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CRADLE ON MY NOISE L*I*V*E -LIVE INSOMNIA VIDEO EDITION is Onitsuka Chihiro's first live DVD, and consists mostly of songs from her Insomnia era. Both versions of "Gekkou" sung were close to the album version arrangements, with the difference being that the first time singing the song she started acapella. It was shot at SHIBUYA-AX on April 28, 2001..

Les Insomniaques

Les Insomniaques

Albert et Boris, insomniaques, se rencontrent une nuit dans Paris. Ils forment avec d'autres insomniaques une société secrète qui se voue à redresser certains torts : responsable ayant spolié des handicapés, député corrompu, ecclésiastique pédophile.... Martial, inspecteur de police, vient à enquêter sur leurs activités..

The Cure For Insomnia

The Cure For Insomnia

Not really following any standard plot structure, the film mostly consists of poet L.D. Groban reciting his own poem of 4,080 pages, inter-spliced with X-rated film footage and rock music videos..

Dave Attell's Insomniac Tour: Uncensored!

Dave Attell's Insomniac Tour: Uncensored!

Inspired by Dave Attell's popular Comedy Central series, this concert movie deposits him and three fellow comics, including the wildly popular Dane Cook, at the House of Blues in Las Vegas to deliver some raucous and frequently funny material before an appreciative crowd. Those who know Attell's misanthropic stage persona from his series won't be disappointed by his material here, though he functions mainly as host for his three co-headliners. Rouse takes the easy route with jokes aimed straight for the heart of the rowdy audience (sex, booze, drugs), Giraldo mixes gags based around fatherhood with some political humor, while Cook, whose status has blossomed to near-superstardom thanks to tours like this, is broad and fairly foul-mouthed, but gives an engagingly manic performance, which is well received by the heavily lubricated twenty-something crowd..

The Insomniac City Cycles

The Insomniac City Cycles

In a bustling Tel Aviv, a man suffering from insomnia tries to remember if someone actually shot him in one the city's underground parking garages. He no longer knows what is real or a dream while the city increasingly reflects the human condition. A young woman wakes up in a hotel room in Shanghai from that dream by a mysterious phone call. A fragmented conversation with a stranger who seems to also be a lover, rolls into a dazed odyssey in what seems like another dream amidst nocturnal Shanghai..

Insomniacs After School

Insomniacs After School

No one seems to understand Nakami. His nights are restless, his days sleepy, and his time at school is isolating. Yet all that seems to change when he encounters his carefree classmate, Magari, dozing off in their high school’s abandoned observatory. Not only is Magari friendly, she’s also a closet insomniac. Together they find solidarity in their shared condition, using the observatory to nap as needed. When their unsanctioned use of the space is discovered, the only way to save their refuge is to revive the school’s long defunct astronomy club. As they work together and get to know each other, their bond grows ever stronger, but hidden truths threaten to cut their budding friendship shot..

El Club de los Insomnes

El Club de los Insomnes

Chaque nuit, Santiago se réfugie dans une supérette ouverte toute la nuit pour lutter contre l’insomnie. Il y retrouve Danny, la caissière, qui rêve de devenir photographe. Mais leurs conversations, rencontres avec des créatures nocturnes et parties improvisées de Scrabble, n’aident pas Santiago à résoudre ses problèmes, puisqu’il refuse d’affronter l’échec de son mariage et son travail morose. La routine des deux amis change lorsqu’Estela, une vétérinaire qui vient de découvrir sa grossesse, entre dans leur petit monde et change leurs vies plus que n’importe qui auparavant..

The Insomniac

The Insomniac

After the protagonist's psyche begins to spiral out of control, he begins to suffer another sleepless and lonely night. Stuck in his apartment, the protagonist tries to find solutions to his insomnia..

Insomniac: The Movie

Insomniac: The Movie

16 Filmmaking Teams created a broken-telephone-narrative over the course of 16 Weeks. Each team could view only the sequence that came before theirs. Together, the collective created a sprawling DIY epic! A movie that morphs rapidly before your very eyes! An ambitious community project formed in the midst of fractured isolation! Together, they created... “Insomniac: The Movie”!.

The Best of Insomniac with Dave Attell Volume 2

The Best of Insomniac with Dave Attell Volume 2

Dave Attell's video travelogue of after-hour experiences around the globe. Attell sets out to explore the nightlife in Las Vegas, Amsterdam, Key West, Miami, Boise, Kansas City, Anchorage, New York City, Charleston, WV and Austin. Includes never-before-seen uncensored footage of scenes too racy for even Comedy Central to show..