

High Road sokroflix gratuit

Take the High Road

Take the High Road

Take the High Road was a British soap opera produced by Scottish Television, set in the fictional village of Glendarroch, which started in February 1980 as an ITV daytime soap opera, and was dropped by the network in 1993, although various members of the ITV Network continued to screen the programme, while others had no interest in doing so. The programme has developed a cult following..

Les aventuriers du bout du monde

Les aventuriers du bout du monde

Dans les années 20, Eve Tozer, jeune femme riche et désœuvrée, passe sa vie entre soirées mondaines et hobbies plus coûteux les uns que les autres. Quand elle apprend que son père parti au bout du monde va être déclaré mort par suite des manœuvres frauduleuses de Bentik, son ancien associé, qui désire s'emparer de ses brevets d'invention et donc de sa fortune. Eve loue alors les bons services et les deux avions de Patrick O'Malley - un aventurier ivrogne rejeté de tous les cercles de la bonne société - afin de traverser l'Orient tout entier à la recherche de son père. S'ensuivent aventures et péripéties diverses qui les mèneront jusqu'en Chine où le disparu défend seul un village contre les assauts d'un seigneur de guerre local cupide et cruel..

John Gunther's High Road

John Gunther's High Road

John Gunther, grand voyageur dans de nombreuses régions du globe présenta sur la chaine américaine ABC l' émission de documentaires "John Gunther's High Road" du 7 septembre 1959 au 1er octobre 1960, à savoir 30 épisodes. Deux voyages d'aventures filmés dans des lieux lointains étaient diffusés : Le premier film documentaire était tourné exclusivement pour l'émission et le second film proposé était un grand film classique d'aventure ou d'exploit d'un autre réalisateur..

The High Road

The High Road

While the world’s best boulderers push standards close to the ground, Nina Williams’ sights are set higher. She is among the only women who climb elite-level problems that are 30, 40, even 50 feet tall -- with no rope. In this profile of an emerging star athlete, Nina Williams flexes her guns and tests her nerves well into the no-fall zone..

The High Road

The High Road

A pioneer family is caught in a storm on the path to Salt Lake City. The mother asks her older boy to ensure his younger brother stays with him and that he gets him to the next camp area. The older brother entertains him, tells him stories, and cares for him, eventually carrying him the whole way. He keeps his promise..

Roxy Music - The High Road

Roxy Music - The High Road

Ce concert a été enregistré pour la tournée mondiale de Bryan Ferry et Roxy Music à Fréjus, France, le 27 Août 1982, avec l'aide de la BBC. Roxy Music en live ensemble pour la dernière fois à l'appui de leur palmarès album 'Avalon'. Figure des titres comme : «Love is the Drug», «Dance Away» et «Jealous Guy».ainsi que beaucoup d'autres chansons..

You Take the High Road

You Take the High Road

This film reflects the filmmaker's ambivalent feelings towards the new age of digital technology. As many as twenty picture elements per frame are composited by conventional and digital means. The resulting visual cacophony suggests a state of information overload..

High Roads

High Roads

High Roads is a journey through the practices of four women who use their bodies, breath, and minds as tools for everyday resistance to military occupation. Filmed between Palestine and Barcelona, High Roads dialogues with particle physicist Dr. Wafaa Khater, Olympian swimmer Sabine Hazboun, marathon-runner Diala Isid and yoga instructor Eilda Zaghmout: four women who generate well-being and wonder, betting on action and astonishment, in defiance of a relentless oppression..

A Good Night Out

A Good Night Out

Johnny, Josh, and Adam go out for a night of "pillaging" houses and just a proper prance around some people's property. Then the single pull of a trigger changes everything..

Road & Angel

Road & Angel

The film is based on the classic hilarious drama "Love High Heels" and is an urban gold rush. The protagonist Ma Lu and Fat Cat are a pair of children in trouble. They left their hometown and came to the city in search of beautiful dreams. However, the colorful world in the city is not what their simple mind can understand. The two brothers spent the whole day thinking about how to make money and did a lot of ridiculous things. They rented a basement, and through a small window, every day on the road, you could see a pair of beautiful "red high heels"-a girl who likes to dance-passing by. However, he never had the opportunity to see the girl clearly..