

Hurricane Season voirfilms

Hurricane Season

Hurricane Season

Un an après les ravages de l'Ouragan Katrina, Al Collins, entraîneur de basket, tente de monter une équipe de basket, dont les joueurs ont tous été, de près ou de loin, touchés par ce drame..

Eyewitness to History: Hurricane Season 2004

Eyewitness to History: Hurricane Season 2004

Eyewitness to History: Hurricane Season 2004' offers a gripping account of a storm season that tested the resolve of the American spirit. Through unvarnished news footage, viewers witness the raw intensity and aftermath of nature's fury. This documentary meticulously chronicles the dramatic impacts of Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne, each of which carved a unique path of devastation across the U.S. From the unnerving calm before the storms to the arduous recovery processes, 'Eyewitness to History' stands as a testament to human resilience in the face of nature's unpredictable wrath..

Walking on Dead Fish

Walking on Dead Fish

Walking on Dead Fish is a 2008 independent film by first time American director, producer, and writer Franklin Martin. It is a heart felt documentary about a small town high school football team and its "displaced players" who are thrown together by the powerful winds and floods of Hurricane Katrina.