

House of Cards

House of Cards

House of Cards

Le membre du Congrès américain Frank Underwood ne recule devant rien pour tout conquérir : pouvoir, sexe, corruption, manipulation et avidité..

House of Cards

House of Cards

Après la démission de Margaret Thatcher, le Parti conservateur au pouvoir doit élire un nouveau Premier ministre. Le député Francis Urquhart, Chief Whip du gouvernement à la Chambre des communes, aide Henry « Hal » Collingridge à remporter la victoire, espérant ainsi une promotion au sein du prochain Cabinet. Mais après les élections générales, que le parti remporte avec une faible majorité, Collingridge — citant l'exemple d'Harold Macmillan renvoyant la moitié de son Cabinet en 1962 — ne compte pas faire de remaniement ministériel. Urquhart est donc bien résolu à se venger de Collingridge, avec le soutien de sa femme Elizabeth. 1re partie de la trilogie «House of Cards», comprenant «To Play the King» (1993) et «The Final Cut» (1995)..

Le château de cartes

Le château de cartes

Traumatisée par la mort de son père, Sally se construit un monde intérieur dans lequel elle semble s'enfermer. Sa mère Ruth, inquiète des comportements étranges de sa fille, l'emmène voir un spécialiste pour un enfant et essaie de pénétrer sa manière de penser au point de risquer sa propre santé mentale..

Un cri dans l'ombre

Un cri dans l'ombre

À Paris, une mystérieuse organisation, complotant pour instaurer le fascisme en Europe, prend en otage le jeune fils de la famille du général Villemont. L'organisation trouve un adversaire de poids en la personne de l'Américain Reno Davis, entraîneur sportif du fils Villemont. De Paris à Rome, Davis réussit à déjouer les plans de l'organisation en s'emparant de la liste compromettante de ses membres, menaçant de la communiquer aux médias si elle ne libère pas son otage..

House of Cards

House of Cards

In this film without sound, a man awakes disheveled in a rooming house. He stares out the window seeing children playing and a well-dressed man sitting on a chair in the middle of the street reading a newspaper and looking up at him. A headline describes the murder of a child. The disheveled man, whose face expresses fear and despair, leaves, going through the city, alarmed when anyone looks at him. A woman invites him to look through a public telescope. He does then keeps going. He climbs a hill. Two fencers appear; so does a jester. Is flight fruitless?.

House of Cards

House of Cards

The Mannings are a professional couple--she's a doctor, he's a lawyer--who are so absorbed in their careers that they have little time for their young daughter Louise, who is basically left to be raised by their servants. They're shaken out of their single-minded pursuit of their careers when Louise--feeling neglected, unloved and unhappy--runs away with a young newsboy..

The House of Cards

The House of Cards

An elite firm of assassins must face their own mortality as they are hunted down one by one by a mysterious assailant. Caught up in the drama is a disgraced journalist who is more connected to the assassins' world than he could ever know..

The House of Cards

The House of Cards

The rancher whom Tom works for has entrusted Tom with a bag of gold to take to the bank. But on arriving at the bank, Tom finds that it is closed for the day. It is not long before Tom is lured into a game of cards, and loses the rancher's money. Soon there is a warrant out for Tom's arrest on a charge of embezzlement, and his situation becomes increasingly desperate..

A House of Cards

A House of Cards

Barta has been investigating for a year in the murder case of a professor of medicine. Keller, the victim, has been shot dead in his own villa. Barta joins the closest relatives and they all travel to Dunaszentmárton by ship for the inaugural ceremony of his tomb..

The Final Cut

The Final Cut

Francis Urquhart est toujours Premier ministre. Sa femme commence à penser à assurer leurs vieux jours. Convaincu de n'avoir plus rien à prouver dans son pays, il cherche à laisser sa marque dans l'Histoire, et l'occasion se présente avec la signature d'un traité dans le conflit qui oppose Grecs et Turcs à Chypre ... tout en s'assurant au passage quelques avantages personnels. Mais, alors que certaines archives sont déclassifiées, une ancienne affaire, remontant au temps où Urquhart avait un mandat d'officier dans l'île, menace de refaire surface... Suite de «To Play the King» (1993) et 3e partie de cette trilogie..

To Play the King

To Play the King

Un nouveau Roi est intronisé. Il aimerait influer sur la politique du gouvernement, et cela ne plait pas du tout à Francis Urquhart, désormais Premier Ministre. Suite de «House of Cards» (1990) et 2e partie de cette trilogie..

La Maison de carton

La Maison de carton

"I had not only to pose before Chrismas crib like most children; I also posed before cottages, dolls houses, music box houses, lamp houses, cake houses, money-box houses and China-houses." In the same house a mother wonders if she will eventually have a place of her own ; a daughter sticks to her little world ; a father is satisfied with building sand castles. But will they dare to leave?.



Frieda , a therapist, is cheated by her husband Daniel. He makes love with Dorothea. Dorothea is wedded to Philip. Philip has an affair with his scholar Maggie. Maggie is in love to the florist Michael. Michael is married with Barbara. Barbara has a lover, her boss Marko. Marko is engaged with Simone Stern, a singer. Simone loves Leon. All of these secret liaisons could be undiscovered, if Simone Stern wouldn't be anxious to suffer from Aids. Without waiting for the test results, she informs her fiancé Marco about her apprehension of being Positive. Within a few hours the fear of being infected by the disease circulates in this group of people. Lies get transparent, secrets are uncovered, relations break up, Philip even has to pay his flam on his wife with his live..

Za mania: Kaikan seitai jikken

Za mania: Kaikan seitai jikken

A young woman is invited for a free stay at a seemly deserted seaside hotel during the off season. Too late she finds out that the manager likes to collect women for his “playing card” collection and she is next in the pack..