

Hart to Hart sokroflix gratuit

Pour l'amour du risque

Pour l'amour du risque

La série met en scène les enquêtes menées par un couple de milliardaires, détectives amateurs. Jonathan est le dirigeant de la firme « Hart Industries » et Jennifer est une journaliste indépendante. Couple glamour par excellence, les Hart sont sans cesse entraînés dans des aventures rocambolesques remplies d'intrigues et de meurtriers..

Hart to Heart

Hart to Heart

A-list entertainers, athletes and public figures reveal their honest, unfiltered and unexpected true selves over a glass of wine with Kevin Hart. No topic is off-limits as guests open up about careers, family, loss and love..

Hart to Hart

Hart to Hart

In this pilot film, a friend of Jonathan Hart's is killed in a motor accident just after he has left a health farm, apparently committing suicide. There was no warning of him being troubled so the Harts go undercover to find out what happened at the farm..

Hart to Hart: Till Death Do Us Hart

Hart to Hart: Till Death Do Us Hart

On a mission of mercy, Jennifer Hart is in Germany to donate bone marrow to Maximilian, a young leukemia patient. Following the operation, she plans to spend a romantic anniversary in Munich with her husband Jonathan. The bone marrow clinic's director, Peter Donner, is surprised by Jennifer's uncanny resemblance to his French fiancée, Simone Grohe. When she goes missing, Jennifer steps in to play the role of Simone to save Peter the embarrassment of an explanation to his cousin and benefactor Karl von Ostenberg at the lavish engagement party. But, of course, it is Karl who kidnapped Simone - in order to control the fate of Peter's inheritance - and now Jennifer is in as much danger as Simone! Once again the Harts tackle danger and mystery with their usual devil-may-care charm and romance.

Coup de théâtre

Coup de théâtre

Les Hart et leur fidèle ami Max vont à New York où une pièce de théâtre, écrite par Jennifer quand elle était au lycée, est mise en scène par David Kramer, un producteur de Broadway..

Hart to Hart: Harts in High Season

Hart to Hart: Harts in High Season

One of the final entries in the series of romantic suspense adventures takes Jennifer and Jonathan Hart off to Sydney, Australia, where they plan to purchase a wildlife reserve from Jennifer’s old flame, the handsome and mysterious Elliott Manning.Manning challenges Jonathan, and their old rivalry is rekindled, with Hart besting Manning every time. When Manning begins to behave strangely toward Jennifer, a series of disturbing events reveals that this rivalry is no longer so good-natured, and the Harts find themselves bait in a trap..

Hart to Hart: Two Harts in 3/4 Time

Hart to Hart: Two Harts in 3/4 Time

This entry in the long-running romance of Jonathan and Jennifer Hart picks up following the death of their beloved friend Max when the Harts go to Montreal for the reading of his will. While there, they learn of a clock Max has left for them with his niece, Marie, which is stolen before they can receive it. Meanwhile, Marie’s partner in their antique shop, Vivienne, meets with Ronnie, her secret lover and the husband of the Harts’ friend Lady Camilla Ashley, and is subsequently killed. The clock seems to be at the center of a mystery which includes kidnapping and murder, and the Harts will have to unravel it if they want to get their gift from Max back..