

I Exist streaming vf complet gratuit

I Exist

I Exist

Gay people exist in Armenia, Syria, Iran, Egypt and Sudan too. They are Christians, Muslims and Jews, belonging to and rejected by their own cultures. In this series of interview we learn a bit about their lives and hear a few critiques of western media and its oversimplified, often negative depictions of these peoples and cultures..

I Exist On The Internet

I Exist On The Internet

We exist in a human body, but what would it mean to live through an artificial, digital body? I Exist On The Internet examines ideas around artificial intelligence and digital consumption in an ever-evolving online environment to create a fluid overlap between fantasy and reality..

I Don't Exist if You Don't

I Don't Exist if You Don't

The opening sequence of the feature documentary I Don’t Exist If You Don’t follows artist Ann Liv Young performing at queer cabaret Brooklyn is Burning at MoMA PS1 in 2010. Ann Liv appears as her brash alter ego Sherry, a therapist with a southern accent. During the performance, Sherry intends to auction a pan of her urine to the audience as a protest because she’s not permitted to sell her DVDs at the show. Instead, what ensues is theater so raw and challenging, the lights are killed to stop the show. I Don’t Exist If You Don’t weaves interviews with nine of Ann Liv Young’s performances, staged in Europe and the United States..

Perhaps What I Fear Does Not Exist

Perhaps What I Fear Does Not Exist

When her father becomes suddenly paralyzed, the filmmaker spends four years in between hospitals finding shelter behind her camera away from a family tragedy. Rehabilitation centers, cemeteries, love making, VR experiments, fervent prayers and voice notes are the record of a filmmaker’s journey trying to amend the impossible: finding absolution for a broken family by making her father walk again..



A hybrid documentary about love, Gabby Lauren expresses her trouble understanding the notion of love throughout life. She turns to friends and interviews them, and in return, receives a collection of nostalgic and intimate conversations on what love is to them. Following two sisters, a couple and a cat lady consider the subject of love and how it has impacted their relationships and lives. This short film puts love in the forefront, a nostalgic collection of love in different forms. Portraying the growth of the relationships on screen and stepping into the warmth of their memories..

I apologize for my annoying existence

I apologize for my annoying existence

Victoria turns 23 today. She can no longer stand the distance that exists between her and the rest of the people. She has found the solution that will remove her from soul-destroying human interactions. Today is the big day. Everything looks the same, she has not doubted her decision. Is a chance encounter enough to bring her closer to humanity? Change everything? The film was made in the context of the 5th Panorama Film School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with the theme DEACTIVATION..

As If I Never Existed

As If I Never Existed

A woman in her thirties decides to leave her house in order to escape the feeling of a suffocation that makes her life impossible. The harder she tries to erase her existence from the house, the stronger the house clings to her. Objects, possessions, and ghosts of other people seem to be holding on to her. Worries and disturbances bring her closer to them. That day, the woman realises she cannot undo anything that exists—even herself.

When I draw myself, I exist thrice

When I draw myself, I exist thrice

In her cinematic encounter with the painter and graphic designer Florentina Pakosta, Christiana Perschon shows a person seeking freedom who turns the artistic exploration of her face into a resistance against her own transience and patriarchal conditions..

Bawa Duka - The Sorrow of Existence - Part I

Bawa Duka - The Sorrow of Existence - Part I

Set during the British colonial reign in Sri Lanka (1905), this powerful drama follows Peduru who descends from a line of traditional drummers, crossing over to three generations. Peduru's struggle for survival in this harsh rural hamlet exposes the repressive Buddhist institutionalization of the locals, and the hierarchical structure backed by the British colonials..

I am From a Place that Doesn't Really Exist

I am From a Place that Doesn't Really Exist

Women and men of different generations are re-united in Montevideo as they remember their years of exile in France, Mexico, Spain and Switzerland. They realize that eleven after years of military dictatorship, Uruguay is not the same as the country they left and they missed so much. After their return from exile they find themselves in situations that seem like another kind of exile, which is perhaps in some ways more painful. They connect with what they feel deep inside, and they recognise that they share these experiences with others and have a collective history..



Mangaka raté et livreur de pizza par dépit, Satoru Fujinuma possède sans pouvoir l’expliquer la capacité exceptionnelle de pouvoir agir sur le temps. A chaque fois qu’un incident croise sa route, il se retrouve projeté quelques instants dans le passé, implicitement afin d’empêcher que l’inévitable ne se produise. D’un naturel effacé et peu sûr de lui, c’est avec une attitude résignée qu’il aborde son quotidien et son pouvoir qu’il vit comme une malédiction. De rencontres perturbantes en événements dramatiques, Satoru va replonger de plus en plus loin vers une enfance traumatisante qu’il avait fait le choix d’éloigner de sa mémoire ....



Après avoir passé un an dans l'espace, où elle a vécu une expérience intense, l'astronaute Molly Watts tente de reprendre une vie normale auprès de sa famille composée de son mari, John, un scientifique surdoué, et Ethan, leur fils, un petit garçon pas comme les autres. En effet, celui-ci n'est pas le fruit naturel de leur union, vu que Molly est stérile : il a été conçu par son père comme le premier prototype d'une future lignée de "Humanichs", des "robots humains". Mais le retour de Molly va justement avoir des conséquences dramatiques sur la planète entière et sur le destin de l'humanité....