

Gossip voirfilms

Fausses Rumeurs

Fausses Rumeurs

Derrick, Travis et leur amie Jones, trois colocataires intelligents et desinvoltes, sont persuades que journalisme et rumeurs ne font qu'un, et que l'Histoire tout entiere n'est qu'un tissu de ragots et de mensonges. Afin d'appuyer leur these, ils decident de lancer une rumeur dont la proie ideale est Naomi, une jeune fille chaste. Ils vont prendre un malin plaisir a detruire la reputation prude de la jeune fille sans en mesurer les consequences..



Cette série documentaire se penche sur le parcours de la "reine des potins", telle qu'est surnommée Cindy Adams, la chroniqueuse mondaine du tabloïd américain "New York Post"..



Un producteur hollywoodien auditionne 10 actrices suédoises pour le rôle-titre du remake à grand budget de "La reine Christine", un classique avec Greta Garbo..



 Rebecca gazes into the crystal ball. It is afternoon in a Brooklyn neighborhood of industrial buildings. Rebecca has a way with words just as words have a way of seeking her out. The crystal ball intensifies this. The A train rumbles over the Manhattan Bridge. Rebecca gazes into the crystal ball. Nighttime in a suburban neighborhood of burnt out buildings. Words have a way with Rebecca just as Rebecca has a way of seeking them out. The crystal ball intensifies this. Shot using analog video equipment from the early Seventies, Gossip is the second in a series of works stepping into the mystic beyond which encircles us on every side..



A popular high school girl is the victim of malicious gossip, spread by a jilted boyfriend, and it nearly ruins her life..



A husband and wife arguing about which sex gossips more. Just then a friend they both know comes to visit but he isn't aware that they are now married. Soon this friend is gossiping to each of them about the other and sure enough problems start..



Hiram Ward, a cynical businessman, is having trouble with his employees when Caroline Weatherbee arrives and claims to be a distant relative. Her natural charm brings about a peaceful settlement of a strike, but she returns to her southern home for fear of bringing scandal to Hiram..

Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl

La vie de la jeunesse dorée des élèves de deux écoles privées new-yorkaises, vue à travers les yeux ironiques d'une mystérieuse "bloggeuse", Gossip Girl. Entre amour et amitié, chacun tente de tirer son épingle du jeu, mais rien n'est jamais simple derrière des apparences paradisiaques....

Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl

Huit ans après la fermeture du blog de Gossip Girl, un nouveau noyau de lycéens huppés de l'Upper East Side new-yorkais se retrouve pris pour cible par l'oeil omniscient de la blogueuse anonyme, bien décidée à révéler tous leurs secrets..

Gossip Girl: Acapulco

Gossip Girl: Acapulco

Sofía López-Haro returns unexpectedly to Acapulco after leaving mysteriously the year before. Her best friend, Bárbara Fuenmayor, angry that she has always been forced to live in Sofía's shadow, is not happy with her return, especially after discovering that before leaving Acapulco, Sofía had slept with her boyfriend, Nico..



Four men and women are trapped together. To escape, they have to find something in common with each other. The worst escape game begins!.

Gossip Boy

Gossip Boy

An eclectic series of webisodes following several characters maturing through gay and straight issues facing everyone, regardless of sexuality, orientation, gender or age. There is more to the story as each webisodes unfolds.

Gossip Girl Indonesia

Gossip Girl Indonesia

The story revolves around a group of privileged Jakarta teens and the notorious IG account @GossipGirl.Indo who watches their every move and becomes the source of all the important news about these raging hormone teens' scandal..

Gossip Girl: Thailand

Gossip Girl: Thailand

Serena Wijitranukul returns to Bangkok following her mysterious disappearance: everyone is extremely shocked including her best friend, Blair Waranon. Blair soon finds out that Serena had slept with her boyfriend, Nate Achirawat, the night of her disappearance. Meanwhile, Serena begins dating Dan Chanaseri while Nate struggles with his feelings for Blair. The two try to salvage what's left of their relationship, only leaving Blair to lose her virginity to Nate's best friend, Jak Benjakij, instead. In the meantime, Jenny Chanaseri constantly tries to make it in this upscale world by following around Blair and her friends..

When the Stars Gossip

When the Stars Gossip

A romantic comedy about an astronaut and a tourist who meet and fall in love at a space station. Gong Ryong is an OB-GYN with a strong sense of responsibility who arrives at the space station as a tourist. Meanwhile, Eve Kim is a Korean-American astronaut..



Ririko Seko (Kuroki Haru), who works in the accounting department of a major publishing company, Kusunoki Publishing, is not very good at understanding other people's feelings or reading the atmosphere, but she has a strong desire to learn about the world and other people. In the accounting department, she is also known as Cerberus, the watchdog of hell, because of her strict checking skills..