

Happy Valley

Happy Valley

Happy Valley

Catherine Crowther est le sergent de garde, au commissariat de police du Yorkshire, lorsque le comptable Colin Weatherill fait irruption, l'air nerveux, pour rapporter un crime. D'abord avare en détails, il finit par craquer et explique qu'il a organisé un complot consistant à enlever la fille de son patron, dans le but de recevoir une rançon suffisante, lui permettant de mettre ses enfants dans une école privée. Mais, maintenant que le caïd du trafic de drogue local, David Cowgill, a mis le plan en action, Colin réalise l'horreur et la dangerosité de son projet. L'enlèvement de l'excentrique et colérique Ann Gallagher a lieu accompagné de ses retombées. Dès lors, Catherine s’évertue à rassembler les pièces du puzzle. Pour la jeune femme, retrouver Ann et traduire ces ravisseurs en justice est l'occasion de venger la mort de sa propre fille..

Happy Valley

Happy Valley

In Hong Kong, echoes of resistance and turmoil are sensitively captured on 16mm in this poetic rumination of public spaces and everyday life in a metropolis in upheaval..

Happy Valley

Happy Valley

Histoire vraie de Joe Patterno, coach de l'équipe universitaire de football américain de Penn State pendant 40 ans, et dont la carrière se brisa lorsque l'un de ses joueurs fût impliqué dans un scandale sexuel, en 2011..

Happy Valley

Happy Valley

Deep in the heart of Utah, commonly referred to as "Happy Valley," residents enjoy one of the lowest crime rates, highest literacy and language fluency - even the most jello consumption - across the nation. Yet under the glossy exterior of this beautiful community, there are less popular categories that Happy Valley contends in but doesn't advertise, including prescription drug abuse, double the national average of anti-depressant drugs, even suicide. In Happy Valley at least one teen per week dies from drug overdose. The real-life true story, Happy Valley, sheds light on the growing problem of prescription drug abuse in Utah County and, as importantly, the associated issues of denial, conformity, social pressure and guilt..

The Happy Valley

The Happy Valley

Dans le Kenya des années 1940, un adultère mène à des intrigues et un meurtre qui a défrayé la chronique parmi l'aristocratie britannique. Inspiré de faits réels..

Happy in the Valley

Happy in the Valley

Once a rock star photographer, Stewart Fox's years of drug and alcohol abuse have relegated him to shooting erotic photos of model/actress wannabes out of his home to make ends meet. In a desperate attempt to get back into the spotlight, he hires a struggling art student to turn the camera on him for a self-published autobiography. But with so many sordid stories and complicated characters pressing buttons all around him, eventually something is bound to snap..

Le roman de la vallée heureuse

Le roman de la vallée heureuse

John Logan laisse ses parents et son amour dans leur heureuse vallée bucolique pour aller faire fortune en ville. Ceux qu'il a laissés derrière lui deviennent misérables et assiégés en son absence, mais après plusieurs années il revient, en homme riche. Son père aigri et ne le reconnaissant pas pour ce qu'il est, prévoit d'assassiner l'étranger nouvellement arrivé pour lui prendre son argent..

Aesop's Fable: Happy Valley

Aesop's Fable: Happy Valley

A young boy asks an old man why the valley they live in is such a beautiful utopia and is called Happy Valley, and the old man explains it is because everyone there is contented and happy but, he adds, it wasn't always that way. In a flashback, he tells the boy that many years ago this paradise was nearly wrecked when greed swept over the land, and this led to poverty and misery before all the farmers came to their senses. Sounds like a film that should have been investigated by the HUAC committee..

Welcome to Happy Valley

Welcome to Happy Valley

Two estranged sisters are forced to live together when they inherit their father's struggling horse farm. The strain of reconciliation and financial difficulties put the future of the family farm in jeopardy..

365 Days: A Year in Happy Valley

365 Days: A Year in Happy Valley

Depicting a year in the life of a small town caught in the center of the high-profile Penn State scandal, this powerful film reveals how it affected the community: showcasing the strength and resolve of those who live in and cherish what is known as "Happy Valley.".

Happy Valley

Happy Valley

The inhabitants of the village of Xi Yang Tang lead lives of extreme poverty and hardship. The children spend most of their time looking after their little brothers and sisters, and helping their parents with everyday chores..



La vie de Joe Paterno, joueur de football américain universitaire devenu entraîneur des Penn State Nittany Lions. Il est congédié en 2011 suite à un scandale sexuel..