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Home Front

Home Front

17 year old Brendan and his friend Mary, campaign against the closure of the residential home for children in which they live..

Home Front

Home Front

This short documentary is part of the Canada Carries On series of morale-boosting wartime propaganda films. In Home Front, the various WWII-era social contributions of women are highlighted. From medicine to industrial labour to hospitality, education and domesticity, the service these women provided to their country is lauded..

Home Front

Home Front

For a wounded American soldier returning home from Iraq, the conflict has just begun. "Home Front" captures the human story of what happens when Sergeant Jeremy Feldbusch returns to civilian life in his small hometown, as he readjusts to family, community --and most importantly, his new, altered self. On another level, the film is also about Jeremy's family, and how they cope with events that have forever changed them. By turns heartbreaking and inspiring, "Home Front" gets behind the often-sanitized myth of war to reveal its true complications and costs..

Home Front

Home Front

Home Front is a lifestyle television series that aired on TVNZ's channel Television One in New Zealand. It combines "home makeover" ideas, home maintenance and DIY tips, and guided tours around the homes of well-known New Zealanders. The series ran since the early 2000s in several series of 13 episodes each. Home Front was hosted by Jayne Kiely, Dave Cull, and Sally Ridge, each of whom covered a particular area of the show. Kiely was the primary presenter, and also presented the guided tours. Cull presented hints and advice for DIYers, and Ridge presented the home makeovers section of the show. Originally hosted by Alison Mau, until she left TVNZ for Prime Television, this series was hugely successful for TV One. A rushed reshoot, of Jayne Kiely fronting many stories previously shot using Alison Mau, added to the demise of the series when it was finally axed in 2005..

Murder on the Home Front

Murder on the Home Front

L'Allemagne nazie bombarde la ville de Londres. Le docteur Lennox Collins et l'inspecteur Wilkins enquêtent sur le meurtre d'une prostituée, une certaine Mary Williams. Une croix gammée a été gravée sur le corps meurtri de la défunte. Le chef de Wilkins se met à soupçonner Wilfred Ziegler, le jeune anglo-allemand qui a découvert le corps. Lennox, convaincu de son innocence, parvient brillamment à le disculper. Bientôt, deux autres malheureuses sont assassinées dans des conditions similaires. Tout indique qu'un serial killer est à l'oeuvre. Collins et Wilkins s'engagent dans une traque sans merci pour parvenir à écrouer le meurtrier....

L'Homme sans frontière

L'Homme sans frontière

Après beaucoup d'années passées à vagabonder dans l'Ouest, Harry Collings est las de cette vie de cow-boy itinérant et choisit de retrouver le foyer qu'il a abandonné, voilà sept ans. Il part en compagnie de son inséparable ami Arch Harris, après avoir vengé de manière sanglante la mort d'un troisième compagnon dans un petit village en bordure du désert. Le retour s'avère délicat car Hannah, l'épouse d'Harry, qui s'était résignée à ne jamais revoir à son époux, appréhende difficilement ce retour. Harry accepte de travailler comme employé et regagne la confiance d'Hannah..

Des hommes

Des hommes

Ils ont été appelés en Algérie au moment des "événements" en 1960. Deux ans plus tard, Bernard, Rabut, Février et d'autres sont rentrés en France. Ils se sont tus, ils ont vécu leurs vies. Mais parfois il suffit de presque rien, d'une journée d'anniversaire, d'un cadeau qui tient dans la poche, pour que quarante ans après, le passé fasse irruption dans la vie de ceux qui ont cru pouvoir le nier..

Home Fronts

Home Fronts

As news of the war in Ukraine breaks, people around the world come together to show their solidarity. This film follows the story of three women in Scotland who, at the wake of the crisis, show their support for the people of Ukraine in small but heartfelt ways. In following their stories, the film shows ordinary people finding meaning and overcoming powerlessness through everyday acts in their local communities. These stories show our deep need to connect and resist and, whether we can change the world or not, are a bittersweet yet hopeful reminder of our common humanity. In the words of Volodymyr Zelenskyy "home is also the front line"..

Molly, Une Petite Fille Sur Le Front

Molly, Une Petite Fille Sur Le Front

Molly est une petite fille vivant en 1944 et la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale a bousculé sa vie. Un petite anglaise vient vivre dans la famille de Molly pour échapper aux bombardements. Elles vont doucement devenir les meilleures amies..

Murder on the Home Front

Murder on the Home Front

L'Allemagne nazie bombarde la ville de Londres. Le docteur Lennox Collins et l'inspecteur Wilkins enquêtent sur le meurtre d'une prostituée, une certaine Mary Williams. Une croix gammée a été gravée sur le corps meurtri de la défunte. Le chef de Wilkins se met à soupçonner Wilfred Ziegler, le jeune anglo-allemand qui a découvert le corps. Lennox, convaincu de son innocence, parvient brillamment à le disculper. Bientôt, deux autres malheureuses sont assassinées dans des conditions similaires. Tout indique qu'un serial killer est à l'oeuvre. Collins et Wilkins s'engagent dans une traque sans merci pour parvenir à écrouer le meurtrier....

Home Front - Facing Australia’s Climate Emergency

Home Front - Facing Australia’s Climate Emergency

A powerful and eye-opening analysis that presents some of Australia’s leading security, defence and political experts who all warn us that climate change is ‘a catalyst for conflict’ and a ‘threat multiplier’ as it fuels instability in the world’s most vulnerable regions. The global scientific community has reached broad consensus on climate change – but its social consequences, and how we will deal with them, highlight our failure of imagination. HOME FRONT explores how climate change is inexorably linked to our national and regional security, and how the relationship between climate disruption and conflict will be the predominant force shaping the social, political, and economic world of the 21st century..

Music From The Home Front

Music From The Home Front

The biggest names in Australian music join forces this Anzac Day performing from their own homes in a televised concert dedicated to the frontline workers against the Covid-19 pandemic..

The Home Front

The Home Front

The grass is greener than green, the flowers in the backyards are bright and blooming, and the many fences have a fresh coat of paint. These are the private paradises in which the Danes in The Home Front live. But wait a minute - is that a dog barking? Is that gardener peeking over the fence, and are the branches he's trimming falling on the right side? The smallest trifle in the world can send neighbors who once merrily drank beer together into arguments that last years. But when the distrust is so thick you can cut it with a knife, there's still hope. In order to help the desperate parties, the Danish government came up with the Fence Committee, an institution that mediates and makes binding decisions when necessary..

The Big Flip: Stories from the modern home front

The Big Flip: Stories from the modern home front

Over 18 months, The Big Flip follows the lives of four flipped families as they navigate the trials and triumphs of at-home fatherhood and mothers as main breadwinners. In a world where the majority of Americans still believe kids are better off when mom stays home, and that a good father should work hard to provide for his family, how will these families fare? Will resentments and doubt fester? Will love endure?.

Cold War Era Dangers On The Home Front

Cold War Era Dangers On The Home Front

This video gives an insight into how American schoolchildren were taught the value of democracy, freedom and good citizenship through government sponsored films during the Cold War. In the 50s and 60s Americans were facing the threat unconventional weapons and the growing communist threat. You will see films explaining how 1960s activism threatened American moral, religious and ethical principles.In the final clips Johnn Wayne, Edward R. Murrow and others discuss the ideological battle between U.S. and Soviet Union..