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Gall Force: Earth Chapter

Gall Force: Earth Chapter

Many of Earth's survivors have been successfully evacuated to the Mars Base, leaving Sandy Neuman and the other remaining military forces to continue their fight against the machines. Thirty secret missile silos are the Earth forces' best bet to take down the MME citadel in Australia, but their comrades on Mars are hesitant to offer their support. Against all odds, Sandy and the gang must endure the bloodshed and try desperately to turn the tides of war - but the MME won't go down so easily....

Gall Force: Earth Chapter

Gall Force: Earth Chapter

After the completion of Operation Exodus,the Earth-based forces must survive long enough for the Mars re-inforcements. During this time, Sandy Newman and her squad face a challenge to their military training in the form of a quasi-religious group called Geo Chris which endeavours to make the Earth green once more. Unknown to them, the plans Mars have drawn up will kill the machines and the forces fighting against them..