

Heart of Stone voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Agent Stone

Agent Stone

Rachel Stone, spécialiste du renseignement pour une mystérieuse agence de maintien de la paix, tente d'empêcher une hackeuse de lui voler son arme la plus précieuse et redoutable..

Heart of Stone

Heart of Stone

The deep relationship between an artist and his sculpture: Victor’s love for art is limitless. When he finishes modelling his latest statue, he discovers himself deeply in love with the gorgeous figure he created, his statue Leia. That very day, the statue comes alive. Very soon, Victor starts to notice flaws in his creature… she is not as perfect as he wanted her to be..

Heart of Stone

Heart of Stone

A psychological thriller about a married women who has an affair with a charming young man and gets involved in a series of murders not knowing if the killer is her lover or her husband or someone else..

The Burren: Heart of Stone

The Burren: Heart of Stone

Come along on a journey through the ages, tracing the genetic story of the Irish people, the story of the Irish hunter-gatherers and what became of them. Did prehistoric farmers irreversibly altered this landscape? Is modern Irish society descended from those who first lived here over 10,000 years ago?.

Cœur de pierre

Cœur de pierre

Au cœur de la Forêt-Noire, Peter souhaite épouser Lisbeth, la fille d’un riche verrier. Charbonnier aux poches vides, il se pense néanmoins indigne du rang de sa bien-aimée, promise à un meilleur parti. Afin de pouvoir lui offrir une existence prospère, Peter conclut un pacte avec le grand Michel, qui lui promet richesse et ascension sociale en échange de son cœur. C’est avec une pierre nichée dans la poitrine que Peter devient bientôt l’homme le plus fortuné de la région et se marie avec Lisbeth. Mais cette dernière ne reconnaît plus celui dont elle était tombée amoureuse : Peter se montre de plus en plus vaniteux et méprisant avec son entourage. Le jeune homme va alors devoir affronter l’esprit de la forêt pour tenter de retrouver son cœur....

Le Cœur froid

Le Cœur froid

Un jeune charbonnier, Peter Munk, vit avec sa mère au cœur de la Forêt Noire, dans une maison modeste et sans le moindre sou. Étant né un dimanche, Peter réussit à voir le Génie de Verre et celui-ci lui donne les moyens de racheter un atelier de verrerie en difficulté. Un autre habitant de la forêt, Michel le Hollandais, lui propose d'échanger son cœur contre un cœur en pierre contre la promesse d'être éternellement riche..

Heart of Stone

Heart of Stone

Lavish adaptation of Wilhelm Hauff′s fairy tale: Young charburner Peter Munk dreams of joining the upper class. He makes a deal with the sinister Holländer-Michel, who offers to trade Peter′s human heart for one made of stone. Once he has the "cold heart" in his body, Peter eventually strikes a fortune and enjoys great wealth, but at the same time, he becomes a bitter and emotionless man – and, having lost all traces of humanity, even murders his wife Lisbeth. Only then does Peter Munk finally realize what has become of him, and he decides to regain his real heart from Holländer-Michel..

Heart of Stone

Heart of Stone

Tor is the illegitimate child of a millionaire and a poor woman. His mother is the "mia noi" or lesser wife and Tor is the millionaire's youngest son. Tor's stepmother, who is the first wife also has a son, named Sawit, or Ae, as people call him. Tor and his mother are treated very harshly by his stepmother and brother. Eventually, his mother dies of pain from abuse while he is still a kid. After his mother's death, he befriends a girl next door named Mintha, who is also a stepchild. Tor and Min have many things in common and it brings them close together. One day, Ae and Mintha's half sister, Kwan bullies Tor to the point he fights them back..

Séraphin: Un homme et son péché

Séraphin: Un homme et son péché

L'histoire se passe lors de la colonisation de la région des Laurentides au Québec vers la fin du XIXe siècle (env. 1885-90), près de Sainte-Adèle. Un homme sans scrupule, Séraphin Poudrier, domine la petite communauté en utilisant sa richesse. Maire du village, il épousera Donalda Laloge, après que le père de celle-ci, incapable de rembourser sa dette, la lui donne en mariage. Donalda, une femme douce et soumise qui était promise au bel Alexis Labranche, vivra plutôt sa vie en fonction des volontés de cet avare mesquin et méprisant, mais ne se laissera jamais abattre par sa situation..

Heart of Stone

Heart of Stone

Mirjana returns home to attend her mother’s funeral. Now, surrounded by stone in a place where time seems to have come to a halt, she has to face her father and his expectations as well as her own emotions and feelings of guilt..

Cœur de Pierre

Cœur de Pierre

Ghorban, clandestin afghan de 12 ans, vient d’arriver seul en France, après un périple éreintant de 12000 km. Les réalisateurs ont filmé son parcours d’intégration pendant 8 ans, rythmé par ses entretiens avec son psychologue. De l’enfance à l’âge adulte, Ghorban cherchera à découvrir qui il est. Tiraillé entre la France et l’Afghanistan, il partira à la recherche de son passé....

Heart of Stone

Heart of Stone

A man and woman help each other survive on a desert island, while clinging onto hope of one day returning to their lives back in civilization. But theirs is an unlikely alliance..

Heart of Stone

Heart of Stone

Elo is visiting her family on a small island. Her complicated relationship with her mother is just about to warm up, when her half-sister’s pet rat Siisik takes its last breath. The family dinner is interrupted by the need to send Siisik on a last farewell. The mother’s apathy towards the death of the pet rat triggers Elo and opens up a gate to the past, when her own grief was left unnoticed..

Al-Rahaya Stone Hearts

Al-Rahaya Stone Hearts

The series revolves around a wealthy and powerful man named Mohammed Abu Diab (Nour Al-Sharif). Despite being loved by his townspeople who live under his command, he is betrayed by the people closest to him..

Man of Vengeance

Man of Vengeance

Assuming an alias, the love child of a rich man and his mistress seeks revenge against his stepfamily — until a childhood friend enters his life..

Stone Heart

Stone Heart

hannel One 31 sends the romantic drama Heart Sila 2019 with the role of Tor-Thanapop 's first full-length hero in the role of a young man who has been hurt by a heart until he has to come to seek revenge, along with Fern-Noppachira , Noon-Siraphan, Ann Siriam, Typhoon-Kanokchat, Ben- Rawiyanun, Aom-Sakaojai, Pim-Pimphan, etc. Bad past.. Destroyed his "heart", he left no good pieces, but today! He's coming back to reclaim!! You can watch it in Heart of Sila drama On TV Channel One, press number 31.

Hearts of Stone

Hearts of Stone

In the heart of a bustling metropolis, Paula, a lonely street artist, entertains people as a living statue. She longs for an impossible love with Agatha, a stone sculpture next to which she can be found every day. One day, when reaching her familiar spot, she finds her stone companion replaced by an abstract, modern sculpture. After a frantic search, she discovers Agatha cast aside amidst a group of discarded, classical statues who have lost their place in the modernizing sculpture park. As the sun sets, Paula finds herself trying to wake the lonely statue from her stone slumber..

Heart Is Not a Stone

Heart Is Not a Stone

According to the play of the same name of A. N. Ostrovsky. The merchants already possess the big equities. Money "runs the show". The world of feelings and hearts is degraded..