

Good Wife voirfilms

The Good Wife

The Good Wife

L'épouse d'un homme politique voit sa vie bouleversée par l'incarcération de son mari à la suite d'un scandale sexuel et une affaire de corruption largement relayés par les médias. Dépassant la trahison et l'humiliation publique, Alicia Florrick décide reprendre sa carrière d'avocate après une pause de 13 ans loin des tribunaux. Elle rejoint un ami de longue date au sein d'un prestigieux cabinet de Chicago. Très vite, Alicia réalise que la compétition va être rude avec de jeunes recrues ambitieuses et déterminées. Mais au moins pour une fois, elle est prête à prendre en main sa propre destinée et détruire son image d'épouse modèle....

The Good Wife

The Good Wife

A husband works as a successful prosecutor and his future appears bright, but he gets arrested for corruption in a political scandal. His wife worked as an attorney prior to their marriage, now resumes her career after a 13 year hiatus. She begins to find her true identity. An adaptation of the American TV series aired on CBS of the same title..

The Good Wife

The Good Wife

Kyoko Hasumi (Takako Tokiwa) is a former lawyer who quit her job to become a housewife and a mother. Her husband is an elite prosecutor. He works as the leader of a special investigation department at the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office, but he is charged with corruption and gets arrested. A scandal with another woman is also revealed. Kyoko Hasumi's life as a "good wife" begins to change. To protect her children, she decides to work again as a lawyer. She is hired temporarily at a law office and begins to work as a lawyer for the first time in 16 years..

A Good Wife

A Good Wife

Milena, une mère de famille bourgeoise mène une vie confortable dans un faubourg aisé de Belgrade. Elle prend soin de son apparence, cuisine avec application, reçoit en bonne maîtresse de maison, chante dans une chorale et fait l’amour avec son mari. Le couple a une vie sociale bien remplie et retrouve souvent un groupe d’amis de longue date. Mais des éléments troublants commencent à pénétrer l’inconscient de Milena et vont fissurer son univers bien rangé. Un jour, alors qu’elle fait le ménage, elle tombe sur une cassette vidéo où elle découvre que son mari est coupable d’effroyables crimes de guerre..

Good Wife 101

Good Wife 101

Tong Xiao Qi and Li Wen Yu shocked their families and friends when they got married after dating less than 33 days. None as much as Tong's controlling mother. In order to stay together and protect their independence, the newly wed battled his mother's interference by borrowing tactics straight out ancient Chinese war book Thirty-Six Stratagems..

A Good Wife

A Good Wife

As her seemingly idyllic life begins to crumble, a lonely woman in a restrictive marriage starts an affair with a gentle bookstore owner..

Une Femme coréenne

Une Femme coréenne

L'histoire d'une ancienne danseuse mariée à un avocat de renom infidèle. Femme au foyer, elle décide de sortir de sa torpeur quotidienne en cédant aux charmes de son jeune voisin, un adolescent timide..

La Bonne Épouse

La Bonne Épouse

Tenir son foyer et se plier au devoir conjugal sans moufter: c’est ce qu’enseigne avec ardeur Paulette Van Der Beck dans son école ménagère. Ses certitudes vacillent quand elle se retrouve veuve et ruinée. Est‐ce le retour de son premier amour ou le vent de liberté de mai 68? Et si la bonne épouse devenait une femme libre?.

Comment tuer son mari en 10 leçons

Comment tuer son mari en 10 leçons

Kate Kelsey anime une chaîne sur internet. Elle raconte des histoires de meurtres et plus précisément, des histoires de maris assassinés par leurs épouses. Elle y donne également, sur le mode de l'humour, des conseils pour tuer son mari sans se faire prendre. Un jour, c'est son mari que l'on retrouve assassiné. Elle est bien sûr la première à être suspectée par la police. Elle va chercher à se disculper en menant sa propre enquête..

The Good Wifey

The Good Wifey

Michael Raynar is in love with his young wife and expecting his first child. His story should end with "happily ever after" but it doesn't. Instead he runs into Kimmy Sardell. Despite his better judgment, they have a one-night stand that places him on a path of devastating consequences. When Michael's pregnant wife disappears, the police put him through hell. Two years later he is still grieving his loss when he runs again into Kimmy. Since that night spent together, he lost a wife and child and Kimmy has a beautiful playful daughter, Eden. When Michael begins to notice things about Eden that remind him of his wife, he doesn't have to dig deep to discover a deranged side of the woman he now loves. Eden's life hangs by a thread, a thread Kimmy is ready and willing to cut..

A Good Friend's Wife

A Good Friend's Wife

The male protagonist is about to be promoted and invites the chairman to come to the house as a guest. However, the chairman is accidentally injured. In order not to make the chairman angry, the male protagonist has to beg his wife to go to the chairman's house to take care of the chairman. The chairman is a womanizer, this A kind-hearted friend's wife is like a sheep in a tiger's mouth, becoming a plaything for the chairman of the board....

Good Wife Firm

Good Wife Firm

I'm looking for a woman who always finds a job in my restaurant . A woman tired of playing at home. Albahada entices her husband to take over the store, the store will disappear..

The Good-Bad Wife

The Good-Bad Wife

William Carter, a young Virginian in Paris, becomes enchanted with music hall dancer Fanchon La Fare. After William reluctantly returns to America, Fanchon follows him, and when she is threatened with deportation because of an irregularity in her passport, William marries her. The marriage causes consternation in the upright Carter family, which is compounded when Fanchon performs one of her dances at a church benefit. At the conclusion of her dance, Fanchon sees a stranger in the audience and faints. Later, the same man appears at the Carter residence and demands to see her. Leigh Carter, William's younger brother, becomes angered and shoots the man. At the trial, Fanchon confesses that the stranger was her estranged husband whom she had been forced to marry when she was but a child. The crime thus clarified, Leigh is freed, and Fanchon, who had been expelled earlier from the Carter house, is welcomed back by her husband and his family. (Courtesy TCM).

The Good Wife of Tokyo

The Good Wife of Tokyo

Kazuko Hohki goes back to Tokyo with her band, the ‘Frank Chickens’, after living in England for 15 years. This wry and delightful film records her re-experiencing of Japan after a long absence, examining traditional attitudes to women and those of Kazuko’s friends who are trying to live differently..