

Fragile streaming vf complet gratuit



Fragile raconte à rebours l’histoire d’une rencontre improbable, celle de Dominic Couture et de Félix Bachand, leur amitié terriblement singulière et tragique dans une petite ville de province, dont la mort mystérieuse créera une onde de choc dans leurs familles respectives, révélant au passage des secrets jusque-là jalousement protégés, d’étranges liaisons et des intentions cachés..



Une jeune infirmière décroche un travail dans un hôpital pour enfant totalement délabré sur le point de fermer ses portes. En effet, les autorités ont détecté une étrange détérioration de la structure du bâtiment. Les derniers patients ont trois semaines pour être transférés vers des hôpitaux Londonien. Mais le processus est plus long que prévu et une série d'orages empêche les hélicoptères d'opérer le transport. Peu à peu, d'étranges événements surviennent au sein de ce bâtiment vieux de plus d'un siècle. Pire, les enfants commencent à être victimes d'accidents inexplicables, comme des fractures apparues sans raison. La jeune femme devra lutter contre une chose invisible, pleine de haine, pour protéger les enfants....



Az travaille chez un ostréiculteur à Sète. Les huîtres il connaît ça par cœur, il les ouvre par centaines. Dans l’une d’elle, Az décide de cacher une bague, pour demander sa petite amie Jess en mariage. Elle ne dit pas oui. Heureusement, sa bande d’amis est prête à tout pour l’aider à sortir la tête de l’eau..



Sam, potier à Genève et sa sœur Catherine, étudiante en médecine en Belgique, n'ont en commun que leurs souvenirs d'enfance et leur amour pour leur mère, restée seule après son divorce. Catherine ne sait pas que cette mère tant aimée est atteinte d'une forme grave de la maladie d'Alzheimer et c'est Sam qui tente de lui trouver un abri pour les jours difficiles à venir ....



The film accompanies Evgeny Mokhorev as he photographs people on the street in St. Petersburg in the tradition of Brassaï. In the next part he shares a deep insight in his way of working with nude models. The film features several series of outstanding and moving photographs by Evgeny Mokhorev about children and teens in St. Petersburg. In between the movie shows further interviews with honoured Art Collector Joseph Baio (Aperture Foundation), Nailya Alexander (Gallerist of Evgeny Mokhorev, New York), Ekaterina Kondranina (Curator, House of Photography, Moscow) and Dr. Irina Tchmyreva (Art Historian, Curator, Moscow)..



Sonja repairs trains and wagons and has recently been abandoned by her husband. Now she wants to concentrate on her career, which she tells Kenneth, her colleague. New at the work place is the "engine-driver" with an obscure past. Sonja is fascinated with this man and his mysterious façade..



Out of options, Kathleen, an estranged wife suffering from kidney failure, descends into the gritty underworld of black market human organ trafficking..



At 24 glasses per second, Jules the wine goblet and Pierre the beer mug face each other in a duel to conquer Laurence, the pretty champagne flute. It's an action film complete with breathless combats and amazing stunts where there is only one rule: Don't get broken! But sometimes the heart is more fragile than glass..



FRAGILE is the story of a woman who is killed in a car crash and is given one day more to spend with the people she loves. FRAGILE is a short parable about the things we often take for granted until they are gone, like friendship and love from those that are close to us. It is a film about the precious gift of life, and the fragility of our existence. Death, its imminence and certainty despite our efforts to deny it, is examined in a meditative manner. FRAGILE entertains by means of serious reflection and lyrical contemplation..



Through his struggle with gender identity, a young boy stands up for himself and embarks on a difficult journey of self - discovery and contentment.



Fragile tells the story about a ceramic girl who lives in a small drab village that sits in a valley surrounded by huge mountains. One day she wrangles the courage to scale the mountain but falls shattering herself into a thousand pieces. From the ashes she arises – transformed into a fairy. She flies over the mountain to discover a magically colorful world awaiting..



Performance on the fragility of life as represented from the body as home, appearance that unites the internal with the external and resilient power..



After years of loneliness, Mr. Nakashima befriends a helper robot, making his days happier. One day they receive a threatening visit..



Kishi Keiichitaro est un pathologiste extrêmement séduisant, intensément excentrique et brutalement honnête, mais qui détient également l’un des esprits les plus brillants. Un pathologiste est un médecin dont le travail consiste à déterminer un diagnostic de maladie ou de cause de décès en se basant sur un ensemble de données, notamment les tissus d'un patient, ses fluides corporels, ses prélèvements d'organes, son sang, etc..



11 Super 8 films by Helga Fanderl, made between 1986 and 2005. The selected films, Polar Bear, Passers-By, Bulrushes, Fountain, Girls, Ferris Wheel, Airplanes II, Falling Water, Under the Water Lilies, Weybridge and Fireworks, are a small sample of her large body of work which now includes over 200 Super 8 films. Helga Fanderl uses a shoot and cut technique where the act of perceiving and filming are one and the same. There is no post shot editing involved, everything is done in the camera. The films show what’s happening in front of the camera as well as the simultaneous logical process of its transformation by using the chronology of the event as cinematographic writing..

The Fragile Heart

The Fragile Heart

Edgar Pascoe is a highly successful and charismatic cardiac surgeon. Pre-eminent in his field, he is the embodiment of the upper echelons of medicine: urbane, assured, supremely confident in his own abilities. But he is not infallible - either in the operating theatre or in his private life with his divided family. Edgar's wife Lileth, a dedicated and compassionate country GP, is increasingly drawn to the holistic arts of healing still practiced in the East, but scorned by purveyors of Western technology. As their professional ideals and methods clash, so inevitably does their relationship. Nicola is Edgar's favoured child, ruthless and unscrupulous in her ambition to emulate her illustrious father. But it is in China, heading a medical delegation, that Edgar is confronted by an ethical dilemma over the abuse of human rights and is forced into a painful moral awakening which will prove to affect every area of his life..