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Marié à une très belle femme, Vincent Eastman, un architecte de Vancouver, voit son couple partir à la dérive. Il décide de la quitter pour refaire sa vie avec Olivia Marshak, une jeune journaliste..



When a conman discovers his son is abducted, he is forced to drive the streets of Sydney completing an escalating series of trials to appease the kidnapper, and atone for his career of deception..



Deux hommes d'affaires riches et passionnés par les automobiles. Une pédiatre idéaliste. Quand leurs routes se croisent, leurs vies basculent..



Chilean refugee Daniela came to Canada as a child after her mother was assassinated during Chile’s dictatorship. Her father, Pepe, never wants to speak about Chile, but when her daughter Rocío starts to ask questions, Daniela decides to apply for Chilean citizenship for a first trip back. This triggers the Chilean government to piece together records never before connected in the paper days and leads them to uncover much more than Daniela expected..



Un homme brisé, hanté par un accident de voiture qui a coûté la vie à sa fille, revient dans la même petite ville où l’accident fatidique a eu lieu pour y découvrir quelque chose qu’il ne s’attendait jamais à trouver – l’amour. Les secondes chances ont-elles un prix ?.



"An exploration of a specific area of space and time. The space: 360 degrees of action at a traffic intersection, and the time: the period of waiting before the lights change - the illusion that time is running slower than normally." - Cantrill's Film Notes 1971..



The documentary Intersection presents the everyday life of Eduard Bigas, in his current residence in Berlin. The audiovisual piece goes into Bigas' way of looking, while he himself tells his story. And through the interviews with his closest circle, both the social and the professional one, it seeks to expose the way of doing things of this artist with surrealist roots..



It is an experimental film in which the best of the structural film tradition merges with an urban symphony. A busy intersection is a plentiful source of the scenes that form a rhythmical unit with its own structure and meaning. The celebration of cinematography in its very own realm of images and sounds!.



On the corner of Brooktondale Rd and route 79 near Ithaca is an amazing planting of Forget-Me-Nots and Dandelions. An improbable dance between different layers of reality, one organic, the other mechanical, another the numbing everyday. Timeless fragility joust with fleeting enamels and the upstanding violence..



A man shows us that all kinds of communication between humans are extremely simplified and classified in the future, including sexual intercourse..



A road trip forces a young woman and her two besties to examine their identities and place in the American South, in this smart and poignant film that explores friendship, ally-ship, and intersecting identities..



At the intersection of a provincial track and an international road a Gypsy community of a small Romanian town begin and end their day. It is the point of the geographical crossing that divides them from the rest of the world and keeps them within the traditional lifestyle, where in generations survive families, elderly, men and women, children and teenagers..



Two road construction workers flag for non-existent vehicles on a remote desert intersection. The monotony of their day is smashed with the violent arrival of an object from the sky..



Walker, a frustrated twentysomething, works a dead-end job as a grocery clerk. Despite his best friend Cole's assurances that he has the power to make things better for himself, he still feels trapped and discontented. As Walker wrestles with his circumstances, he crosses paths with Danny, a cog in an crumbling drug operation who's desperately trying to escape the repercussions of his own mistakes. In one night, the threads that connect these three lives violently unravel, obscuring the lines between self-determination and random, uncalculated chance..



Un couple de New-Yorkais fortunés est en lune de miel au Maroc... L'amant de la mariée rôde avec ses propres plans... Un dangereux trafiquant de diamants est transféré vers une prison... Une femme énigmatique voyage avec un bébé... Leurs histoires vont s'entrechoquer dans un brutal accident de voitures, au beau milieu du Sahara. Les survivants n'ont d'autre choix que d'unir leurs forces pour s'en sortir indemnes. Mais à qui faire confiance ? Surgit alors des dunes un mystérieux étranger. Les destins sont désormais liés pour un voyage semé de rebondissements, de mensonges et de trahisons... Et si rien n'était arrivé par hasard ?.

Intersectional Lens: The Black, Queer, and Trans Experience

Intersectional Lens: The Black, Queer, and Trans Experience

A documentary that explores the marginalized communities of those who are Black and identify as part of the San Diego LGBTQ+ community. The documentary looks at the challenges in coming out, finding community, relationships and difficulties at school, work and in the military…while highlighting the injustices befallen on trans identities..

Scenes from the Life of Andy Warhol: Friendships & Intersections

Scenes from the Life of Andy Warhol: Friendships & Intersections

This intimate portrait of Andy Warhol pulls together a unique library of material shot by New York film legend Jonas Mekas. Spanning from 1963 to 1990, the film features a cast of counterculture icons including Allen Ginsberg, George Maciunas, John Lennon, and Yoko Ono, as well as John and Caroline Kennedy, and Lee Radziwill (Jackie Kennedy Onassis's sister and Warhol muse)—to whom Mekas dedicates the film. The film features footage from the Velvet Underground's first public performance. A portrait of the remarkable life of arguable the twentieth century's most famous artist and leading iconographer..