

Free State streaming vf complet gratuit

Free State

Free State

Jeanette is a beautiful open minded law student. She decided to study while her boyfriend is completing his national military service. They are set to be engaged when he returns. During her summer holiday with her father in the Free State a random act of kindness by an attractive Indian man sparks an unexpected love affair. Despite being warned not to act on these feelings she decides to pursue this relationship. Secret meetings followed, since it was against the law at the time to have an interracial relationship. When their secret comes out, it leads to a very tragic turn of events..

Free State of Jones

Free State of Jones

En pleine guerre de Sécession, Newton Knight, courageux fermier du Mississippi, prend la tête d’un groupe de modestes paysans blancs et d'esclaves en fuite pour se battre contre les États confédérés. Formant un régiment de rebelles indomptables, Knight et ses hommes ont l'avantage stratégique de connaître le terrain, même si leurs ennemis sont bien plus nombreux et beaucoup mieux armés… Résolument engagé contre l'injustice et l'exploitation humaine, l'intrépide fermier fonde le premier État d'hommes libres où Noirs et Blancs sont à égalité..

War on Whistleblowers: Free Press and the National Security State

War on Whistleblowers: Free Press and the National Security State

War on Whistleblowers: Free Press and the National Security State highlights four cases where whistleblowers noticed government wrong-doing and took to the media to expose the fraud and abuse. It exposes the surprisingly worsening and threatening reality for whistleblowers and the press. The film includes interviews with whistleblowers Michael DeKort, Thomas Drake, Franz Gayl and Thomas Tamm and award-winning journalists like David Carr, Lucy Dalglish, Glenn Greenwald, Seymour Hersh, Michael Isikoff, Bill Keller, Eric Lipton, Jane Mayer, Dana Priest, Tom Vanden Brook and Sharon Weinberger..

Scratch Free State

Scratch Free State

Scratch Free State has great energy and straddles an interesting line between a popular culture and fine art sensibility. This piece was made at the same time as Tilt. It is probably the best example of what an artist can do re-cutting and processing David Attenborough's Life On Earth programmes..

Caught in a Free State

Caught in a Free State

Caught in a Free State was a dramatised television series made by RTÉ in 1983. This four-part series was about German spies in neutral Ireland during World War II, known in Ireland as "The Emergency"..

Sandra of the Tuliphouse or How to Live in a Free State

Sandra of the Tuliphouse or How to Live in a Free State

Past and present life in the anarchistic "free city" of Christiania, in Copenhagen, Denmark. In Sandra of the Tuliphouse or How to Live in Free State, Christiania is approached at face-value, as a self-described laboratory of freedom, an environment that provides an almost unparalleled opportunity to unravel a very particular history of markedly contrasting power relations and vivid social forces. Borrowing from the usually dispirit practices of cultural geography and fictional narrative the project is constructed as a visual, spatial, and aural investigation of the site. The situation at Christiania in 2001 is compared with its distant past as a military base, its more recent utopian regeneration, and its possible future..