

Get Big voirfilms

Get Big

Get Big

Inspired by somewhat true events, "Get Big" follows the misadventures of two friends as they reconnect to attend a high school classmate's wedding. Alec is the charming troublemaker, while Nate provides the neurotic and awkward foil to his friend's unpredictable antics. "Get Big" takes place over the course of a crazy 24-hour period during which Alec and Nate cross paths with oddball cops, curmudgeonly neighbors, drug dealers, psychopaths, escorts and pretty girls, all while the clock ticks down their classmate's big moment..

Get Big

Get Big

Ultimate Frisbee is founded on fair play and Spirit of the Game. There is no referee and players call their own fouls. Will Beefree, a team from Turin, be able to maintain the balance between the soul of Ultimate and the desire to win the Italian Championship?.



See 3 hours of explosive muscle-building action in this brand new release! This is 3 star segments featuring 3 of the world's top physique experts narrating their own workouts, explaining their nutritional philosophies, supplement programs, career choices and lots of crucial advice for beginners and intermediate bodybuilders. The star bodybuilders are MILOS SARCEV training BINAIS BECOVIC, STAN McQUAY and blond Aussie CON DEMETRIOU. 180 minutes of hard core, high intensity muscle busting action!.

My Biggest Distraction is That I Get Distracted

My Biggest Distraction is That I Get Distracted

The only thing more distracting than love, is the thought of love. You start to lose focus on what's important and you start making more bad decisions than you ever had before. It sounds like a dead end but you can bounce back if you realize what is more important, the uncertain future with someone or the good times that you're having now..