration is more able to render a perception of the city that rather burns for intense emotion. It seems as if the camera cultivates a dreamy half-sleep. To this soft throbbing, blends however, variation of exposure as well. Therefore, at certain times, seeing becomes fragile and dangerous..

Istanbullu Gelin

Istanbullu Gelin

Faruk is the owner of a bus company and the leader of a powerful family in Bursa which is a metropol in Turkey. Faruk meets a violonist girl and falls in love with her. But the dominant mother of Faruk isn't happy with her son's relationship..

Ruthless City

Ruthless City

The life of a disabled guy changes dramatically after a family from a small town comes to Istanbul. How will Seher behave after she learns that her mother-in-law has agreed with Agah Karacay? What will Ceren do when she learns that she is supposed to get married to disabled Nedim instead of Cenk? Will Cemre manage to save Nedim’s life with her care and treatment? Will Seniz manage to keep her secrets? Will Ceren eventually fulfill her dreams of becoming rich? Will Cenk eventually find a true love? How will the life of Karacay family change after the arrival of Seher and her children? Will Nedim become healthy again?.

Homicide Unit Istanbul

Homicide Unit Istanbul

Istanbul police commissioner Mehmet Özakin is in charge of serious crime, mainly murder investigations, mostly in the Turkish metropolis. A very modern Turk, he uses up to date Western methods, without prejudice, assisted by bachelor Mustafa Tombul. Even his private life is progressive, his wife Sevim being on the former imperial capital's university staff..

An Istanbul Tale

An Istanbul Tale

The series is made into 71 episodes. It takes place in Istanbul, Turkey. The story centers around two rich brothers Selim Arhan the elder and Demir Arhan the younger one. They are still living at home with their parents Omar Arhan and Baheye Arhan. They live in a large house and have a cook by the name of Suzanne and her husband the driver whose name is Jamal Kozan. They have three children; Cheche the eldest is 28, Esma the second daughter who is the star of the series and finally a son who is in his final year at school. Esma has loved Demir, the younger son, ever since she was a child but he never noticed her. She always followed his news in the magazines. One night she climbed a tree to watch the annual Spring party that his family was holding but her sister followed her and tried to force to come down from the tree resulting in her falling over the large cake and hurting her ankle. The next morning, Selim found her sitting in the garden of his house and discovered that her foot was hurting so he decided to take her to a doctor. Esma was going to audition that day for a dance but her father didn't know about it. She failed the audition because she couldn't dance well. One night Demir came home followed by one of his girlfriends who refused to leave and wanted to be invited inside. He told her that his girlfriend was there and so he couldn't receive her. To convince that girl to go away, he kissed Esma who was in standing there. She thought that such a kiss was a sign that he was beginning to notice her. One night Demir came home drunk and couldn't go to his room. Esma had a copy of the house keys and so went to him to help him to his room. She tired to help him out of his clothes when his mother came in and saw them together in bed. When Selim was told about that he thought that he could save matters by putting her name as one to the people who were going to do their training at Arhan indutries which happened to be the largest company in Turkey and where many people were always trying to get their training there to put it on their CVs..

Mission Istanbul

Mission Istanbul

Nick Tschiller est un flic dont la femme a été assassinée par la Mafia turque. Lorsque sa fille Lenny se rend en Turquie pour venger sa mère, Nick et son partenaire Yalcin se lancent à sa poursuite espérant la sauver avant qu’il ne soit trop tard. A Istanbul, ils découvrent que Lenny est aux mains de gangsters russes, qui ont projeté de l’emmener à Moscou. La traque s’engage….

L'homme d'Istanbul

L'homme d'Istanbul

Tony Mecenas, aventurier américain et playboy notoire des nuits stambouliotes, possède un club où l'on s’enivre de femmes et se déleste de son argent. Un soir, la jeune Kenny candidate pour rejoindre le club de strip-tease. Sous couverture, l’agente du FBI infiltrée fait une offre à Tony : lui qui connaît bien le monde souterrain d’Istanbul devra l’aider à trouver le professeur Pendergast, un spécialiste du nucléaire, kidnappé, et contre lequel les Américains ont versé une rançon d’un million de dollars, avant de réaliser qu’ils avaient été dupés. Alors que le scientifique reste introuvable, le FBI soupçonne les services secrets chinois de le cacher à Istanbul. Si Tony parvient à mettre la main sur l’otage et l’argent, il pourra conserver le montant de la rançon....

Red Istanbul

Red Istanbul

Un écrivain expatrié de retour à Istanbul se retrouve pris dans un écheveau de relations lorsque l'ami cinéaste qu'il vient aider disparaît..



Kandemir is the head of a gang which conducts robberies. Their main goal is to rob fairly. What connects the members of the gang to one another is friendship. Unfortunately, everything changes after an old friend of Kandemir, Ali Rıza Kaptan’s goes to prison. Kandemir and the gang settle into an old neighborhood which seems quiet and peaceful. However, nothing is as how it seems in the neighborhood. They introduce themselves to their neighbors as the Nevizade family. Protagonists Kandemir, Ferdi, Karlos, Yaren, Bahadır and Derya have had hard times and when they gather under one roof these gang members still carry the traces of those hard times. Kandemir wishes to confront his daughter and show her that he is no longer a man of monkey business, while blood brothers Ferdi and Karlos who ran away from an orphanage still carry the misery of the streets; Yaren who came to İstanbul with the hope of being a famous singer is singing in taverns; Bahadır uses his genius for hacking computers and Derya joins the gang with her acting skills in order to save her father..

Yeditepe Istanbul

Yeditepe Istanbul

When Olcay's husband commits suicide and leaves a huge debt behind, Olcay and her teenage daughter, Duru, are forced to move to a slum in Istanbul. They find themselves financially dependent on Olcay's only remaining friend, so Olcay starts to look for a job. Without any degree or experience, she tries to survive doing all sorts of odd jobs. Meanwhile, her neighbors, who are completely different from the people in Olcay's old world, begin to get to like the mother and daughter. Some even fall in love..