

In the Garden streaming vf complet gratuit

In the Night Garden

In the Night Garden

In the Night Garden is a magical place that exists between the waking and sleeping imagination of children close to the representation of a nursery rhyme..

Servamp : Alice in the Garden

Servamp : Alice in the Garden

Depuis la disparition de Tsubaki, Mahiru pensait avoir retrouvé une vie paisible. Mais un jour et contre toute attente, il se met à neiger sur la ville. Mahiru se dit que ce temps inhabituel est peut-être lié aux vampires et fait alors appel à Misono Alicein, expert sur ce sujet. C'est alors que Mikuni, le frère de Misono, se présente à Mahiru et lui révèle le secret bien gardé de la famille Alicein..

Kids in the Garden

Kids in the Garden

Wacky, wild and full of wonder, Kids in the Garden, is a colourful series that inspires kids to get their hands dirty. Join presenter Nick Hardcastle as he puts the fun in funghi, makes a mini terrarium jungle and discovers how strange and intriguing our gardens really are. While discovering the science behind how plants work, Nick uses his quirky humour to make gardening a fun activity for kids..

In the Garden

In the Garden

1783. Berkshire, England. As the last day of summer draws to a close, Frederick and Clementine, two young and attractive aristocrats, talk beneath an old oak tree. Despite the idyllic setting, something more sinister begins to reveal itself..

In the Garden

In the Garden

A queer, silent piece exploring the discovery of the third gender that opens the gateway to total bliss. A commentary on the chaos that breeds a queer mind..

In the Garden

In the Garden

Where does 'I' leave off and the 'world' begin; when does 'past' end and 'present' begin? Images blurring boundaries suggest the relatedness of being. A few moments in an English garden thinking of Virginia Woolf..

Fireflies in the Garden

Fireflies in the Garden

Michael Taylor, auteur à succès, est de retour dans sa ville natale après de longues années d’absence pour fêter la remise de diplôme de sa mère, Lisa. Alors que sa sœur Ryne vient le chercher à l’aéroport, ses parents ont un accident et Lisa est tuée sur le coup. Michael va non seulement devoir faire face à la perte de sa mère mais également revoir la relation conflictuelle qu’il entretient avec son père, Charles, depuis son enfance..

Minuit dans le jardin du bien et du mal

Minuit dans le jardin du bien et du mal

John Kelso est envoyé par le magazine "Town and Country" à Savannah pour couvrir la grande fête qu'organise chaque Noël John Williams, antiquaire et collectionneur d'art dans sa résidence légendaire, Mercer House, située au coeur historique de la ville. C'est l'occasion pour le journaliste de rencontrer tout le gratin local et de s'imprégner de l'atmosphère raffinée de Savannah. Mais durant la nuit, John Williams est arrêté et inculpé du meurtre de son jeune compagnon, Billy Hanson, un gigolo. Flairant un scandale mondain, John Kelso décide de rester..

The Unicorn in the Garden

The Unicorn in the Garden

Based on James Thurber's short-story about a mild, henpecked man who, while preparing his breakfast, looks out the window and sees a unicorn eating flowers in the garden. He rushes upstairs to inform his domineering wife, and she accuses him of being crazy and threatens to have him put away. He persists that he did see a unicorn in the garden, and she phones for the authorities to come take him away. But when they arrive, with strait-jackets, they find the wife rambling and raving about seeing the unicorn, and promptly take her away..

Hurricane In The Rose Garden

Hurricane In The Rose Garden

A family comedy about what happens when a happily married couple's life is suddenly turned upside-down during an unwelcome visit from the husband's very traditional and very opinionated Nigerian Mom..

Around the World in 80 Gardens

Around the World in 80 Gardens

Around the World in 80 Gardens was a television series of 10 programmes in which British gardener and broadcaster Monty Don visited 80 of the world's most celebrated gardens. The series was filmed over a period of 18 months and was first broadcast on BBC Two at 9.00pm on successive Sundays from 27 January to 30 March 2008. A book based on the series was also published. The title of the series was a reference to Jules Verne's novel Around the World in Eighty Days and is a spiritual successor to Dan Cruickshank's earlier television series, Around the World in 80 Treasures, first broadcast in 2005..