

Happy Together

Happy Together

Happy Together

Un couple de jeunes mariés, dont les soirées sont devenues un peu trop routinières, voit sa vie changer lorsqu'un musicien s'installe dans la chambre qu'ils louent. Il emmène alors avec lui les complications de sa vie de popstar en devenir et, parfois même, des paparazzi....

Happy Together

Happy Together

Happy Together is a 1999 South Korean television series starring Lee Byung-hun, Song Seung-heon, Kim Ha-neul, Jo Min-su, and Jun Ji-hyun. It aired on SBS from June 16 to August 5, 1999 on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 21:55 for 16 episodes. Starring young actors who would go on to become Korean TV and film stars, the hit drama revolves around five children who were separated at the death of their parents, and the love, conflicts, and reconciliation that these siblings go through when they meet again as adults..

Happy Together

Happy Together

Deux amants, Lai et Ho, quittent Hong Kong pour l'Argentine. Leur aventure tourne mal et ils se quittent. A Buenos Aires, Lai travaille dans un bar. Ho réapparait et s'intalle chez Lai. Il trouve du travail dans un restaurant où il rencontre Chang, qui vient de Taiwan..

Happy Together

Happy Together

This story is about 6 people who lives in the same house. Two of them are Alex and Benny, they're gay couple who already together for 6 years. Alex really love Benny, and he thinks that after 6 years together, a marriage between them is a good idea. But Benny doesn't agree, he thinks marriage only will make their relationship go downhill. As long as they love each other, they'll be fine, said Benny. After Benny refuse his proposal, Alex became anxious. He thinks that Benny didn't love him anymore and is secretly cheating behind him..

Happy Together

Happy Together

The ordinary life of an ordinary family from the province: a couple, 2 children, a dog and neighbors. Dasha is a housewife who loves to watch TV shows and go shopping. Her husband, Gena, is a shoe store manager, likes to hang around in the garage and watch football with friends. Their daughter Sveta is a student of high school, changes the guys every week. And their son Roma is playing computer thew whole day and intrigues sister. Bukins quarrel at least once a day - so they have fun. They have been together for 16 years and still love each other. This is the happiest family in the world..

Happy Together

Happy Together

Christopher is an ambitious college freshman, striving to become a writer. Through a computer fault he's assigned the same room as Alex, a real party freak and... a girl! He's annoyed and tries to get a different room as soon as possible, but when he learns to know her, he also starts to like her. She not only improves his sexual life, but also his writing skills.

Happy ToGetHer

Happy ToGetHer

After he and his wife separated, Julian (John Lloyd Cruz) had to do everything to give his son Zack a better future and find a woman who would love him and his son..

Happy Together

Happy Together

Kenny Bee works for a large Hong Kong corporation who's business practice is not exactly honorable. But he is being promoted to upper management with all its perks. Cherie Chung is a woman reporter working for Hong Kong TV station who is trying to expose the corrupt practice of the company Kenny works at. By chance they get together by being shoved into the same taxi while they're totally drunk. They again meet while grocery shopping, but they get robbed and Kenny can't go back to his home without money for the ferry. This starts a relationship between them, and from conscience, Kenny decides to expose the corruption within his company. Vivian Chow plays a secondary role as semi love triangle between Cherie and Kenny..

Happy Together

Happy Together

Martin et Eline, un riche couple avec deux enfants, sont sur le point d'acheter une maison de vacances en Toscane. Mais juste après avoir signé le contrat, il s'avère que le directeur de la succursale de la banque de Martin s'est enfui avec une partie de leur argent. Cependant, cet incident déclenche une série de mésaventures qui ébranlent la famille parfaitement heureuse. Sont-ils le résultat d'un concours de circonstances malheureux ? Ou sont-elles le résultat des mauvaises décisions répétées d'un homme qui veut à tout prix conserver son statut ? Dans ses efforts pour protéger sa famille et lui-même, Martin devient progressivement de plus en plus empêtré dans un filet de mensonges et de tromperie. Une solution semble très loin..

Happy Together

Happy Together

A relationship closure between Emily and Mark, a couple having been together for years until Emily discovers she is gay and falls for a woman, Lisa. Mark does not want to believe it is over and that this new discovery of Emily's is a reality..

Happy Together

Happy Together

A murderess falls in love with her roommate and eliminates anyone and anything who stands in the way of their relationship. She would do anything for the person she loves – wouldn’t you do the same?.

SHARP Special -Happy Together

SHARP Special -Happy Together

"Happy Together" portrays the daily life of the Man family, reflecting the living conditions of a typical Hong Kong family. For example, the family participates in property speculation and loses miserably, the wife works outside and causes dissatisfaction from her husband, the wife plans to invest in immigrating to a foreign country as a backup plan, middle-aged men having extramarital affairs, the wife's younger brother "Ah Chai" applies for public housing, the wife's shopping addiction, divorce between Zhu Zaibao and Dan Nao, the robbery of the Man family, Mr. Man's desire to return to mainland China for business, and Yue being forced by his mother to sell ginger as a street vendor. These were common events among Hong Kong people at the time, and the show brought these topics to television, resonating with the audience..

Tellement proches

Tellement proches

Famille : Groupe de personnes réunies par des liens de parenté et un fort sentiment de solidarité morale et matérielle. Quand Alain a épousé Nathalie, il ne savait pas qu'il épouserait aussi sa famille. Ce samedi, comme toutes les semaines, ils sont invités à dîner chez son beau-frère, Jean-Pierre à Créteil. Mais ce soir, plus que d'habitude, Alain est à bloc, il bout comme une cocotte prête à exploser. Il en a marre, marre de se planter à chaque fois sur le chemin pour aller à Créteil, marre de se taper les petits conseils de vie de Jean-Pierre et de sa femme Catherine qui élève ses enfants comme des chevaux, marre d'attendre de dîner l'estomac vide en regardant les spectacles soporifiques de leur fille Gaëlle, marre de regarder pour la énième fois la vidéo de leur mariage, marre aussi de son autre belle-sœur Roxane, qui, affolée par son horloge biologique, a jeté son dévolu sur Bruno, jeune interne en médecine qui se demande un peu comment il a atterri à ce dîner..

So... Happy Together

So... Happy Together

Talkative Lianne and colorful gay Osmond become fast friends when they meet at the first Gay Pride Parade in Malate in the early 80's. For the next thirty-plus years of their lives, they'll do everything together, whether it's eating, shopping, discussing life and even looking for the perfect man! So inseparable are their pair that even their mothers become best friends too..

VeggieTales: Happy Together

VeggieTales: Happy Together

What makes you happy? Join Larry and his Veggie pals on a quest to find out what true happiness is all about! Featuring 3 classic stories with lessons in forgiveness, courage, and friendship! PLUS... funny and thought-provoking moments from the Veggie kids (as voiced by real children) sharing their take on what happiness really means! Includes - A Story of Friendship: Sheerluck Holmes & the Golden Ruler. A Story of Family: The Grapes of Wrath. A Story of Faith: Esther: The Girl Who Became Queen..