

In Trees voirfilms

Men in Trees : Leçons de séduction

Men in Trees : Leçons de séduction

Marin Frist, new yorkaise, est une célèbre coach en relations amoureuses et a tout pour être heureuse : son troisième livre vient de sortir et promet d'être un succès, et elle est fiancée à Graham, un homme séduisant et qui a réussi. Mais alors qu'elle est dans l'avion qui la transporte vers Elmo, petite ville (imaginaire) de l'Alaska, où elle doit tenir une conférence, elle apprend que son fiancé la trompe. Marin décide alors de rester quelques mois à Elmo, le temps d'écrire un livre sur les hommes. Elle aura ainsi le temps de faire connaissance avec la population bigarrée et un brin farfelue de cette petite ville... au point de ne pas la quitter ?.

Boys in the Trees

Boys in the Trees

Le soir de Halloween 1997, pour les lycéens Corey, Jango et leur gang de skaters les Gromits, c'est le crépuscule de l'enfance et l'aube de l'âge adulte. C'est ce soir-là que Corey va voir ressurgir son passé en croisant la route de Jonah, qui fut son ami lorsqu'ils étaient plus jeunes mais qui est devenu le souffre-douleur de Jango. Corey le prend en pitié et accepte de le raccompagner chez lui en souvenir du bon vieux temps. Tandis qu'ils marchent dans les rues désertes de leur banlieue, les deux garçons se mettent à se raconter des histoires de fantômes, faisant ainsi ressurgir ceux, bien réels, qui hantent leurs mémoires. Chemin faisant, Corey se rend compte que Jonah et lui ont énormément de choses en commun. Y compris de terribles secrets qui vont ressurgir là où on ne les attend pas....

Palmiers dans la neige

Palmiers dans la neige

Sa curiosité éveillée par une vieille lettre, une jeune femme se rend dans la plantation tropicale de sa famille pour explorer les secrets accumulés pendant des générations..

No Trees in the Street

No Trees in the Street

Based on the play by Ted Willis, the film is set in the years just before World War II, when England hadn't completely dug itself out of the worldwide depression. Melvyn Hayes is featured as an aimless teenager, who tries to escape his squalid surroundings by entering a life of crime. He falls in with local hoodlum Herbert Lom, who holds the rest of the slum citizens in the grip of fear including Hayes' own family. No Trees in the Street chronicles Hayes' sordid progress from nickel-and-dime thefts to murder..

Eyes in the Trees

Eyes in the Trees

A geneticist has been isolated after the government stopped funding his research following the violent outbreak of one of his test subjects. Later, two renowned filmmakers and their crew embark on a journey of discovery, only to find their excursion turned into a fight for survival for not just themselves, but the entire human race..

In Celebration of Trees

In Celebration of Trees

Filmed by Emmy Award-winning cinematographer Al Giddings, this timeless program takes a stirring look at the largest, tallest, longest-living things on the planet: trees. Stunning location footage captures the variety and the grandeur of the Pacific Northwest, the Florida Everglades, the Shenandoah Valley, and the Great Sonoran Desert. Quotations from Sierra Club founder John Muir and others who revere nature are interwoven with information on topics ranging from the function of forest ecosystems, to the effects of deforestation, to the integration of parks into urban landscapes..

Two Trees in Jerusalem

Two Trees in Jerusalem

Two Trees in Jerusalem, an animated documentary produced by Humanity in Action, profiles the remarkable history of Eberhard and Donata Helmrich, who together saved the lives of countless Jews during the Holocaust. The pair worked as a husband-and-wife team in the eye of the storm, in Berlin and the blood-soaked fields of Eastern Europe, devising ever-more daring gambits to save any life they could, even as death surrounded them. The history is dramatically narrated by the couple’s daughter Cornelia, who was called into her parents’ confidence as a young child, and was imbued with an inner-strength that guided her work decades later as a journalist, politician and as the Federal Comissioner for Foreigner’s Affairs..

Shadow in the Trees

Shadow in the Trees

A young boy from the small town of Prospect, Oregon is plagued by the mysterious disappearance of his father. In a desperate search for answers, he finds himself on the trail of a fabled creature and closer to the horrific truth..

Baron In The Trees

Baron In The Trees

The Baron in the Trees is a short narrative film about a pair of identical twins: one of them is playing a role in a children’s theater and the other one is a spectator of theshow. The identical appearances and different behaviors create a motif for the film. Along with Anahita’s previous short films When the Kid was a Kid and Needle, The Baron in the Trees will be the last piece to a trilogy of short films with young protagonists. Growth, gender-identity and family dynamics are the main themes of this trio..

Bare Trees in the Mist

Bare Trees in the Mist

A young woman struggles to provide for her son while waiting to receive money from her husband. When she hears that a neighbour’s husband has returned from abroad with gifts, she undertakes the long, humbling journey to visit them, in this lyrical, emotional, and richly textured drama..

In the Trees

In the Trees

2015. USA. Directed by Joan Jonas. Presented as a two-channel diptych: Green Timeline (3:41 min.); Mirror Timeline (3:48 min.). 7 min..