

Hearts of Fire sokroflix gratuit

Hearts of Fire

Hearts of Fire

A reclusive musician, once a huge rock star, takes a young female protegee. While on a tour she meets a younger, more popular rocker and switches her loyalties..

Fireworks of My Heart

Fireworks of My Heart

Fire chief Song Yan and emergency doctor Xu Qin were separated by family opposition when they were younger. Now ten years later, they meet again due to their professions. After experiencing life and death together, they manage to find their way back, working together and encouraging each other. They acknowledge each other's individual growth after years apart, but will they be able to overcome the obstacles in their path this time to stay together?.

Scream: Hearts of Fire

Scream: Hearts of Fire

Nana learns she was adopted and has a destiny to leave the city of Chania with only her mother's amulet to guide her path. She is brought to Kavala, but danger awaits her as she discovers her family's secret past..

Cœur de feu

Cœur de feu

L'Érythrée au début des années 1980. Placée dans un orphelinat, la petite Awet est éduquée par des religieuses, en marge des troubles de la guerre d'indépendance de l'Érythrée contre l'Éthiopie. Elle montre les signes d'une grande maturité et d'un souci d'équité. Son père, qu'elle croyait disparu, la réclame un jour, puis la confie à un groupe de l'armée érythréenne de libération qui la forme au combat. Elle devient une enfant-soldat….

Le Feu Au Coeur

Le Feu Au Coeur

A Aix-en-Provence, des slogans féministes parsèment les murs de la ville. C'est l'œuvre des colleuses. Leur but : revendiquer leur place dans l'espace public, et dénoncer les violences patriarcales. Pendant un mois, nous suivons la jeune Ameline et ses camarades. Ils racontent et nous font vivre leur processus, les raisons de leur engagement, leurs doutes et leurs espoirs..

Fireworks from the Heart

Fireworks from the Heart

On September 9th, the day of the Katakai Fireworks Festival, high school student Hana comes home from the hospital after six months of treatment for leukemia. She then discovers that her older brother Taro has become a social recluse. Taro used to be tender, smart and proud of his younger sister, but now he even turns his back on her and stays in his room. With Hana's help Taro slowly opens up to the world again. Then, with winter approaching, Hana has a relapse with her leukemia. Taro comes to the hospital everyday to visit Hana and soon learns that the Katakai Fireworks Festival is a symbol of happiness for Hana. Taro then takes the initiative to make Hana happy and approaches the town's youth group once more for admittance..

Fire in My Heart

Fire in My Heart

Dr. Shawki (Ahmed Mazhar) falls in love with piano teacher Laila (Maryam Fakhruddin), and they get married. With his constant debts, Leila decides to give piano lessons to Alia Hanim's daughter Aida secretly to pay the debts, but things take a bad turn when Aida's brother spreads nasty rumors about her..

A double tranchant

A double tranchant

L'héritière d'une riche famille de San Francisco est sauvagement assassinée dans sa luxueuse villa. Son mari, Jack Forrester, est rapidement accusé de son meurtre mais l'accusation ne repose que sur des présomptions. Teddy Barnes accepte de prendre sa défense mais tombe sous son charme....