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inspired by the life of Santokben Jadeja, who ran the Mafia operations of Porbandar, Gujarat in the late 1980s and early 1990s and later turned politician.[1].



Keyhan is getting ready to see his girlfriend Raha to celebrate her birthday, but he is obliged to confess something very important to her...something he is very nervous to admit..



In a fictional town called Makkosszállás, Róza mama, head of the mafia chain announces on her 69th birthday, that whoever wins the next major election will be the new head of the chain..

Marraine ou presque

Marraine ou presque

Eleanor est une apprentie bonne fée en proie au doute. Constatant que son métier n’a plus trop d’avenir, elle cherche coûte que coûte le moyen de prouver au monde qu’il a toujours besoin de magie. En découvrant la lettre égarée de Mackenzie - une préado angoissée - l’espoir renaît. Partant à sa recherche, Eleanor découvre que celle-ci a bien grandi et qu’elle est désormais une mère célibataire de 40 ans, journaliste au sein d’une chaîne d’information de Boston. Veuve depuis plusieurs années, Mackenzie a abandonné ses illusions et tout espoir de connaître une vie aussi heureuse que celle décrite dans les contes. Bien décidée à transformer l’existence de sa protégée, Eleanor va tout mettre en œuvre pour lui prouver le contraire… Quitte à provoquer les pires catastrophes ou quiproquos !.

The Godmother

The Godmother

Follows the ups and downs of Blanco, who outsmarted and outhustled the men around her to rise from an impoverished childhood in Colombia to become one of the world’s biggest drug lords. She reportedly was worth more than $2 billion, and was a key figurehead in Miami’s bloody Cocaine Cowboy Wars..

La marraine

La marraine

En 1993, Paloma Hermosa est au sommet de sa gloire. À la tête d'une organisation criminelle aussi discrète qu'efficace, la femme d'origine colombienne assure le transit de cocaïne à Montréal et fait du blanchiment d'argent. Surnommée la " Marraine du cartel de Cali ", elle ne recule devant rien pour subvenir aux besoins de sa famille. Paloma se retrouvera dans la ligne de mire de Paul Généreux, un policier déterminé à faire tomber son organisation. Menée par un homme intègre, cette enquête sur le crime organisé se transformera en une affaire de corruption impliquant de hauts gradés de la police..

Beirut's Godmother

Beirut's Godmother

Running Old Beirut, the city's elite nightclub, Madam Juliet is also a keeper of their secrets. Behind the glitz, a secret of her own threatens to destroy her empire..

Une Sacrée Sorcière

Une Sacrée Sorcière

Prenez un billet pour ce voyage rigolo et effroyable où la célèbre Reine Mère a transporté Alice Aux Pays des Merveilles dans un monde plein de monstres zinzins, de gentils vampires et de squelettes débiles !.

Scary Godmother: The Revenge of Jimmy

Scary Godmother: The Revenge of Jimmy

Halloween is an exciting time of year for Hannah Marie who is joined by her Scary Godmother and all sorts of new friends including kooky monsters, friendly vampires and silly skeletons. It's a journey to the Fright Side she'll never forget as Hannah and her friends must foil her cousin Jimmy's plans to ruin Halloween for everyone!.

The Godmother - No Way Back

The Godmother - No Way Back

Catherine Almeda is a housewife and mother of two children. Her husband owns an export company and what Catherine does not know, involved in various illegal transactions. With his accomplice and lover, Marie, who he claims as his wife, he traveled through Europe and is expanding its network illegal. But now he is cooperating with the BND to get out and is held in a hidden place. His wife Catherine comes into the focus of investigations by the BKA and the children are threatened by criminals. Catherine is forced to smuggle five million euros from Moscow to Geneva, and must quickly raise half a tonne of heroin. Meanwhile, Catherine Bandelt nor with the Russians to Sergei, but they can fall back on before she settles with her husband, the children and their widowed father in Argentina..

Cocaine Cowboys II: Hustlin' with the Godmother

Cocaine Cowboys II: Hustlin' with the Godmother

Set in 1991 on the inner-city streets of Oakland, California, cocaine dealer Charles Cosby has his life is changed forever when he writes a fan letter to the "Cocaine Godmother" Griselda Blanco, who is serving time at a nearby federal prison. Six months later, Cosby is a multi-millionaire, Blanco's lover, and the head of her $40 million a year cocaine business..

The Godmother

The Godmother

Jennifer is an American who lives in Romania. Radu Prodan is married and with it has a very intelligent boy of 10 years. Jennifer is a teacher of literature in Bucharest. Located at a baptism as NASA, the police arrest her husband and so was the fact her husband has a business that consists of money laundering. Due to restrictions of law, not allowed to leave the country. Jennifer, NASA, trying hard to find a solution to solve all problems..

La Cicciolina : scandaleuse petite chérie

La Cicciolina : scandaleuse petite chérie

L'histoire personnelle et professionnelle d'Ilona Staller, connue sous le nom de Cicciolina, est probablement unique : elle a quitté la Hongrie communiste pour s'installer en Italie, où elle a trouvé un environnement fertile pour une vie consacrée au scandale..

Sister Rosetta Tharpe: The Godmother of Rock & Roll

Sister Rosetta Tharpe: The Godmother of Rock & Roll

Despite not being a household name today, Sister Rosetta Tharpe is one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. Her flamboyance, skill, and showmanship on the newly electrified guitar played a vital role in the conception of Rock & Roll as a genre of music. Featuring archival performances and using new interviews with fellow musicians, producers, friends, and colleagues, this film tells the story of a talented and determined woman that introduces spiritual passion of her gospel music background into Rock & Roll. Learn more about Sister Rosetta Tharpe, her life story, and lasting artistic legacy..

The Godmother

The Godmother

Everything is arranged by Dick and his college chums to have their sweethearts from the city, with their chaperone, visit them to spend the day. At the eleventh hour the boys receive a telephone message from the girls informing them that their chaperone has disappointed them, and they will not be able to come. The boys are disconsolate. While they are deploring the matter, their tailor, the ninth part of a man, enters. Struck with a sudden idea, they seize him and compel him to impersonate Dick's godmother..