

Ghost Son sokroflix gratuit

Ghost Son

Ghost Son

A widowed newlywed stays on her deceased husband's South African farm, then bears a child who seems to be possessed by the dead man..

Ghost Song

Ghost Song

Houston, Texas. Alors qu’un ouragan s’annonce, Alexandra, Will et Nate se battent pour survivre dans une ville qui semble dévorer aussi bien les gens que les rêves. Dans cette atmosphère suspendue dans le temps, ces personnages vivent leur vie entre musique, hallucinations et espoirs de rédemption..

Madame et son fantôme

Madame et son fantôme

Veuve depuis peu, Carolyn Muir décide d'aller s'installer dans un pavillon avec ses deux enfants. La petite famille s'aperçoit bien vite que la demeure est hantée par le fantôme d'un vieux loup de mer mort il y a plus d'un siècle : le capitaine Daniel Gregg ! Une étonnante cohabitation débute alors. Et entre le fantôme et la jeune veuve naît une histoire d'amour....

The Ghost Sonata

The Ghost Sonata

The Ghost Sonata relates the adventures of a young student, who idealizes the lives of the inhabitants of a stylish apartment building in Stockholm. He makes the acquaintance of the mysterious Jacob Hummel, who helps him to find his way into the apartment, only to find that it is a nest of betrayal and sickness. The world, the student learns, is hell and human beings must suffer to achieve salvation. The play centers on a family of strangers who meet for the sake of meeting. They exchange no dialogue, nor gestures, they simply sit and bask in their own misfortune..

The Ghost Sonata

The Ghost Sonata

The Ghost Sonata relates the adventures of a young student, who idealizes the lives of the inhabitants of a stylish apartment building in Stockholm. He makes the acquaintance of the mysterious Jacob Hummel, who helps him to find his way into the apartment, only to find that it is a nest of betrayal and sickness. The world, the student learns, is hell and human beings must suffer to achieve salvation..

Son of White Snake Ghost

Son of White Snake Ghost

The child feels as if he lives in a dream. He does not know who his human father is as his mother is the white snake ghost. He is often verbally and physically abused. In desperation, he runs away to seek his mother at the place where she is repenting. In his escape, he gets lost in the forest and falls into the hands of a giant monkey..

Ghost Dragon of Cold Mountain

Ghost Dragon of Cold Mountain

During the Northern Song dynasty, the Phecda Bureau is considered the most powerful of all government offices. Led by Fung Nam-Tin, his elite group is in charge of all criminal cases nationwide. The bureau's commander, Chu Cheung-Sing, is greatly valued by Nam-Tin, but due to one particular robbery case, they go their separate ways. Along with his wife Tao Fa, Cheung-Sing vanishes for nearly ten years until the case draws to a close. Now past his working prime, Nam Tim orders three officers to summon Cheung-Sing back to the bureau. Meanwhile, the Jin dynasty has long coveted the Song land, and is ready to launch an invasion..

Les Messagers

Les Messagers

Roy, Denise et leurs deux enfants ont quitté Chicago pour s'installer à la campagne et recommencer leur vie à cause de leur fille Jessica (Kristen Stewart) qui a eu un grave accident, à Chicago, avec son petit frère, Ben, qui depuis ne prononce plus un mot. Ils veulent retrouver le calme et la paix de la terre et de la vie, mais dès leur arrivée dans cette ancienne ferme isolée, leur fille aînée, Jessica, 16 ans, perçoit comme une présence. Elle se met à voir des choses étranges, des ombres, des apparitions. Seul son petit frère de 3 ans, Ben, les aperçoit lui aussi, sans dire un mot. Lorsque ces phénomènes s'intensifient, Jessica essaie d'avertir ses parents, mais ils ne la croient pas à cause de l'accident et ne lui font plus confiance. Pourtant, il devient vite évident que la maison et cette nature magnifique qui l'entoure renferment un secret qui ne va pas tarder à surgir. Jessica doit à tout prix convaincre ses parents, avant qu'il ne soit trop tard....

Ghost War

Ghost War

We have teams from China and Japan seeking out a black stone that can create immensely powerful magic. There's some resistance and the local population calls up a shaman who announces he will be a shaman for a thousand years. Yes, he's evil. So we're off to more wackiness with wizards, ghosts, zombies, and a few of those female ogres/ghouls. There are a few gut-munching scenes. It all ends up in a magical war..

Son nom est Sacramento

Son nom est Sacramento

Après avoir obtenu sa liberté avec l’aide d’un vieil ami de son père, Spirito Santo / Saint-Esprit récupère dans une mine abandonnée le fruit d’un précédent vol et se prépare à un nouveau travail en recrutant un étrange sacristain armé d’une mitrailleuse. Pendant ce temps, un shérif amérindien est sur sa piste..

Ghost Ship

Ghost Ship

At a dark pier in the middle of the night, a boat captain and his mate, Nong, are readying their vessel for the next trip. But what they discover is a shocking: the lifeless body of Mia, the wife of the boat’s owner, is hanged from a mast in a gruesome fashion. The corpse also sets off panic among other sailors. The captain orders everyone to calm down. He decides that he has to get rid of the body, and comes up with a plan to throw Mia’s body in the middle of the sea. But it’s not that simple. Once the ship sets sail, the body hidden in the engine room disappears. Mia’s spirit is set loose and wreaking havoc on the boat in the middle of the sea. The ghost terrorizes the sailors, who can’t escape anywhere except into the water that surrounds them. Things get worse when a storm hits. The only way to save the boat and everyone on it is to locate Mia’s body. But there’s more serious question that no one remembers to ask: Who murdered Mia?.