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Une équipe d'enquêteurs voyage profondément dans la nature sauvage isolée du Colorado après qu'un groupe de jeunes campeurs a été sauvagement assassiné par ce qui pourrait être Bigfoot..



A re-edit of the film "Rumah dan Musim Hujan" (2012) by its producers. A provocative demolition of traditional family values, the film tackles a wide range of issues, from gay secrets to marital infidelity. After a dinner to mark the end of Ramadan, we follow three siblings through the rest of the night. Ragil looks after his dad, a doddery patriarch, but has a secret lover who visits when dad's asleep. His sister Ade has a terrible experience on the way home (she's lived with mum since the divorce), but the night has greater shocks in store for her. And the randy elder brother Raga is helping his current girlfriend through a pregnancy scare when his former girlfriend shows up at the door in distress..



Don't get carried away 🛸 Four YouTubers enter Dorset's New Forest to camp overnight in order to study alien phenomena..



An environmental activist protesting a controversial mine comes up with a plan to be heard- but isn’t prepared for the consequences that follow. Hoax explores environmentalism versus capitalism and the right and wrong of activism and protest..



Noah is taking into questioning over the disappearance of his boyfriend, Toby- who was last seen with Noah's brother, Nate..



New York, 1971. Écrivain sans succès, Clifford Irving promet à son éditrice une biographie autorisée du magnat du cinéma et de l’aviation, Howard Hughes, l’homme le plus célèbre et le plus secret de son temps. Un sujet en or et, à la clef, un contrat mirobolant. Sauf que n’ayant jamais rencontré le milliardaire reclus ni même décroché son accord, Irving va tout inventer… Embarqué dans un mensonge qui devient chaque jour plus complexe, il n’a plus le choix et joue le tout pour le tout….

The Great Bank Hoax

The Great Bank Hoax

When the prominent citizens of a small town discover that the officers of the local bank have been embezzling money from it, they decide to rob the bank themselves..

Hoax: The Kidnapping of Sherri Papini

Hoax: The Kidnapping of Sherri Papini

Young mother Sherri Papini disappears while jogging and reappears three weeks later on Thanksgiving Day. She claims that two Hispanic women kidnapped and abused her. Four years later, new evidence reveals that her abduction was a hoax she perpetrated to spend time with an ex-boyfriend..

Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax

Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax

Two children accused parents and teachers of leading a paedophilic satanic cult, supposedly headquartered in secret rooms on the school premises. The story was not true. But once the fire was lit, it was hard to put out. Emily Turner’s film considers the real-world impact of an outrageous online conspiracy theory, exploring the importance of truth and the cost of lies..



An insider's look at the fake news phenomenon and the consequences of media misinformation. Interviews from those who have been accused of spreading it themselves are featured in variety throughout the film..

The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé

The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé

Ce documentaire est la réponse du Dr Steven Greer à la campagne de désinformation actuelle du gouvernement et des médias promouvant 3 grands mensonges : 1. Nous ne savons pas ce que sont ces PAN/OVNI. NOUS FAISONS. 2. Les humains ne peuvent pas fabriquer d'engins capables de manœuvrer comme des ovnis. NOUS POUVONS et NOUS FAISONS. 3. Les ovnis sont une menace. ILS NE SONT PAS..

Jussie Smollett: Anatomy of a Hoax

Jussie Smollett: Anatomy of a Hoax

Describes the intrigue and drama that caused a celebrity to become despised, shocked Chicago and beyond, and left a path of destroyed reputations and careers. The Osundairo brothers will provide all the details related to the false crime..

$25 Million Dollar Hoax

$25 Million Dollar Hoax

$25 Million Dollar Hoax is an unscripted television series that was originally shown on American network NBC in November 2004. It is based on a United Kingdom show titled The Million Pound Hoax, broadcast on Sky One earlier that year. $25 Million Dollar Hoax consists of three unscripted hour-long episodes in which small-town girl Chrissy Sanford plays a hoax on her family by convincing them she had won a US$25,000,000 lottery prize through the internet, and that it had changed her from a sweet girl into a spend-a-holic. This program is an example of reality television. $25 Million Dollar Hoax contained guest appearances by Ed McMahon, George Gray, and N*SYNC's Lance Bass. Chrissy successfully pulled off the hoax, which won her and her family over $400,000 in cash and prizes..

Moon Landings: Greatest Hoax?

Moon Landings: Greatest Hoax?

When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took their first steps on the moon in July 1969, the world was suddenly split into two categories – those who believe the Apollo 11 landings, and those who don’t. We’ll investigate both sides of this debate – in fact 52 % of the British public still believe the landings were an elaborate hoax designed to trump Russia in the space race! In this show we’ll search for a definitive answer by recreating the moon landing for ourselves, testing the various competing theories against each other. Featuring interviews with leading experts, conspiracy theorists, archive material and highly detailed reconstructions of the landing, we put this debate to bed once and for all..

Watchers 10.2: Anatomy of a Hoax

Watchers 10.2: Anatomy of a Hoax

This is a continuation of WATCHERS 10, the further exploration of the Fairy. It is brought into the U.S., tested and new X Rays were taken at the Agoura Hills Animal Hospital. Doctor Keith Berry examined every aspect on-camera. Then, we traveled to the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History to determine what creatures were used to create the "Fairy." We now have the answers that prove the Fairy was a fake. Watch the events unfold with L.A. Marzulli as WATCHERS gets to the truth..