

Garden of Eden voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Garden of Eden

Garden of Eden

War widow and pre-teen daughter leave home of tyrannical father-in-law in Florida, get lost on a detour, and find shelter at a nudist colony..

Garden of Eden

Garden of Eden

A young American writer completes his service in WWI and travels across Europe with his wife and her attractive Italian girlfriend. Based on the novel by Ernest Hemingway..

Garden of Eden

Garden of Eden

The Eden family are devout Christians who have been very successful in business and are tech beyond their needs. To give back, they throw garden parties, in which each guest who finds a key has their dream come true, but “a dream for some can be a nightmare for others”..

Garden of Eden

Garden of Eden

Garden of Eden follows Jaliyah (Anyanwu Uwa) as she tries to make sense of her life as a young, newly outed lesbian. Following an altercation with her father, the 17-year old is forced into homelessness just neighborhoods away. As Jaliyah’s identity evolves, a friendship with an unlikely sidekick grows, along with her disdain for religion, society, and cultural norms..

Garden of Eden

Garden of Eden

Two hunky gardeners (and aspiring actors) who work in the buff for Hollywood's gay, rich, and famous; find themselves pitted against each other over the leading role in their boss' new script..

Pamela Anderson : mission rénovation

Pamela Anderson : mission rénovation

L'actrice Pamela Anderson laisse derrière elle sa vie hollywoodienne, et retourne à ses racines sur la côte de l'île de Vancouver, afin d'entreprendre une restauration massive de la propriété héritée de sa grand-mère..

The Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden

Toni Le Brun, une belle chanteuse viennoise, devient la pupille de la costumière d'un night-club de Monte-Carlo. Sa bienfaitrice, cependant, est en fait une baronne incognito. Toni tombe amoureuse du beau Richard, mais alors qu'ils se préparent à se marier, elle finit par croire qu'il n'en veut à sa richesse accompagnant son nouveau statut. Mais la vérité, comme le véritable amour, finira par éclater..

The Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden is a 1984 American short documentary film directed by Roger M. Sherman. The film posits that in the next 30 years, 20% of all forms of life will cease to exist. It argues that it can be for good business to save the environment: discoveries in the plant, animal, and microbiology worlds show that what you might think of as unimportant could be the cure to a major disease, save an entire species of plant, or ward off pests. The film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short..

The Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden

This poetic ensemble of personal stories converging over the course of a full year is a cinematic portrait of contemporary Israel: multifaceted, diverse, contradictory, complex. At Sakhne, one of the most popular parks in Israel, a varied collection of characters—recent immigrants, Zionist pioneers, Christians, Arabs and non-believers—coexist in an intricate microcosm of Israeli society. There are stories of camaraderie, loneliness, tolerance, intolerance, alienation and love. And each one, despite religion and politics, reminds us that we are, after all, one and the same. As summer turns to fall and winter, then spring, stories renew themselves with each new visitor that passes through the park gates..

Montage IV: The Garden of Eden

Montage IV: The Garden of Eden

The small town of Lucas, Kansas, is home to one of America’s most unique triumphs of self-expression: S. P. Dinsmoor’s fantastical backyard concrete and wood rendering of the Garden of Eden. Dinsmoor’s self-constructed and wildly imaginative figures represent one man’s attempt to make sense of the world in which he lived. A Civil War veteran, farmer, and self-taught artist, Dinsmoor created a work perhaps more relevant today than ever before; witness Dinsmoor’s Labor Crucified surrounded by a Doctor, a Lawyer, a Preacher, and a Banker to know that this garden is still thriving today. Adding to Dinsmoor’s triumph is the collective work of Montage Production’s Richard Grove, Richard J. Meyer, and Wayne Sourbeer, a trio of avant-garde filmmakers who simply and effectively captured the power of Dinsmoor’s architectural sculptures under the blue-gray skies of southeastern Kansas and further emboldens them using Dinsmoor’s own words..

Les chutes Victoria : Le jardin d'Éden africain

Les chutes Victoria : Le jardin d'Éden africain

Haut lieu touristique sur le fleuve Zambèze, les chutes du lac Victoria ont été découvertes en 1855 par le célèbre explorateur écossais David Livingstone. L'eau qui s'y engouffre bruyamment génère une brume irisée visible à des kilomètres à la ronde, ayant permis alentour le développement d'une petite forêt tropicale au-delà de laquelle les terres arides et la savane s'étendent à perte de vue. À la saison sèche, des familles d'éléphants quittent le parc national Hwange, situé à 100 kilomètres de là, pour chercher refuge dans les oasis créées par les chutes. N'hésitant pas à se baigner dans le fleuve, les pachydermes offrent un spectacle exceptionnel..

A Jumpin' Night in the Garden of Eden

A Jumpin' Night in the Garden of Eden

A Jumpin' Night in the Garden of Eden was the first film to document the klezmer revival, tracing the efforts of two founding groups, Kapelye and Boston's Klezmer Conservatory Band, to recover the lost history of klezmer music. For nearly a millennium, this vigorous and soulful music was part of the celebration of Jewish life in Eastern Europe. In the early decades of this century, the music took root in America. Klezmer musicians learned hundreds of tunes by ear and their ears were open to Gypsy, Ukrainian and Greek melodies of the old world, as well as to the new sounds of American jazz. Music born in Eastern Europe lived on in the imaginations of composers for New York's Yiddish theater, men whose tunes entered the mainstream through such unlikely adapters as the Andrew Sisters. Eventually Klezmer went underground as its audience assimilated into mainstream American culture..

The Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden

A young pick-pocket meets a sheltered teenage girl at an art museum while trying to lift her wallet. He falls in love with her and lures her to deserted strip of beach where he pretends his stolen motorbike has broken down and they are stranded. An unlikely romance follows..

Greatest Heroes and Legends of The Bible: The Garden of Eden

Greatest Heroes and Legends of The Bible: The Garden of Eden

"In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth..." With those words, the biblical story of creation beginsGod creates all the living creatures on land and water, and then creates man in His own image. Now, with this beautiful animated film, your family can experience the true power of this extraordinary story. Adam is alone, but eventually God decides to give him a companion and creates Eve. For a time, it seems that they will live indefinitely in Paradise, until the story takes a tragic turn. Tempted by a serpent, Eve eats fruit from the Tree of Knowledge - the one food forbidden in all of Paradise - and convinces Adam to join her. When God discovers what has happened, He banishes Adam and Eve from the Garden, and they must struggle for survival. They experience much heartbreak, but never give up hope, and that is what this story is about. It reflects our own struggle to survive - and our hope that someday we will rejoin God in Paradise..

The Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden

Alessandro D'Alatri directed this Italian drama about Jesus Christ, covering his childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood, an 18-year span not chronicled in the Bible. The film uses names of the period instead of names given in the Bible. The adult Jeoshua (Kim Rossi Stuart) reflects on past events -- his journey into the desert, baptism, acceptance into the Essenes' community, Jewish life in Galilee, his yeshiva studies, education from his father Josef (Omar Chenbod), and his spiritual growth. After seeing slavery, crucifixions, the stoning of an adulteress, and brutal Roman soldiers, Jeoshua turns to God for answers, leaves the village, and is betrayed by his friend Aziz (Said Taghmaoui), who leaves him to die in the desert. Issues such as carnality bring Jeoshua in conflict with the Essenes, yet he speaks out on behalf of the Essene David (popular Italian singer Lorenzo Cherubini)..