

Genghis Khan voirfilms

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan

De son enfance à sa vie d’adulte, l’histoire (romancée) de Temüjin qui deviendra le premier empereur mongol sous le nom de Genghis Khan. Très jeune, il est réduit en esclavage par le chef de tribu Djamuqa. Devenu adulte et libre, Temüjin n’aspirera qu’à se venger de son ancien ravisseur....

Genghis Khan à la conquête du monde

Genghis Khan à la conquête du monde

Genghis Khan. Le nom d'une légende. Un homme... presque un mythe. Découvrez l'incroyable destin de Genghis Khan, de sa naissance à son statut de chef charismatique à travers sa conquête du continent asiatique. Cet homme, à la fois fils, mari, père et conquérant, marquera l'histoire par ses batailles pour unir les tribus mongoles le menant à la tête d'un empire surpassant la taille de l?empire chinois en suivant une seule et unique règle : « Où je vais, je conquiers,... Les frontières disparaissent. ».

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan

Temüjin and Börte are childhood lovers who are deeply in love; but news of Temüjin's father's death swiftly disrupted their relationship. Temüjin heads back to his hometown, but was faced with a sudden attack from his father's former comrades, causing his whole tribe to be destroyed..



L'incroyable destinée de Gengis Khan. De son vrai nom Temudgin, ce légendaire chef des forces armées mongoles fut l'un des plus grands conquérants de l'histoire de l'humanité. Entre la fin du XIIe et le début du XIIIe siècle, il réussit à unir les tribus mongoles et créa un empire colossal comparable en taille à celui d'Alexandre le Grand..

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan

Que sait-on sur Gengis Khan ? « Frapper toujours le premier et se venger en toute circonstance ». Tels furent les deux adages que Gengis Khan appris d’une enfance particulièrement violente. Gengis a ainsi conquis un empire plus vaste que le grand Empire Romain et n’était mu que par un unique but : la victoire ! Sa légende perdure encore aujourd’hui… Ce passionnant documentaire vous permettra de percer à jour ce personnage à multiples facettes et de lever le voile sur ses mystères….

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan

Animated in an authentic graphic style with period music, the film tells the story of the first hunt of Genghis Khan as a small boy named Temujin. Directed by Miagmar Sodnompilin (Mongolia). Produced for Italtoons by David Ehrlich (USA)..

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan

This high quality animated feature tells the story of Temujin, a young boy who was brought up by wolves. Temujin became the great Mongolian leader who defeated enemies to protect the Mongol tribes, earning the title "Genghis Khan"..

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan is a Chinese-Mongolian co-produced television series based on the life story of Genghis Khan, the founder of the Mongol Empire in the 13th century. Ba Sen, who starred as Genghis Khan in the series, is actually a descendant of Chagatai, the second son of Genghis Khan. The series was first broadcast on CCTV in China in 2004 and was also aired on KBS in South Korea between September and December 2005..

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan

Temujin, who later became Genghis Khan is wise, or sometimes cunning. He goes through several heroic episodes; competing at the Man of Men contest, falling in love with the enemy commander's daughter, and struggling to restore his demolished hometown. Meanwhile his steps guide him to be a great conqueror. Khan's witty, humorous side in his adolescent years before he takes the throne..

Forbidden Tomb Of Genghis Khan

Forbidden Tomb Of Genghis Khan

Après avoir achevé sa thèse, Albert Yu-Min-Lin est parti dans les montagnes de Mongolie pour faire l'expérience de la vie nomade. Passionné par la légende de Genghis Khan, il a réuni une équipe de scientifiques et d'archéologues pour explorer la zone interdite. Celle-ci est située à plusieurs centaines de kilomètres au nord-ouest d'Oulan-Bator, si bien que l'équipe voyage au coeur de la steppe en 4x4 et à cheval. Dès son arrivée, elle effectue pendant plusieurs jours des relevés topographiques et satellites de la zone. Les résultats montrent que des murs ont été bâtis dans le sol. Un violent orage s'abat sur la zone et déracine des arbres..

On the Trail of Genghis Khan

On the Trail of Genghis Khan

For young Australian adventurer Tim Cope, this was the journey of a lifetime – travelling 10,000kms alone on horseback across the Eurasian steppe through Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine and Hungary. From the former Mongol capital Karakorum to the Danube, Tim retraced the path of the first nomads and followed the route taken by legendary Genghis Khan as he forged his great empire. Over three and a half gruelling years, and guided by an old Kazakh wisdom – “to understand the wolf, you must put on the skin of a wolf and look through its eyes” – Tim lived just as the ancient nomads did..

Genghis Khan: An Animated Classic

Genghis Khan: An Animated Classic

This high quality animated feature tells the story of Temujin, a young boy who was brought up by wolves. Temujin became the great Mongolian leader who defeated enemies to protect the Mongol tribes, earning the title "Genghis Khan"..

Genghis Khan Conquers the Moon

Genghis Khan Conquers the Moon

In Genghis Khan's last days, an encounter with a Wizard sends him to the Moon. Just as the Mediaeval anti-hero thinks he's made his greatest conquest, he finds himself on a spiritual quest, realizing the absurd clash between one man's need and the silence of the Universe..

Echoes of the Empire: Beyond Genghis Khan

Echoes of the Empire: Beyond Genghis Khan

In this cinematic view of Mongolia’s past and present, film director & novelist Robert H. Lieberman and long-time creative collaborators PhotoSynthesis Productions take us inside this vast but little-known land. New York Times best-selling author Jack Weatherford (“Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World”) delves into the extraordinary life and times of Genghis Khan. His Mongol Empire, which encompassed all of Asia, much of the Middle East and Europe continues to affect us even today. The film’s soundtrack weaves from ancient throat singing to Russian-influenced opera to contemporary Mongolian rock. Intimate stories told by Mongolians, from nomads to city dwellers, provide a rare insight into their psyches and the challenges they face in their post-Soviet world..